Chapter 34 - Mettle

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Mettle - (n.) the determination and ability to deal with problems and difficult situations; the courage to carry on in the face of adversity.

Author Note: hey guys :) long time no see. in case you're new, i haven't updated in a god awful amount of time (eight months ?) but i'm back !! i don't know if i'll be very consistent, but it's a start <8  i hope everyone has been well and THANK YOU FOR 35k READS !!! it's honestly insane. i love you all dearly.
happy reading.

(the writing style might change halfway bc the first half was written in april lol).


Evangeline had just finished her tearful goodbye with her family, including an awkward side-hug with Bill, and was now standing in a field on the edge of a small town in Southern England. Taking a moment to breathe in the different air, she sighed and began to walk.

She had decided to take the Port Key to the edge of the small town the Tonks family lived in. She knew Elio and Tonks were still residing there together, so she wanted to see them first before heading back to the stuffy and emotionally dampening house at Grimmauld Place. She also was really missing her brother and best friend- not to mention the fact that she didn't want to see Remus just this yet.

Swinging her emerald green pouch charmed with the extendable charm from her finger tips, her mind began to wander, accompanied only by the quiet chirps of the birds and the distant buzz of passing cars.

Evangeline had let her mind wander countless times the past weeks to almost anything that happened to pop into her head, but the one thing she hadn't allowed herself the opportunity to think of was her father.

Her father, a man who had lied to her for her entire life, was now a Death Eater once more.

And he had killed her sister.

While no, he hadn't fired the killing curse himself, he had been standing and fighting alongside the woman who had, Bellatrix bloody Lestrange. In Evangeline's eyes, this made him just as guilty as the woman.

Despite having seen with her own two eyes what her father was and was doing, it made little sense. Just mere months ago, he had been practically sobbing as he recanted his life story to her and her siblings, telling them how he had managed to escape the Death Eaters and become part of the Order of The Phoenix. Yet, here he was, a Death Eater once more.

Perhaps there was a reason he had rejoined, a reason she wasn't privy to. But, she was a member of the Order and had heard nothing about it. Everyone in the Order knew of Snape's spying, so shouldn't they all know if her father was one as well?

This led Evangeline to conclude in finality that her father was never the man she thought him to be and that he was, and always had been, a Death Eater. Had she not found herself now stood on the front steps of the Tonks residence, she would have found a place to sit down and cry.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, she raised her hand and pressed the doorbell for a moment before taking a small step back and waiting.

She hadn't seen Tonks and Elio in just over a month and hadn't seen her friends parents in nearly four years. She hoped it wouldn't be awkward.

Shuffling sounded from behind the green painted door before a lock turned and it was swung open revealing Ted Tonks.

The moment his gaze landed on her, his polite half smile dropped and his eyes widened in surprise. Without missing a beat, the man pulled her into a warm embrace, chuckling in disbelief.

While Molly and Arthur Weasley were 'like' parents to Evangeline, Ted and Andromeda basically were. So, to have him hugging her after the year she had, she felt tears prick her eyes and she rushed to return the hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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