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"Let's bust some crystal butt"

In a bright zip of two red streaks, Dean had zipped left and Paige right.
Charlotte stomped on the floating rock and it turned jack hammer like, a small crack formed under and the rock dropped in with the two on.
Roman and Becky faced the monster head on, He blasted up and Becky's hands extended out in a blue colour.
Her hands held some wavy blue form of energy which she then chugged at the monster.
It hit it with little effect on its raised hand making its feet to only move back a tad.
This, however, allowed Roman to land on the monsters wide triple based forearm.
It turned right and puffed air out of its nostrils seeing Roman on its hand.
Roman just smirked and his fist collided with the monsters face making it to scream and vigorously wriggle its hand.
Roman tried his best to hang on but his hands suddenly slipped.

Becky saw this and her eyes widened. Roman suddenly stopped, he was confused and slowly opened his eyes seeing himself floating in mid air.
His body was covered with blue light and he saw Becky smile at him and blink her eyes letting him to land softly on the ground.

Dean and Paige all the while watched as the monster staggered back still heavily feeling the effects of Roman's energy punch.

It finally opened its eyes and the two took their spots.
"Hey BIG FACE! "
It looked down and saw the two,
It growled and raised its foot.
" Move! " Paige says and the red streaks are all it sees when its foot bashes the ground.
It roars and starts running trying to catch up with them.
Its hand bent over to try its luck but the streaks zipped under it and away from it.
Before it could turn back to chase them all over again,a large boulder crashed on its head.
It held its head and looked forward seeing Charlotte and Seth snickering .

Charlotte clapped her hands and a boulder flew from the ground and towards the 50ft figure.
It punched the boulder down into the ground.
"Oh boy " Seth says and it stomps on the ground making a large spike hit the two from under.

Roman ducked under one of the rocks that was fiercely chugged at him by the figure and quickly shot out a bluish white surface out of nowhere.

Seth and Charlotte were screaming before the surface was felt under them.
Charlotte looked down and sighed as they floated in mid air while Seth was still screaming and Charlotte slapped his head making him shut up.

Dean and Paige kept on zipping past the figure until it had had enough. It opened its eyes and a huge black laser beam shot out of its eyes.
The two quickly ran away from the beam but unfortunately, it hit them before they could reach Seth and Charlotte's position.

Roman punched the ground and it shook making the figure try to maintain its stance. Becky took this opportunity and shot out the bluish goo once again.
It was so large that it hit the figure and covered two thirds of its body.
Becky's eyes then went blue and the goo started squelching. The monster screamed as the life was being sucked out of it.
Dean, Paige, Charlotte and Seth at the other side of the cave looked forward and saw this,
"Woah " They chorus.

It shook violently as it tried to escape but that only increased Becky's suck of energy on it.
Becky looked completely different like before, except her hair was sky blue,
Her eyes were whiter more than blue,
Her skin was whiter and her face bluer,
Plus,the goo was getting bigger and bigger by the second squelching vigorously and the figure had just stopped all movements.

"Yes! Keep it going Becky! " Roman shouts and she grunts tightening her grip making the goo squish it tighter.

Just when they thought everything was over, its eyes went black and it roared splitting its hands.
This caused the goo to tear completely and Becky to take a large kick back towards the cave wall. She hit the wall hard and a large dent was found there.

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