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The waters were swaying side to side, following his every command, it was a cube shape, then a circle, then a square.
"ooo, ooo, triangle! " Becky shouted. He turned the waters into a triangle
" pentagon! " Paige says, he does as he's told. " decagon! " Charlotte adds, it turns into that.
They giggle, " butt? " Paige whispers. He face palms and turns the water, of course into a butt. The girls break down and start laughing, causing them to laugh. " seriously?"  dean asks
"what? I gotta let my imagination run wild. " Paige defends
" so, when you let it go wild you think of butt? " seth asks, the girls start laughing again.
" OK, you've had too much fun, get up " roman instructs
They groan, " do we have to? " Becky pouted. " yes, no excuses, they're waiting for you " Dean says.  Paige groans loudly
" i hate you guys "
" sure you do " seth smiles. They get up and go down the mountain.
" where are they? " Naomi asked scared, pacing up and down. They were worried sick back at the mosque, everyone. Naomi and her twin sister Ariane were in the meditation garden, which is near the gate, Jimmy and Jey were at the roof of the mosque on the lookout, Stephanie was at the back of the mosque dead worried about the 6, everyone else was in the house hoping he didn't kill them or anything.
"where are those uces? " jey asked to no one in particular, Jimmy had already formed  crystal binoculars, searching.
" i dunno man, i just hope they safe, it's 10 o'clock already! " Jimmy answers. Everybody was now on the lookout, on every side of the mosque. " oh where are they???? " AJ asked now very annoyed. " AJ, cool it!  Nothing's gonna happen to them, at least not on Dean, Roman and Seths watch " Eva assured. " what do you mean?"  AJ asked.  " i mean, those guys won't let anything happen to them!"  Eva explained
"yeah, if anyone lays a finger on any of them, they wouldn't see the light of tomorrow. " The other AJ added. " i hope so" AJ mumbles.  "Uce, they back!!!!!"  Jimmy screamed alerting everyone, as most of them ran outside.
"ooo, ooo, did Liv burn the house down? " Becky questioned
" no! " they all scream. " what should be burning down is the fear we've had for almost an hour now!!! " Jeff answered
" what were you guys even doing????? " Nia added.
" it was their fault! " Paige said pointing at roman, Seth and Dean. " hey! " dean said
" are you lying? " Kevin asked
" um, no" Paige answered
"are you telling the truth? " Bayley asked
" um, yes " Paige answered
" lies! " Finn argues. He's the being that's responsible for mind control, mind reading, mind manipulation, mind...oh you get it by now! " guys, we were worried" Sasha said calmly
"now's ten, who goes out by ten?" Dolph adds.  "that's what I said!"  seth says.  "Well, we would have come earlier, but SOMEONE had to stop us every 35 seconds to look at rocks"  dean says looking at becky causing everyone to look too.  " I'm sorry"  Becky said in her baby voice, looking at them with the eyes. 
" Awwwww " they all coo. " fine, but next time, try to not stop every minute for rocks " Asuka smiles and Becky nodded. 
" OK, forgiven, forgiven, let's go...... " Paige stops when she sees Stephanie" back and wait " she completes.  Stephanie walks forward, she was the person who saved all these grown up beings 15 years ago and now she was beyond angry, because she swore to always protect them no matter what. Her brother died when monsters tried to attack her, and now it was her job to make sure no one tried to attack THEM. And here they are, coming here almost after 10!
" Charlotte, Paige and Becky Mishugan, why have you come back to this mosque nearing the fall of midnight? " she scolded
The threes heads were down, they don't dare look up when Stephanie is talking. " well, are you going to speak?, or will you forever stare at the ground like three criminals being hung?". Ouch!  The girls' heads are still down, not talking.  "well speak up, because whatever the excuse is, you three are headed for three weeks of the Mediterranean morning accumulation!"  she adds and paige cringes, she hates anything before 7.  "well, we went to peak mountain for a particular view, then we lost all track of time, then they came to get us, then...this is happening"  Charlotte said whispering at the end.  "so, who caused the delay?" Stephanie asked sternly.
Becky gulped "it was..."
