Chapter 28 - Wonderwall

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Wonderwall - (adj.) someone who you find yourself thinking about all the time. The person who you're completely infatuated with.


Evangeline paced around the length of her room, mentally cursing herself for her feelings and for her stupidity. Water her fish. How stupid was she? Complicated. Had she taken one too many bludgers to the head in school?

It was true, her feelings for Remus were complicated. She thought about him almost constantly, her mind somehow always wandering back to him even when she tried her best not to let it. She didn't want to- that's a lie, she did want to think about him, just didn't know what that meant. Well, it surely meant she was having trouble moving on for starters.

Evangeline had never had a hard time moving on in the past. She didn't have a hard time moving on from Bill, nor did she have a hard time moving on from Rosemary Nott, or any of the other small relationships she'd had in the years between her breaking up with Bill and meeting Remus.

Yet, for some reason, she couldn't get over him.

It was driving her bloody mad not being able to at least figure out what about him made her feel the way she felt. Maybe if she figured that out, she could work around it and move on. After all, he had told her to do just that in his letter.

Dropping down onto the foot of her bed, Evangeline tasked herself with finding out what exactly it was about Remus John Lupin that had him consuming her thoughts day in and day out. Holding her hand open, fingers splayed, she began to list off the first things that came to mind.

His dashingly handsome yet adorable smile, the way he said her name first thing in the morning, his patience, his sweaters he let her sleep in that hung on her thighs like a dress, his calloused and scarred hands holding hers, the way his eyes crinkled when he'd smile wide, the way he knew how she felt before even she did, how he'd dog-ear the corners of his books pages, how he always seemed to know just what to say, how he'd hum to himself while making cocoa...

Evangeline had run out of fingers but was nowhere near close to being done listing things about him when two restrained knocks sounded at the door, not too loud and not too soft.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," she mumbled under her breath as she pulled herself from the bed and hastily made her way to the door. But, she thought he'd think she was too quick, so she slowed her steps. But, then she thought he'd think she was taking too long.

Pushing past her debating mind, she pulled open the door.



Remus shifted on his feet, a light smile on his lips as he rocked back on his heels. His hands were, per usual, tucked into the pockets of his trousers. "So," he drawled, "how's your fish?"

"Fish?" She questioned, her mind too preoccupied with how soft his hair looked to pay much attention to his words.

"Yeah. You said you had to water your fish? I just wanted to see if they're doing alright," his lips tugged into an amused smirk, brow cocked at her. If they weren't broken up and if she wasn't livid at him, she would have thrown him on the bed.

"Right! Yes, he's doing alright," she blurted, chuckling nervously. There was no way he didn't know she was lying out of her arse.

"He? What's his name?" He hummed.

"Name.." she searched her mind for a name, any name. The first one she thought of is the first she said, "Montag."

"Montag," he echoed.

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