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They pull back and start breathing heavily as their eyes are still golden.

"Hey, Hey, calm down. What's wrong? " Roman says trying to hold them.
" He's going to kill us all" Paige mumbles
"What? Who's going to kill us? " Seth asks, holding her.

" H-him" Becky breathes out.
Roman, Seth and Dean look at each other now knowing what they were talking about.
"Ssh, ssh, relax. Where are those bunnies? " Seth mumbles.
" I have no idea " Roman says and they look down and see that the girls' eyes have gone back to normal and they are breathing steady now.

" Wait, What's that? " Dean asks and points at a bright light in the distance.
" What's what? " Seth asks squinting his eyes
" That " Dean says and points at the light again. Roman and Charlotte look there and see the light.

" I see it " Becky says.
They walk deeper into the eerie cavern like place as they follow the light.
It keeps on getting closer and closer until they see it's a gigantic crystal door with weird carves on it

" Wow " Dean mumbles.
Roman walks forward and runs his hand over it.

" How are we supposed to pass this? " Paige asks
" Like this " Dean says and clenches his hands and it instantly lights.
" We break it down "

" Seems like the only reasonable thing to do " Charlotte says
" Let's hope this doesn't back fire" Roman mumbles as his right hand is suddenly on fire

Crystals pop out of nowhere behind Paige, Becky's hands are on fire and a large amount of the earth has cracked right open.

"Alright, on 3,
3... Now! "

They release all the elements on the gargantuan door and smoke covers them.

" Did it work? "

The door cracked right open and they went in.

This wasn't just any cavern, they could hear Water rushing from the top and the whole place was covered in Crystals.

" Wow" Paige says this time and walks around. "This is beautiful"

"You can say that again " Dean mumbles." Right Roman? "

Roman and Becky are too busy focusing on that Water rushing sound.
" You hear that too? " Roman asks and she nods.

Something then flashes right through Romans mind as he stares at the ceiling again. It flashes through his mind again as he continues staring, it's like a blurry image that keeps on flashing and flashing again.
" Becky.. "He mumbles and holds his head. Becky turns her attention to him and grips his shoulder, " Roman, are you ok? "

He shakes his head as he holds it in pain as that image flashes through his head again.

" Roman??? "

He closes his eyes and tries to control the pain shooting through his head. Becky was now extremely worried.

" Roman? Roman??? Hey buddy,look at me "

Roman manages to open his eyes and Becky gasps as she sees his irises have gone from grey to completely red.
" Roman? How many fingers am I holding up? " Becky says as she holds up two fingers.

" T-two? "

" B-becky? "
" Speak to me Roman "
" R-r-r.. "
" R- what Roman? " She cries as she holds his face

" R-run"

Becky gave him a scared and confused look,  "W-why?"

"Becky, please, n-no questions, I don't know What's generating in me but you have to leave, NOW! "

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