Chapter 2 - Fika

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Fika - A moment to slow down and appreciate the good things in life.


Only after the meeting had concluded and the members who weren't staying for dinner had left did Molly Weasley allow the teenagers in.

Evangeline was still stood off to the side with Bill when his siblings- as well as Harry and a young girl with curly brown hair- entered the room, all talking and chatting about rather loudly as they took their seats at the long table.

"You alright? We can go talk-" Bill was cut off by the sudden appearance by two red haired twins now at their sides.

"Evan-" "Geline?" Fred spoke first, George finishing, the pair with their heads tilted to the side questioningly.

"When did you two get ba-"

"We didn't," Bill interrupted, sending his younger brothers a sharp glare.

"Its nice to you both, have you been keeping up our legacy?" Evangeline gestured with her head to where Tonks sat, the witch laughing loudly.

"Of course we have," George started, "I'd say we're close to out doing you two," Fred grinned brightly, crossing his arms over his chest.

Evangeline chuckled, patting their shoulders as she made to head over and join the rest, "I'm sure you are."

She gave Bill a smile and a nod, letting him know she was fine, and strolled over, taking her seat back next to Remus and Sirius.

"Evangeline," Sirius cleared his throat with a cough, turning to face her, "what you said to Snivellus, is it true?"

She let out a sigh, leaning back in her chair. She didn't particularly want to talk about it, but decided she had no real reason not to tell him.

"During my years at Hogwarts, he constantly belittled me, calling me stupid, an idiot, even a brainless brat, all sorts of names. It'd get a lot worse everytime Tonks and I would pull a prank. Even if the prank had nothing to do with him, he'd always make sure I was to serve the detentions with him. His constant name calling and verbal abuse ended up being the reason I stopped trying to become an Auror. I suppose its petty to still hold a grudge, but I honestly don't care."

It was silent a moment before Remus spoke up, "Its not petty in the slightest to have a grudge against him, not after what you just said," he paused, staring at her a moment before continuing, "what did you end up being instead of an Auror?"

"I work at St. Mungos, not really as a Healer, more so as a care taker. I look after the patients there and help out when needed. I don't get paid for it, its just something I like to do."

The corners of his mouth lifted into a soft smile, his eyes gazing at her with what could be described as adoration, though she didn't pay much mind to that.

Sirius had turned and begun talking to Harry and Kingsley Shacklebolt about You-Know-Who, showing him the Daily Prophet.

Evangeline let loose another sigh and took a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"Something the matter?" Remus asked, cutting into a chicken breast as he spoke.

"I just wish people would at least spend dinners not talking about him. I understand things have changed and he has returned, but I think there should be times when people appreciate the normalcy we have left and spend some time just living," she huffed, pushing around the roasted potatoes with her fork.

"Well, what would you rather talk about?" He questioned, leaning back in his seat, his head resting on his hand as he waited for her to speak.

Evangeline smiled and scooted her chair to face him better. "To start, I'd talk about why this house is so bloody depressing."

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