Chapter 27 - Hellion

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Hellion - (n.) a rowdy or mischievous person.


Two miserable weeks had past for Evangeline. It had taken longer than expected for her to recover from her bout of sickness, spending nearly a week straight unable to walk. She never had gotten so sick before, something she and Lillian attributed to the stress of her breakup, attack, and the news of their father.

The only semi good part of the two weeks was the company Remus had kept her. Despite her daily protests for him to leave her be, he seldom did. He brought her all her meals, drinks, snacks and everything in between. He kept his space though, letting her be the one to initiate conversations, which she 'begrudgingly' did.

Truthfully, she was more than happy to have the company and was more than happy to have him back around, even if it was only platonically.

Every time she would protest, tell him to bugger off, he remained patient with her, an almost permanent smile on his lips and his eyes continuously gazed warmly down at her.

Each night, he'd knock at her door and walk in with two hot cocoas, one with insane amounts of whipped cream and cinnamon, and the other more tame. He'd sit down in the chair beside her bed and they'd talk about anything and everything. When she felt particularly sick, he'd tell her stories from his time at Hogwarts with James and Sirius. When he spoke about Peter Pettigrew, his tone and expression was one of bitter-sweet. Evangeline often wondered what the four Gryffindors were like back then.

It was almost dinner and Evangeline was in the living room listening to music and chatting with Sirius. They were listening to A Well Respected Man by The Kinks and talking about pranks they had pulled on Snape.

"There's no way you did that," Sirius shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm not lying! You can ask Tonks next time we see her, she'll back me up," Evangeline swore, raising her hands in defense.

She had told him of a prank she, Tonks, and Charlie had played on Snape in their last year of school. It had been Charlie's idea to spice up his classroom. By spice up, he had come up with the idea to get a portrait of Snape painted in a rather... indecent pose. Tonks had provided the distraction, approaching the old git as Filch, rambling about annoying kids. Charlie had been the look out while Evangeline snuck in, placing the painting on display just before class began.

To say Snape was livid would be a sore understatement.

"Did you guys get caught?" Sirius questioned, taking a sip from his glass of butterbeer.

"Of course we did," she chuckled, "there wasn't anyone else in the school stupid enough to do that."

"How long were you in detention?"


Evangeline had been about to answer him, telling him about their four month nightly detentions when a loud knock sounded at the front door. With a loud sigh, she untangled herself from the throw blanket she'd been lying with and set down her own glass of butterbeer. "I'll get it," she mumbled, stretching her arms as she walked.

The only people she could expect to be at the door were Elio and Tonks, but when she swung open the door, the two people stood in front of her were certainly not either one of them.

"What the bloody hell are you two doing here?"

Stood on the steps of Twelve Grimmauld Place was George and Fred, their lips spread in shit eating grins. Their clothes were covered in ash, their hands and faces included. They looked absolutely insane.

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