Chapter 1 - Serendipity

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(n.) finding something good without looking for it.


"Now, on to today's assignment," Dumbledore cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the gathered Order of The Phoenix members, "as you all may know, Harry Potter has been expelled from Hogwarts following the illegal casting of the Patronus spell in the presence of a Muggle."

Evangeline hadn't known of this, her dark eyes widening in shock, but she stayed silent, hoping Dumbledore would elaborate as to why the boy even needed to cast such a spell.

"He and his cousin were attacked by two Dementors yesterday evening. Seeing as Harry is no longer safe in Little Whinging, I have assigned a group of you to retrieve him and safely bring him here, to Twelve Grimmauld Place. You all have already been notified of this, all but the last person," Dumbledore, as well as everyone else gathered, turned to Evangeline who would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous having so many eyes on her, "Miss. Love, you will be joining the group to retrieve Mr. Potter. You are to fly around them as they fly back on broomstick to keep an eye out for Death Eaters or anything of the like, understood?"

Evangeline nodded quickly, biting back the small smile she felt tug at the corners of her lip gloss coated lips. Being a healer, never had she been apart of something of this nature and she couldn't help but feel excitement.

Dumbledore gave her a small smile before rising from his chair, hands braced on the long oak table, "Alastor, let me know how the mission goes," he looked to a man Evangeline knew indirectly as Alastor Moody, "right then, you leave in ten minutes, make sure to keep him safe."

And with that, Albus Dumbledore exited the dining room, leaving the gathered Order members to prepare for the mission.

Not a moment passed when Tonks leaned over and gave Evangeline a tight hug, "I missed you so much, Goldie," she swayed back and forth, arms still around her.

"I missed you too, it's been far too long," Evangeline sighed, comforted by the familiar smell of her best friend, vanilla and bubblegum.

The last time the two Hufflepuff's had seen each other was for Evangeline's twentieth birthday. That was two years ago.

Both witches have been incredibly busy with work, and in Evangeline's case, traveling as well.

Tonks's work as an Auror is extremely time consuming with demanding hours, and Evangeline's work as a healer at St. Mungos was both physically and mentally taxing. Combined with Evangeline traveling to Germany often for weeks at a time, there wasn't much opportunity for the two to meet up.

However, they did exchange frequent letters, more than a few times a week, writing each other about their days and such.

"Come here, give me a proper hug, I missed you too."

Turning around, she saw Bill Weasley standing behind his chair, smiling brightly down at her, his ginger hair pushed behind his ears.

It had been even longer since Evangeline had seen Bill, so she wasted not a second before jumping up and throwing her arms around him as best she could considering the staggering height difference.

"I had no idea you'd be in the Order, I thought you were working in Egypt," she stated as they hugged, leaning her head against his chest.

"I have been, but I came back recently and transferred to Gringgots so I could help out here," he explained, pulling back, much to both of theirs dismay.

"Its good to see you both and I'm so bloody excited to have you two around more often, even if it is due to You-Know-Who returning," Evangeline sighed, her gaze flickering between Tonks and Bill before catching on two men chatting in the back on the opposite side of the table, her gaze connecting with one of theirs.

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