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"Ok, What's up with the bunny to bunny eye service?" Paige asks as she and the rest kneel to their level.
"Ok I'm going to say this slowly and very softly but extremely fast-ly. " Rose says
" Apart from the crazy crazy, go on " Dean says
She breathes in,
" You see that sign up there in the skies, well that sign is called a Saguvastilla one of the rarest zodiac constellation remenants of the Guvastillian Empire, that sign either means that the universes picked soul mates are joined together or it simply means that the universe is in grave danger. Got that? "
" Ummm???? " Seth scratches the back of his head.
" Ugh! " Rose groans
" Um, Wait wait wait, speak more about this Guvastillian Empire " Roman says and Charlotte nods
" The Guvastillian Empire was one of the Greatest forces of nature the face of this earth has ever seen. These beings were mostly found under ground and never left the earths crust only leaving there to either find food or train. Alas, they were destroyed by the only being powerful enough to reprimand complete takeover. "
Becky grits her teeth at the mere description of him.

" The remaining survivals at the death of the Guvastillian Empire was only the Queen Aprohidite, Her two maidens, A troop of her guards and 4 spirits "
" Were they?.... " Dean asks and the 4 nod.
" Yes, those spirits were us" Renee says
"And for the last millennium, we protected Queen Aprohidite, that is until he found us and slaughtered her highness right in front of us. The guards were decapitated mercilessly and the maidens were taken back to his Empire for orgy rituals" Jake sniffles
" One of those maidens includes my twin sister " Rose says

" Wha????? "
" Wait, you're a twin? " Charlotte asks
" Isn't it obvious? " Rose says and they shake their heads.
" Well yes, I am a twin and she was my sister, I and my twin are the sixth"
"Wait, how many were you guys?" Roman asks
"8, Renee's the oldest,
Then Layla,
Then Cherub,
Then Alishia,
Then Pheonix,
Then me and my twin,
Then Kade,
Then Calisise" Rose says
"Wow " Dean says

" We managed to escape his monsters but we made a huge mistake by trying to go back in time and warn our past selves about what is going to happen.
I and Ryan created the Saguvastilla constellation to help us travel back in time but unfortunately his monsters found us and blew the Saguvastilla up.
The remenants flew up into the sky and into space where it formed that which only appears if the universe is in grave danger or if soul mates, are together " Renee says and looks at all 6 of them.

"So what you're trying to tell us now is that, the universe is in grave danger?" Becky asks

"Yes" Ryan mumbles
"And, w-we're just gonna sit here and do nothing?? " Paige stutters

" No, not nothing " Jake says and they look at him.
" I have an idea, WE have an idea " Jake says and the others nod.
" That is, if you feel you're ready"
Rose asks.

The 6 look at each other and then them.
"We are ready " Roman says
" Glad to hear that, we're sending a signal as early as possible in the morning. Make sure to follow that signal where it takes you to"
"Wait, what about the mosque? "
Paige asks
" She's right, what if he attacks when we're not here? " Dean adds
" We have our ways" Renee smirks
"Whatever you do don't dare look backwards when we send you the signal tomorrow " Ryan says and they nod
" Good, we better leave. The naming thing is going on " Jake says and they follow him back inside
" Well this is one way to end my birthday " Stephanie says once they enter inside.
"Ok, who are they sleeping with?" 
"Us!" The boys and girls say at the same time
"Us! " They say again
" Us? "
" I'm confused " Stephanie says.
" Um Stephanie,What those doofuses are trying to say is that you should hand them to us" AJ lee says.
" That's not what we said at all" AJ styles says.
"And what we're saying is that you guys are horrible at babies " Eva says
" No we're not " Corbin argues
" Put a cork in it C! " Sasha snaps
" Stephanie, we're women"
"Correction, you're ladies " Morrison says.
"Correction,shut it before I send you into the Atlantic ocean!" Mandy says
"And we are way more responsible than a bunch of brainless, junk eating idiots " Carmella says.
" So I vote for us" She adds
"And I vote for donkeys" Truth says. Everyone looks at him.