"us! " roman, Seth and Dean cut Becky off. " you? " Paige asked shocked, " us " seth replied
" wait what? " charlotte asked
" we were......practising our shots on animals and we made them watch us, then we stayed there for too long" roman lies
"it was us " seth adds" all us " dean concluded. " very well, you are restricted from dragon forming tomorrow, and you are to practice the Mediterranean air bender for three weeks starting tomorrow, and you shall not leave this mosque" she says and they nod. She then leaves and the boys head to their quarters,all the boys. The girls just stand there,  "ouch"  layla says.
" wow, 3 weeks, in this place? " Ember sighs
" that is bad, it's not easy to stay cooped up in here uce" Ariane says.  "since when did you start saying uce?"  Lana asks
"since i found out Jey was the best thing since sliced bread. " she answers. " let's go to our quarters " Charlotte speaks up.
" so you're not sneaking to the boys quarters to apologise? " Ruby asks. " of course we are" Paige says. They leave for their quarters
12 midnight
Roman gets up from the bunk bed he shares with his brothers, dean is down, he's in the middle, and Seth's on top. Roman was finding trouble sleeping, so he decided to go to the back outside. Watching the moon always knocks him out.  "can't sleep?"
" AAGH!" ,  " sorry"  deans head at the side of the bed apologies.
"who can't sleep? "
" AAGH! Stop that! "
" sorry " Seths upside down head apologies" but you haven't answered my question "
" Ro can't sleep " dean whispers
" is it the him dreams again? "
" what? No it's not the him dreams again! " roman whispers
" does it involve butt? "
" no! "
" oh. "
" then just go see the moon, that always helps. " seth suggests
" that's what I was going to do before two idiot brothers of mine try to kill me before my time" roman hissed
"anytime bro" dean says
"it was in insult! " seth whisper shouts.
" meh, I'm coming with you" dean tells roman
"make that three" seth says jumping down, the three craftily sneak out of the boys quarters and tip toe to the back of the mosque. Stephanie can hear any tiny sound, whether near or far. So the boys make sure not to make any unwanted sounds to wake her up.  They arrive at the very back of the mosque, where they can see the big shining light giver. They smile enjoying bathing in the moon.  " i heard once that there's something called moon bathing, i wanna see if it's true" dean says lying on roman.  "who told you that?"  roman asks, "miz"  dean says.
"well, it won't hurt to try " seth says. They take of their shirts and lay back staring at the moon.
" goodnight girls" Stephanie says and leaves. Charlotte immediately opens her eyes and jumps off her bunk bed, Becky's down, she's in the middle and Paige is on top.  "wake up ninny."  she shakes paige whispering.  "leave me alone" she mumbles sleepily. "the only thing that will be leaving is seth when you don't apologise!"  she whisper shouts. Seths name woke her up, "let's move. Where's Becky?"  Paige asks and they turn to see Becky jump out the window to the extremely long porch. "hey wait up!"  Charlotte says as she and Paige jump out the window too. The three sneak out of the quarters making the smallest of noises. They were now on the left side of the big mosque.
"where are they? " Paige whispers
" i dunno, they.... " Charlotte was cut off by low chuckling coming from the back. They tip toe there and peek to see the three of them laughing. Paige squints her eyes
" are they...shirtless?" she asks
"who doesn't wear a shirt in the night? Of course they're wearing shirts! " Becky said, Paige shrugs," whatever, let's just go apologise and hope that their blood is not boiling by now " Charlotte says
" randy and most of the boys think we are mad at them" dean says
"who says we're mad at them? " roman huffs
" we just saved their extremely attractive butts from Stephanie " seth explains
" well their butts are attractive " dean agrees and roman nods
" i already knew how to form a dragon " roman says
" duh who doesn't know that " seth says and they chuckle
" besides staying here would do us good, i hear that Stephanie stashes some very old treasures in one room, in this mosque " roman says
" inter galactic space cheese? " dean smiles, Seth and roman look at him like' what the what? '
" no" roman says
"so no space cheese? " dean asked like he knows nothing at all. Seth and roman face palm,
" dean, how dumb are you? " seth asks
" it varies " dean said eying the moon. " whatever, i just hope that the girls don't think we're mad at them " roman breaths
" we're actually mad for them " dean corrects and they nod.
