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The stars in the sky twinkled as the people under it split into different groups to find resources for their survival.

Leaves for structure of Fire

"The night sky is so beautiful " Cross coos staring up at the glittering stars,
" Yeah, kinda" Xavier says.
They had made it to a path that separated into two different lanes, one was infested with blue lantern bugs that released beautiful blue light everywhere, the entry of the path was adorned with beautiful blue bells that glowed,
The other one was infested with red lantern bugs that released beautiful red light all over the path and its entry was adorned with beautiful roses that attractively glowed,
But there was a piece of wood attached to the two top sides of both,
And it read the same message,

'If what you desire is what you seek,
Then choose the path that your feet would leak'

"Wha? " Miz asks,
The others were as dumbfounded as he was,
" Which path do we choose? " AJ lee asked, staring at the paths,
" Hold up, If what you desire is what you seek,
Then choose the path that your feet would leak " Kofi reads and strokes his jaw,
" Desire, seek, path, leak " He says and suddenly smiles,

" Guys, I got it " He says,
"Got what?"
"Which path to choose, the written stances said that if what we desire is what we seek, go through the path that our feet would leak! "
" Uh huh? " AJ styles asked,
" We have to go through the path that leaks our feet and if you do this " He says and walks towards the red path and places his foot, his foot suddenly bursts with sand and their mouths open," Your foot leaks with sand"
"Whoa"  Mandy says,
"What type of sand is that?" Morrison asks,
"According to my knowledge and sand collection, that's mystic sand, it normally fills up an object that stimulates it, that object being Kofi's foot, and continues to fill it until it bursts, it also comes in different colours mainly red, orange, green, yellow and white " Xavier explains,
" So how do we walk on it? " Kairi asks and Xavier smiles,
" It's simple and complicated"
"Huh? " Maryse says,
" We have to walk really fast, if you let your whole weight on it for over five seconds, it'll fill your whole body with sand and you'll explode"
"WHAT?! " They shout
" Relax, just be time cautious and move really fast, remember, five seconds " Xavier says, " Now follow me"

Xavier stepped on the path and immediately stepped forward and continued that,
"See you at the end " He shouts moving further and further away.

"Alright, we got this" Kairi says and the others nod and she immediately steps foot on the path and quickly jumped forward in under a second,
She did it again and again and smiled as she waved at the others and she progressed,
The others followed suit and screamed as they thought five seconds had passed,

Wood for actual Fire

"I love the midnight breeze" Bayley said as they walked through the forest,
"Yeah, Stephanie used to love it too " Finn smiles sadly, looking down,
At the mention of her name, everyone's mood dropped,
" I really miss her " Asuka sighs and runs a hand through her hair,
" We all do" Brie smiles, "But she did tell us that she'd live in our hearts forever"
"True" Sasha says and they laugh,
"So, where are we gonna get some wood? " Cedric asked as they looked at the different trees in the thick forest,
" And it has to be good wood too " MVP says
" I think I see oak trees up ahead" Shayna says, squinting forward,
"Hard wood? I thought we needed soft wood " Ronda says
" Nah, hardwood brings out more fire cos it's  more combustible" Shayna explains and Ronda nods
"How many oak trees are we cutting down? " Matt and Jeff chorus
" Over 50" Nikki says,
"Then let's get cutting " Zelina cheers,
" We need to separate ourselves to cover more land though " Shelton says,
"Yeah that makes sense actually" Nikki says,

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