Chapter 10 - Cingulomania

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Cingulomania - A strong desire to hold a person in your arms.


A few days had passed and Evangeline was pacing outside Remus's bedroom.

It was the evening of the full moon and she was debating whether or not to knock on his door. She'd been mentally preparing herself to knock all day, yet she had been pacing for nearly fifteen minutes.

On one hand, she wanted to be there for him during the transformation, but on the other, she didn't want to impose on him.

Raking her fingers through her hair, she huffed a hefty sigh.

Deciding that to knock would be imposing, she turned sharply on her heel, only to bump into a smirking Sirius.

"Evening, Angeline. Got lost?" He hummed, leaning against the wall beside the doorframe.

"N-no, of course not, I was just- um-"

Quicker than she could say Quidditch, Sirius reached a hand around her, placing two loud knocks against the black painted door. He flashed her a cocky grin and took off, bolting down the stairs at lightning speed.

"You arrogant-"

The door swung slowly open with a creak, an exhausted and sweating Remus struggling to stand. "Padfoot- O-oh, Evangeline, are you alright? You look rather flustered."

She was flustered, but seeing him in such a state had her pushing gently past him and into his room. "I'm going to stay with you for the full moon."

Remus, using the door to stabilize himself, he shook his head, "you really don't need to, I've been doing this alone for-"

"Yes, I know you've had to do it alone for a long time, but you don't have to anymore," she bit the inside of her cheek nervously, but held her ground, "I'm staying with you tonight."

"Evangeline, please-"

"Remus, you're not even in a state to make me leave, now shut the door and lay down," she ordered, reaching into the extendable pouch at her hip. She pulled out a Sleeping Draught, as well as a regular pain tonic.

Remus stared at her for a moment before sighing. "You're incredibly stubborn, I hope you know that," he mumbled, shutting the door and shuffling over to his bed.

Dropping himself onto the bed, a wince leaving his lips, he glanced up to Evangeline, an embarrassed expression on his scarred face.

"You really should go, I'm sure there's a better way you could be spending your night-"

"For the love of Merlin's left tit, shut up," she shoved both potions into his hands, "take these, it'll help. And I'm staying, so quit arguing."

A slight smile tugged at his lips as he shook his head, downing both potions with a cringe.

"Fine, you can stay. But, I don't want you looking when I transform, it's horrible," he mumbled, gritting his teeth as his eyes fluttered shut.

"I won't be paying attention because I'll be shifting at the same time," she offered him a smile, sitting next to him on the bed, "you're not a monster, Remus."

His chocolate brown eyes met hers before he glanced down at his clenched fists, "Evan-" He was cut off as a groan slipped past his lips, his head falling into his hand. "L-look away, p-please."

Evangeline, although incredibly concerned, did as he asked and stood, walking over to a corner of the room, her back turned to the man.

Tears welled in her eyes as she heard the pained groans and cries from Remus as he transformed, a sliver of moonlight streaming through the closed curtains, illuminating her shadow on the wall she faced.

Remus had spent twelve years enduring the full moons alone, only getting the relief of the Wolfsbane potion upon becoming a professor at Hogwarts two years prior. With no friends left and no family remaining, he had been completely alone for so, so long.

Tears were now streaming down her cheeks as his cries began to turn to soft whines and whimpers.

Taking that as her cue, she began shifting. Her body snapped, stretched, changed, and shrunk into the form of a golden retriever. The strip of moonlight shone against her now gold fur, almost making it glow against the dark contrast of the room, only a small lamp lit in on his nightstand.

Turning around, Evangeline saw a large wolf- far bigger than her current form- lying at the foot of the queen sized bed, head resting on his paws.

His eyes, still the same shade of chocolate brown, met hers. Without a moments hesitation, she trotted over, tail wagging gently.

Moony- Sirius had explained their nicknames- tilted his head to the side, watching as she stepped closer.

She wanted him to know that she'd be there for him, that he wouldn't have to he alone anymore. She wanted to wrap her arms around him, hold him in her arms. But, without a human mouth to articulate such feeling, and without arms to hold him, she did the next best thing.

Dropping down beside him, she curled up against him, gazing up at him as if to ask is this okay? His answer was in the form of a slight nod, eyes wary as he looked down at her.

When she stopped moving, comfortable in her position, there was a moment where neither moved, both hearts racing. But, the moment vanished as he gently lowered his head, lying it on top of hers.

The pair, Moony and Goldie, lie in that position for the rest of the night, and for the first time in his life, he felt at complete and utter ease during a full moon, falling asleep out of comfort and not exhaustion.


"Do you reckon it worked?"

"Do I reckon? Of course it worked. The moment he see's she's not scared and doesn't think less of him, he'll melt like butter."

"You're awfully cocky for a dog."

"And you're awfully judgy for a cat."

"Shut it, Black."

"As you wish, Love."


Author note: hi, hey, hello! this is a rather short chapter because I wanted it to be just this scene, as well as the little bickering at the end lol.

I hope you're all enjoying Redamancy because I'm absolutely enjoying writing it.

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-Dria :)

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