"And I vote for truth to get a new brain and us" Miz says
"This is stupid " Sonya says
" You is stupid" Dolph crosses his hands
"You know what else is stupid? "
" Seth's hair? "
" What'd I do? " Seth argues
" You became a guy "
" And What's wrong with that? " Paige asks
" E-veery-thing" Carmella says
"You might wanna close that gutter Mella  before I make you close it " Paige growls
" Ha! " Seth laughs

" Ok hold up, I've made my decision" Stephanie says and everyone stops bickering and looks at her.
"I vote.....

For us to share them "

" Great idea steph, Braun get the knife" Miz says
"Noooooo, not like that. Listen, we share the leverets into two groups, one for the boys and one for the girls not share their body parts into two! " Stephanie says and they 'ooooooooooh' in realisation.
" So, who's going to share them? Cos we're taking the boy" Nattie says
"No you are not. You'll infest him with your girly spirit, bleh! " Shinsuke grimaces
" No one asked for your opinion fart face " Ruby says

" Relax, I'm taking the boy" Stephanie says and everyone raises their eyebrows.
"What? I like to snuggle" She mumbles

"Ok, since they're 7, I'm taking one, the boys are taking 3 and the girls take the other three. "

" Dibs on Sapphire, Sunshine and Jasmine" Eva says
"Hey! I wanted Sunshine "
" Well ya snooze ya loose" AJ says

"Alright, it's pretty late, everyone pack up and head to bed" Stephanie says, standing up with Joe in her arms.
"If you'll excuse us, we have ten hours of sleeping and snuggling to do " miz huffs
" Yeah you go on with that " Billie says.
" Guys, you're not coming? " Drew asks

" Oh, we need to discuss something with them, we'll catch up" Dean says
"Yeah what he said. " Becky adds

" But.... "
Mandy smacks Ford's head before he could speak.
" But nothing, you six talk real well"
"Yes, very very detailed ok? " Kairi winks
" You all are sick, out! " Paige says
" Yeah, don't kiss too much " Maryse says
" What the butt? Leave before someone's hair disappears " Becky says and they leave

" They are annoying " Ryan says
" Yeah we know " Becky answers
" You six should probably get some rest, got a lot of work tomorrow "
" Yeah he meant air quotes on that work " Rose clarifies
" I could use some shut eye, the cuteness overload is causing my brain to over load" Dean yawns
"Your brain naturally over loads"
Seth smirks
"Thank you "
" Wasn't a compliment"
"Wasn't an insult either " Dean smiles.
" That actually makes NO sense whatsoever " Paige says
" You make no sense whatsoever"
Dean shoots
"Your face makes no sense whatsoever" Paige adds
"Then you can talk to the hand cos the face ain't speaking " Dean says
" Oh really, cos... "
" Ok that's enough " Charlotte says
" This is how Stephanie's birthday was almost ruined" Roman reminds them.
"Yeah, this dinkus couldn't respect himself " Paige says
" You don't respect selves, stupid"
Dean says
"Do you even know what a self is? "
" A self probably means your character, moody and boring "
" look who's talking, the guy with the shaggy hair "
" This is a genetic kind of thing, you would know that if you even looked at seth "
" Hey, don't bring me into this " Seth says
" Ok, how bout we all go to sleep and avoid any more assertiveness" Becky says
"Fine with me, this dinkus needs his 'beauty' sleep" Paige says
"How dare you air quote my beauty sleep? "
" I'll air quote what I want to air quote "
" Ok good night " Charlotte says and lifts Paige over her shoulder

" Hey! Let me down this instant!"
"Ha! You go Char" Dean laughs and sticks out his tongue at Paige
"And you can go up " Roman says and lifts Dean over his shoulder
" Oh come on! Let. Me. Go! " Dean whines
" Ha! Who's up on someone's shoulder now dinkus? " Paige laughs
" What on earth does a dinkus even mean? " Dean asks
" It means you being a Jumbo, jumbo! " Paige says
" I thought it was dinkus, dinkus!" Dean smirks
"It's the same thing and that's my word dinkus! " Paige says
" Can you two just stop?! " Seth says
" Not until I mop the floor with this dinkus! " Paige says, still struggling on Charlotte's shoulder
" You don't mop floors,stupid. Oh wait you do "

" Are we really sure about this? " Jake asks
" Relax, this was how their parents were when they were younger so we'll have to deal with it " Renee smiles

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