" guys we're really sorry " they heard and turned around only to see them walking towards them. Is it them or does the moon expose the chest of the person who wears the pyjamas?
" dang" roman says to himself
"we shouldn't have left the stupid mosque at 10 in the night! " Paige pouts
" we shouldn't, well i shouldn't, have been so interested in stupid rocks that seth can easily make and I can easily blast! " Becky joins
" and we shouldn't have pinned the blame on you" Charlotte added
"well Paige did that " Becky said
" i was going to add that to my list of apologies! " Paige answers
" whatever they said, and we are really really so...... " Charlotte stopped now seeing them without shirts, Paige and Becky looked there and they immediately wished they hadn't when they were finding it hard to look away. The boys smirk
" Apology accepted " Dean says
" no, apology not accepted " seth says, and the girls pout.
" because there's nothing to apologise for. " he finishes
The girls give them a look like 'what?'. " we were never mad at you guys" roman smiles.
" really? " a relieved Becky asked
" well a little" dean says and they look like they're gonna cry.
"no no no, i did NOT mean it like that" he says quickly. They smile
"so we off the hook? " Paige asks
" you were never on a hook. " seth answers, smiling
" you can stay with us if you....." dean trails off when he catches them staring at their chests.
Roman and seth notice and smirk, time for the teasers to take set!
" Ay, you talking to us or our chests? " roman smiles. The girls snap out of the chest thoughts.
Charlotte scoffs" oh please, I've seen better! " " name " dean smirks
" er, er, Randy! " Becky says and Dean just smirks, " can randy do this? " he makes his pecs bounce. Becky just wants to scream  and faint right now, but she holds herself. " what about AJ? " Paige brings up, " which one? " seth asks, " the man" she says crossing her arms, Seth just smirks.
" look here baby " he smirks and Paige stretched forward, only to see his abs. She's biting the inside of her cheek so hard right now. " Sheamus! " Charlotte says
" really? " roman said and uncrossed his arms from his torso. Paige quickly put an arm behind Charlotte because she was on spaghetti legs. " so, you guys can stay if you want " dean smiles, the girls look at each other
" oh come on, we won't bite. Unless you want us to " seth smirks. Paige was about to say something when seth punched the ground and it cracked sideways and beveled them towards the boys. Becky landed on dean, Paige landed on Seth and Charlotte landed on roman.
" hey! Did we say yes? " Becky asked
" your eyes said yes " seth answered
" your butt's gonna say no if you do not let us out" Paige warned
"you want us to be angry now ? " roman said. " please, no" Becky said.
" the moon is so nice to look at" charlotte smiled.
"yeah, Mr fire here loved to look at this ball up in the sky" dean smirks
"knocks him out like a light " seth adds
" speaking of knocking out, three weeks of the Mediterranean whats it is horrible! " Paige says with her face down
" yeah, another reason why we should be kicked in the gut" Becky frowned
" hey, one that's impossible, because we would beat the heck out of anyone who lays a powerball on you guys, and two, we don't really care, as long as it means caring for you guys, then we good. " dean smiled which made the girls to smile
" thanks guys " charlotte said. They kissed the boys' cheeks.
" yes they good" jimmy whispered. Him, naomi, araine and jey were currently in a tree next to where the six where.
"told ya! Theys' meant for each other " araine smiled.
" since when did you start speaking like that? " jimmy asked
" oh, since she found out je....... " araine quickly covered her twins' mouth. " I'm just gla...hold up! Are they shirtless?" jey asks
"duh! If it's anything, Charlotte, Paige and Becky love open torsos. " araine says
" *sighs* females" jimmy says
"hey, What's wrong with us? " naomi asks
" lots of things" jey answers
" i could say the same about you men" ariane says
"What's wrong with us? " jey asks
" y'all just too hot" naomi blurts and covers her mouth. Ariane shakes her head, stifling her laughter.  " you ain't bad yourself, hot stuff "  jimmy smirks. Naomis head's down cos her face is real red, jey and araine are dying of laughter.  "araine, please smite me with crystals"  naomi says flustered
"no, don't hurt her pretty face" jimmy teases again. Ariane snickers and naomi glares at him
"jimmy, i know what you doing, stop it. " she says
" on one condition " jimmy smirks
" what? "
" I'm next in line for that rear view " he winks and naomi cheeks are more than red as she looks shocked. " ha! You gots her good uce. " jey says.
