Chapter 12 - Razbliuto

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Razbliuto - (n.) the sentimental feeling you about someone you once loved but no longer do.

The song above is what Evangeline is trying to teach Tonks.


"No, no, you're one key off," Evangeline chuckled, repositioning Tonks's hands.

Evangeline had been trying to teach Tonks one song for the past hour and the witch was helpless.

"Play it one more time, I'll get it right next time, I swear," Tonks pleaded, giving Evangeline puppy eyes.

Letting out a sigh, she agreed, "fine, but this is the last time."

Tonks grinned smugly and swung her feet on the bench, waiting with anticipation for Evangeline to start playing.

Shaking her head at her friend, she positioned her fingers, starting with a and then g as the first two notes.

Her grandmother, who had also given her a strand of her hair for her wand, had taught her the song in the months after her mother was put in St. Mungos. The pair, still grieving, had spent hours at the piano playing the same song over and over, their way of coping with the incident.

Closing her eyes, she began to play.

The beginning of the song was slow, with individual notes making up a majority. Tonks's grin eased into a content smile, watching as Evangeline began to speed up, easing into a quicker rhythm.

The sound got quicker and more powerful before dropping back down to a soft playing, filled with melancholy sadness.

Just as quick as it dropped, it picked back up.  Her finger glided across the keys, her right hand bringing it higher and higher before dropping it back to the lower notes and back up.

Her playing was powerful and echoed through the house and unknowingly, Remus was listening from his room.

She was nearing the end of the song when the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted, her hands stilling and the song abruptly ending.

Pulling her eyes from the black and white keys, she looked up to see Bill stood in the doorway.

"Sorry to interrupt," he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "but uh, can we talk?"

Evangeline nodded, "yeah, of course, something wrong?"

Bill shifted awkwardly on his feet, something rather uncharacteristic for him. "I was hoping we could talk," he cut his gaze to Tonks, "alone."

"Uh, sure," she stood, casting a confused look to Tonks who only shrugged her shoulders, eyeing Bill suspiciously.

Following Bill out, he took her to the drawing room of Twelve Grimmauld Place, oddly silent the whole walk over. Something was up, Evangeline just didn't know what.

Closing the door behind him, Bill turned to face her, chewing on the inside of his cheek, something he only does when he's nervous.

"Bill, is everything alright?"

His blue-grey eyes met hers and he let out a sigh, dragging his fingers through his red hair.

"There's no use in beating around the bush, so I'm just gonna say it," he paused, chewing more on the inside of cheek, "I love you."


Evangeline hadn't expected it in the slightest and honestly wasn't sure how to respond, her lips parted in shock.

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