Chapter 29 - Agape

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Agape - (n.) true, unconditional love.

Listen to the song above when it gets to Lillian.


Sirius was on his feet in a split second, his face marred with worry and panic. Evangeline could tell he was panicking; his best friends son, his godson, was being attacked. She saw him twitch to the door, preparing to take off and be reckless, so she latched her hand around his wrist.

"Sirius, you can't go. You're still a wanted man, you'll be given the Kiss," she held on tighter as he tried to run again, "Harry needs you."

"You're right, he needs me," he snapped, pulling his hand away and rushing from the room, the photo album discarded on the bed where they'd been sat.

"Yeah, alive!" She called after him, jumping to her feet and following him.

He had shifted into his Animagus form and was bounding down the hallway. Knowing she couldn't restrain him in her human form, she shifted into a wolf- the first thing she thought of. It was a painful transformation as she leapt during it, her body straining and shifting mid air. She couldn't let Sirius get to the Ministry; he'd get arrested and given the Dementors Kiss.

Tackling him, the pair tumbled painfully down the stairs, scratching and biting the other the whole way. She wasn't letting him go- no way. He was someone to Lillian and she wasn't going to let her sister be alone.

Sirius snarled at her, biting her neck and pushing her away with his paws. She knew all he wanted was to help Harry, but he couldn't help him if he was dead.

Their snarls and barks had attracted the attention of the others in the house, Remus and Lillian hurrying into the foyer. Evangeline had Sirius pinned to the ground, using every bit of her strength to keep him from bucking her off and Apparating to the Ministry.

"What the bloody hell are you two doing?" Lillian demanded, her cold glare shifting between Sirius and Evangeline.

Sirius shifted back into his human form, his face tight in annoyance as Evangeline remained as a wolf, pinning him to the wooden floor. "Harry is being attacked at the Ministry and your sister won't let me leave," he grumbled out, straining against her.

"Harry's being attacked?" Remus gasped, worry marring his face. His shoulders were tense and he looked ready to bolt.

"Evangeline, get off him. We need to get to the Ministry, there's no time for this," Lillian ordered, taking the role of the hard-ass older sister she used to be.

Evangeline knew it was true. They had no idea what was happening there and had no idea how long it had been going on. So, with a glare at the two, she stepped off the man and shifted back. "Fine, but if he gets arrested, it on you," she snarked before rushing out the front door and Apparated to the Department of Mysteries, not waiting for the trio.

Within a few seconds, she was in the middle of spells and hexes, her wand clutched in her hand as she narrowly a green curse shot right at her. Her heart was hammering in her chest and she felt anxiety boiling to the surface, but she pushed it aside; now wasn't the time to get scared.

She spotted Neville fighting off a Death Eater -Rabastan Lestrange- along side a short, rather calm looking blonde girl. The pair were bloodied and their clothes were a mess but they didn't waver, determination clear on their faces. If someone wasn't actively trying to murder him, Evangeline would have been proud.

Knowing the two were fighting a loosing battle, she hurried over to help just as Lillian, Remus, and Sirius Apparated in. Sirius planted himself between Lucius Malfoy and Harry. He retorted something before decking Malfoy in the jaw, sending the man flying back onto the ground.

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