Chapter 30 - Sarang

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Sarang - (v.) the feeling of wanting to be with someone until death.


In the months since Lillian had met Sirius Black, she had begun to find comfort in the night sky. She often found herself sitting by her bedroom window, staring out at the dimmed stars and the silvery moon. When she had been younger, she never cared too much about the night, much preferring the warm, afternoon sunlight.

But, after spending many evenings in the company of Sirius -a man named after not one, but two stars- she found a new appreciation for the stars, something he often talked to her about. He would sit with her for hours pointing out the different stars and constellations, teaching her the meanings and myths behind them.

He would always insist that his favorite constellation was the Canis Majoris and that his favorite star was 'obviously Sirius', but Lillian felt that wasn't quite true.

Sirius never spoke directly of his late brother, but he did tell her a lot about the Leo constellation, specifically the brightest star in it that sat at the heart of the lion. He claimed he didn't remember the name of said star, but Lillian knew it to be Regulus.

Lillian and Sirius were sat together on the balcony of Twelve Grimmauld Place one April evening, his arm curled around her and her head on his shoulder. He had just finished telling her the story of the Nemean Lion, which Leo was based off of. A brief silence fell over the two before he spoke up again.

"What's your favorite constellation?"

Lillian had her answer in seconds, not needing much time to think. "Lyra."

"Oh?" He hummed. Lillian could her the smile in his voice as he spoke, "and why's that, love?"

"Well," she began, lifting her head to look up at him. His eyes were bright, the moon reflected in them as he gazed down at her, the same loving expression in them as usual. "I think the story behind it is rather beautiful. It's also my favorite instrument. I used to play it with my aunt when we'd visit her in France."

"You play the lyre? How come I don't know this?" Sirius gasped with feigned offense, pressing a hand to his forehead dramatically.

"Not many people play it these days, so I didn't think it worth mentioning," she sighed. The lyre was a truly lovely instrument and she always wished more people played it.

"You're going to play me a song one day and that's nonnegotiable," he smiled, brushing his thumb against her arm.

"When this is all over and you're not a wanted escapee, I'll take you to meet my family in France and I'll play you every song I know. How's that?" Lillian returned the smile, lying her head back onto his shoulder.

"That sounds brillant."

She wanted more than anything to bring him to France with her and have him meet her family. But, she had the oddest feeling such a thing wouldn't happen.

Shrugging the feeling off, she stood abruptly from the bench and strolled inside to his bedroom. She had the sudden urge to dance with him.

"Love?" He questioned, walking in after her and leaning on the doorframe, "what are you up to?"

"You'll see," she chimed, rifling through his record collection. It was mostly rock, not exactly what she was looking for. "I'll be right back."

She walked down the hall to her room and pulled open a drawer in her dresser. When she had been packing her things in Germany, she had packed a few of her mother's favorite records to play for her if she had the chance. And since she hadn't yet gotten to, she decided to play her personal favorite so Sirius.

Holding it carefully in her arms, she headed back to his room. He was still stood by the doorframe, eyeing her with curious amusement, an expression she found on his face quite often. He fiddled with the cuff of his whit button up while she placed the record in the old record player, dropping the needle down to the third song.

La Vie En Rose by Edith Piaf began to play, the song tugging Lillan's lips up into an immediate smile. Turning to Sirius, she waltzed over to him, bending at the waist and offering her hand, "may I have this dance, Mr. Black?"

Sirius grinned, slipping his hand into her's, "of course you can, Mrs. Black."

Lillian couldn't remember when he had begun to call her Mrs. Black, but she had never corrected him or scolded him for it. In fact, she rather fancied the way it sounded. Lillian Black. The thought made her heart flutter and the smile on her lips broaden.

He held her right hand in his left as his arm snaked around her waist, pulling her close against him. He rested his head against her, swaying her to the song gently.

Unlike most times she and Sirius were together, he didn't speak. Instead, he listened to the music and the soft hum of her voice as she sang quietly along, swaying in his arms. She couldn't think of a better place, a better feeling in the world than dancing with him.

She didn't know when she had fallen in love with him, but it didn't matter to her when she did. The only thing that mattered to her was that he returned it in full, something that had her blushing softly to herself. No man, or woman, had ever made her blush before, but Sirius Black was full of surprises.

"I knew we'd get together. From the moment I saw you standing at the front door, hugging Angeline, I knew," Sirius commented, his voice low and quiet.

"Did you?" Lillian smiled. She'd be lying if she said she didn't feel the same.

"Oh, of course," he chuckled, "no one can resist my charm."

He wasn't wrong and they both knew it. From the moment he had sketched a bow and said the words 'Sirius Black. Pleasure to meet you Lillian," she had been his.

"Or perhaps it's you who can't resist my charm? I am Veela, you know. I could have had you under my spell this whole time," she quipped.

"Even if I was under your spell, I wouldn't want to leave if it meant I could stay with you," Sirius whispered against her ear, his breath tickling her skin and sending a shiver down her spine.

"I love you," she mumbled quietly against his shoulder, biting back the smile that threatened to overtake her. She loved Sirius Black more than she thought she could love anyone. He was her's and she was his, completely and entirely.

"I know," he mused, "can't resist me, can you?"

"You're such a dog."

"I love you too."

Author Note:

Hi, hey, hello.

This chapter caused my physical pain, oh my god I'm so sad.

Please make sure to vote so I can write more things that make me cry.

-Dria <8

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