
21 1 0

Location: Woodlands

Destination: Unknown

Status: Stable

The night sky illuminated the entire forest, giving it its shine. A brightly colored shade of transparency, unnoticed, untainted, pure. Leaves quietly rustled under feet that passed above them with slight freedom,

Their actions were carefree, not at all vigilant. Future Seth paused softly, causing everyone behind him to come to a halt,
Carmella,receiving a piggy back ride from her brother wasn't so thrilled,
"Seth, what's the hold up?"
The ravenette almost seemed oblivious to her question but alerted everyone by pulling out a small, dagger-like weapon out of the coat he wore,

"There's something there...."
The others blinked as Future Dean glanced at Seth before stretching out the ragged jacket he wore and walking forward to where Seth was pointing his weapon at,
The atmosphere became heavy with worry as dean trodded farther from them, his body very visible but still at a distance.

Everyone suddenly calmed down as Dean turned back with a care free smile,
"Relax everyone, false alarm, there's nothing here that's dange-"
The dirty blondes words were suddenly cut off as blood poured out onto the floor beneath him,
Everyone paused in horror and Seth choked as a pair of red eyes stared down at them,

Claws had penetrated Dean's stomach,
With a slight cough and a look that spelled death, he could utter a few words,



Roman's eyes tore open as he looked up. His throat choked up as soon as he met eyes with the voice that spoke,

Black, tainted claws wrapped around Roman's shoulders and slithered down to his collar bone,
The cold feeling of scales met Roman's warm skin.
The future individual shook in fear as the latter bent over to look him straight in the eyes,
Red met grey,
"You..." The ravenette choked out, not daring to move from his position. It seemed all his plans of meditation and regaining lost energy in the spirit realm was cut short......
In the most ominous of ways.

The view was sickening.
The very aura of Omnisious,
A twisted smile on the beings face formed as he saw the terrified look on Roman's face,
"You are not Roman, now are you?" He slurred out, voice thick with spite.
Future Roman stumbled on his words, feeling light headed.
Being so close to him now, after so many years was intoxicating,

He quietly gulped as he weighed out his options,
He was currently in a sitting position, at rest, trying to regain his energy,
In this monsters grip.

He could try to worm out and fight....
Or he could stay and chat,

"I wonder why you would call me that when you know that I am not him" Future Roman answered with a slight smirk,
A similar sick smirk formed on the other's face as his claws caressed Roman's face,
"I should have guessed it wasn't what it seemed like,

What are you doing here, Oberon ?"

I'm sorry it's short, next chapter will be longer

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