Chapter 3 - Cartref

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Cartref - A place of feeling or belonging: a gathering place for family to join together in laughter and love.


It was the next morning and Evangeline was feeling fantastic. Despite the gloominess of her room, she'd slept wonderfully. Though, that could have very well been attributed to the pleasant night she'd spent chatting away with Remus Lupin.

All her life, Evangeline had never had a problem getting along with people or making friends and last night certainly proved that.

It was mid day and she was sat at an old, cherry wood desk, quill in hand and a scroll of parchment placed in front of her. She had just finished writing a letter to Lillian, and had no moved on to Elio's letter.

She wrote about how the mission yesterday went, about meeting up with Bill and Tonks, and also of the certain sandy haired wizard. When she had finished writing about herself, she asked a few questions, such as how his band was doing, when their tour would end, and if he could send over some CD's of their new album for her to show Tonks.

While Tonks had a massive crush on him she was awfully bad at hiding, Elio was rather thick and hadn't the slightest clue of her feelings, something Evangeline intended to change eventually.

Sealing the two letters with her own customized wax stamp (it had a badger and her initials on it), she picked them up and stood from the desk making her way to the door. As she walked, she caught her reflection in the vanity mirror.

She'd put on a white and navy blue plaid skirt and tucked in a cream colored white into the waistband. She'd also slipped on a pair of white converse white the same navy blue color for the laces.

She gave her reflection a smile but couldn't help noticing that her outfit lacked something, but she merely shrugged and left the room, pulling the door shut behind her.

Making her way to the dining room where she knew everyone was having lunch, she felt a smile tug at her lips, her arms swinging back and forth. She secretly hoped she'd see Remus.

Dragging a hand over her face, she mumbled to herself, "slow down, Angie, he probably doesn't even think I'm cute,"

"Who thinks your cute?"

Jumping, a surprised gasp coming from her, she looked behind her to see Molly Weasley grinning expectantly.

"Oh, um, no one," she mumbled quickly, swallowing hard.

Evangeline knew exactly why the woman asked and could only pray she didn't bring it up.

But, Molly being Molly, did exactly that.

"You know, dear, I think Bill is in the dinning room," she leaned, an innocent smile playing at her lips, "and he happens to find you very cute."

Evangeline's cheeks flushed a deep pink and her chocolate brown eyes went wide.

"M-Molly, you know he and I-" Evangeline was cut off by the woman shaking her head, the smile still on her lips as she patted her shoulder and headed off to the dinning room, humming softly to herself as she went.

Evangeline let out a sigh, dragging a hand through her hair with a soft giggle. Molly was the most persistent woman she'd ever met.

After taking a moment to gather herself, she entered the dinning room, letters still clutched in her hand as she made her way to the table where a majority of the house was sat.

"Does anyone have an owl I can borrow?"

She had left her own, Darcy, with Lillian in Germany since she wouldn't be at her apartment in Diagon Alley very often in the following weeks.

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