" Ariane, don't leave me hanging" naomi says still to embarrassed to look up.
"oops, sorry ". Ariane stares jimmy down, " you do NOT tease my sis like that",  jey steps up
" actually, he can do just that, miss sexy" jey smirks.  Ariane just stops, these guys be good in flirting. She looks away, and jey smiles.  "OK, back to them please"  naomi and ariane say.
" fine " they respond
" don't even bring that in, it's the hardest morning exercise on the planet! " Charlotte argues
" plus, you wake up, at. Four. In. The. Morning! That's torture " Paige adds
" no, What's torture is the b stretch! " said Dean
" yeah, it's like hearing seth talk" Becky grimaced
"hey! " said seth
" you can thank me later " Becky smirked
" THANK YOU?!?! "
" You're welcome " she said.
" stop it, don't make me send you six feet under, Becky, literally " seth warned
" boohoo, whatcha gonna do, earthworm me? " Becky shot. The ground started shaking, " i take it back! ".  The ground stopped shaking and seth smiled
" ooh, a shooting star! " Paige squealed and pointed to the sky. The gas ball and its tail gracefully explored the sky.
" make a wish " roman said and closed his eyes, others followed suit, even the ones in the trees.
" i wish seth would stink"
"not a wish "
" i wish seth would not stink" Becky said again
"Thank you! "
Stephanie was in a tree, near the mosque, 5 trees behind the 6.
' wow, so this is what they do at night ' she thought. She smiled and closed her eyes to make her wish
' i wish that everything would go back to normal, no loved ones dying, no family members dying. I wish that everything would go back to normal and our race would go back to the cheery race it once was, i wish everyone, and i mean everyone would be happy and jovial once again '
She breathed out to hold back tears. She then looked back at the ones on the ground and the ones in the tree.
' and I wish those 6 would be able to save the world like they were born to do'  she paused and saw Becky smiling at Dean, Seth tickling Paige, naomi resting her head on jimmys shoulder, araine getting lost in jeys eyes and Charlotte locking foreheads with roman.
' i wish that they get up in their love'  Stephanie smiled and just watched
"COCK-A-DOODLE.... Blast!!!!!
The chicken fell immediately.
"thanks becky" carmella said sleepily
"no biggie" Becky said and sat up from her bed and stretched. She jumped down and opened the window, the sun hit paige's face
"curses! Ugh, is it morning already??????? " Paige whined covering her face.
" yes, miss i hate the light " Charlotte said, breathing air
" well, the light disturbing my sleep, especially since last night cut my nappy time schedule " she groaned and got up. Every girl in the quarter instantly jerked their heads up from their beds and smirked.
" what? " the three said at the same time. " so, anything special happened between you and my cousins last night ? " nia squealed. " not cool nia" Becky said
" what, it's not my fault I'm curious " nia defended
" so, what happened, what happened, what happened? " mandy jumped.
" nothing, nothing, nothing " Charlotte answered.  Everyone groaned
" now my morning has no meaning " maryse said gloomily and laid on the bed again
" wha-? Are you serious now? " Becky asked
" all of us were hyped for today, cos you stayed with them " lacey said
" they were shirtless! " sasha added
" and we thought we'd hear they kissed" Bayley said
"or they french kissed " ronda added
" or better, they took it forward " kairi said
" what? " Becky asked shocked
" sorry, my imagination runs wild. " kairi answered
" but now we got nothing " zelina whined" please tell us "
" pfft! I'll tell you what happened when crystals fly" Paige said
"but don't crystals already fly? " nia asked
" yay! She tells us " Peyton jumped
" you knew what I meant " Paige said
" ugh, we still get nothing " Kairi said and everyone groaned

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