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"My Prince"
She whispers and without thinking, connects her lips with his.
Roman tenses but relaxes and kisses her back.

The red colour on the walls and the floor of the cavern start seeping away and the crystals are now their different colours.
All the fire crystal hands break into pieces and the cavern top crystals stop falling and rewind back on the cave.
"Yes! " Dean says
Becky and Paige are still quietly squealing to whats happening in front of them.

Roman's hands had rested on Charlotte's hips and Charlotte's hands on his face as they both deepened the kiss.
Roman's hair had turned back to its long and silky black colour again and this time he pulled Charlotte on him as they continued kissing.

"Oh I want to die" Becky whisper-squeals
"You and me both! " Paige squeals with her.

" Hey! Lovebirds! " Dean says and they pull away. Roman looks at her and his irises expand back to their grey colour. Charlotte smiles and caresses his face,
" You ok? " She whispers and he nods slowly rubbing on her hips.
Charlotte bends over and kisses his forehead which Roman closes his eyes and leans into the touch smiling.

"Awwwwwww" Paige and Becky squeal.
"My ears! " Dean says
" Who cares about your dumb ears? " Paige says
Dean raises his hands in defence.

Charlotte pulls away and gets off of him and pulls him up.

" Bro" Seth says and him and Dean hug Roman.
Roman sighs and hugs them back tight.  "Don't ever scare us like that again, ok?"
Roman chuckles and nods burying his face in dean's neck.

"Ok, mind telling us why roman almost tried to kill us? " Paige asks
" Yeah sorry about that " Roman says.
" Well, there's this weird power that our mom found out Roman had when he was 11,apparently it was gotten from the fear of actually giving birth to Roman so that's why whenever he's very scared his eyes turn red as in danger. And only when he's very spooked is when hands shoot up and try to protect him from whatever he's scared of. This isn't the first time this has happened, the day stephanie took us in after he destroyed everything,Roman had a dream that he tried to kill him. And those hands appeared again and tried to capture all of us. Seth, Stephanie and I calmed him down and Stephanie ended up hugging him to sleep. " Dean explains.
" Aw" Becky says and hugs Roman.
"Roman, never feel scared of us, you're like a brother to me and my sisters and we would hate it if anything happened to you, ok?" Paige says and he nods.

"What was the thing that made you scared anyways? " Charlotte asks as Becky lets him go.

" There was this image that I couldn't see properly but the little flashes were triggering my senses or something like that. I don't even know what it was" Roman mumbles.

"We haven't even learned how to control those powers. " Dean mumbles

" And that's what we're here for "

The 6 turn back and immediately get annoyed.
" And hello to you too " Ryan says, avoiding the glares.

" You were in this darn cave THE WHOLE TIME?!?!? " Paige snaps

" Woah, cool off and yes, we were in the cave the whole time"
Jake says
"Then why didn't you show yourselves??? " Seth asks
" Because it was getting kind of interesting to watch so we didn't come out " Rose smiles
" Oh I see. So us nearly DYING is entertaining to you???? " Charlotte huffs
" Very entertaining " Renee nods," Especially the part where you and Roman kissed! "

Charlotte's cheeks immediately turned red out of embarrassment and anger.
" Well I did enjoy that " Roman smirks and Charlotte looks at him, fully blushing.

" Now we focus on them, what if we had died?? " Roman suddenly says.
The bunnies look at each other and shrug.
" Oh that is it. " Paige says and Becky immediately holds her.
" Let me at 'em, let me at ' em! "

" Paige, calm down " Becky says, dragging her back.
Paige growls and stops pushing.

" Yeesh " Renee says as they hop forward. The humans follow them as they continue hopping forward until they enter a much bigger cave.

" How many caves are in this place?? " Dean asks as they walk in.
" Approximately five hundred thousand. " Renee says and Dean slowly nods.
" This cave is much bigger than that one we were in " Seth says as he runs his hand over a crystal.
" Yes, this is number four hundred and one and this is where most spirits stay " Renee says
" Except we're the only ones here" Ryan says

Paige and Becky jump on one of the gigantic crystals and enjoy the view.

Roman,Charlotte, Seth and Dean follow the bunnies to three gigantic crystals that lie in order.
"What are these? " Seth asks in awe. The crystal on the left is yellow with black stripes, the crystal on the right is red with blonde stripes and the crystal in the middle is blue with orange stripes.
" These are the crystals of time. They regulate time, recognise time, show time and measure time, but most importantly, brings time to life when needed. The crystal on the left is the crystal of the past, it is used to travel back in time and to regulate past events. The crystal on the right is the crystal of the present, this takes care of present events and the time of now, it can regenerate present activities or wipe them from existence completely. The crystal in the middle is the crystal of the future, this crystal moves you to the future or the future to you, it can create the future, destroy the future or fix the future. These crystals have been here since the beginning of time and have been used by various beings of your generations"
Charlotte peeps into the crystal of the past and sees their uncle Shawn.

"Uncle? " Charlotte mumbles.

Seth and Roman look into the crystal of the present and see the day of stephanie's birthday.

Dean pokes his head at the crystal of the future and Ryan instantly blocks his view.
" Rule number 1 of spirits, do NOT let anyone see or interfere with future events " Ryan says and Dean rolls his eyes walking away.

" This place is sick " Paige says and her voice echoes.
" Nice echo" Becky says.

"We didn't bring you here for it to be sick, we brought you here, for this... " Jake says and bring the 6 of them to the crystal of the future.
He snaps his hands and the crystal turns green all of a sudden.

" Charlotte! CHARLOTTE!! "

Becky tries shaking her but she doesn't wake up.
" No, no, no "

" Becks? She awake? " Paige says and stabs one monster with a crystal-fire dagger.
"She's not moving, we gotta get out of here, now!" Paige says and punches ones head clean off its neck.

"Ok Let's move it " Dean says, throwing balls of fire at some.
" And come on give her " Roman says and Becky hands Charlotte to him.
Roman flips her on his back and looks up seeing a large monster running at him.
He squints his eyes and immediately punches it hard into one of the trees far away.
"Ok, we're good to go. Let's move"

They immediately went away but something red starts glowing.

"That, that is the end of this world "

Late update!!!
Apologies ma peeps, school's kinda time consuming, see you in the next chapter ma peeps

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