Chapter 19 - Peiskos

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Peiskos - (n.) the feeling you get when you sit in front of a fireplace and enjoy its warmth.


"Evangeline, Evangeline! Wakey, wakey! It's Christmas!"

Bolting up in bed, Evangeline's eyes darted around the room. Dropping her head in her hands, she let out a tired groan. It felt like the room was spinning and her head ached from suddenly being awoken.

She didn't even have to look up to know the twins were the ones shouting for her to wake up, "George, Fred, what time is it?"

"Six in the morning," George responded in a chipper tone, hands on his hips in a way that reminded her of Molly.

"Did we mention that its Christmas?" Fred hummed.

"Yes, you did. Quite loudly actually," she mumbled into her hands.

"Then why are you still in bed? Come on," Fred grabbed hold of her right arm, George grabbing her left, "up and at em' lazy bones."

"Lazy bones? What are you, a pirate?" Evangeline groaned as they pulled her out of the comfort of her warm bed.

"Maybe, but you'll never know," George winked with his and Fred's signature grin.

Evangeline didn't take well to being woken up suddenly, preferring to sleep in or wake up gradually. But, it was Christmas, so she'd let it slide this once.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Fred urged, bouncing childishly on the balls of his feet, eyes bright with excitement.

"I'm coming, stop shouting," she grumbled, dragging a hand over her face as she followed the twins out of her room. She'd spent a number of Christmas's with the Weasley's before and knew how much the twins loved the holiday, especially the gifts she'd give them. This year, she hadn't had a lot of time to get everyone gifts, but still made sure to get the two their usual presents.

The hallways were filled with an aroma of Christmas spices, a favorite of Evangeline's scents. Gradually becoming more aware, she realized she was only in a lacy undershirt and a loose pair of sweatpants. Sighing, she made mental note to change after presents, something the Weasley's always did first thing in the morning.

"Next time I spend the holidays around you two, I'm locking my door."

"And we'll just unlock it and drag you out of bed anyway," George grinned as they headed down the stairs and towards the dinning room.

In usual Lillian fashion, she was already in the kitchen and had made waffles for the house. She had a red apron over a red sweater which hung loosely over a pair of black leggings.

Sirius, unlike him, was already up and dressed, sat at the table. His grey eyes were glued to Lillian, his head propped up on his hand. The sight made Evangeline and the twins giggled quietly as they entered.

Everyone aside from Elio was already sat down, ready to eat and open presents. Remus motioned her over to the open seat next to him, a smile on his face that sent butterflies to her stomach. He truly was the most handsome man she'd ever met. Parting away from the twins, she was about to head over and join him when her she caught sight of Molly shuffling into the dinning room, a bandaged and rough looking Arthur on her arm.

Hurrying over to help get him to his seat, she gave him a kind smile, "Merry Christmas, Arthur. Feeling better?"

"Merry Christmas, Evangeline. And honestly, I'm not feeling that much better," he chuckled, wincing as they eased him down onto his seat, "but, I'm glad to be back with my family, you included."

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