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"What the what is that?" Paige asks.
"The less you know, the better " Rose says
" Then why did you show us you twits? " Paige asks again
" in this case, the more you know, the better " Jake adds

" That crystal looks dangerous " Becky says
" That's because it is dangerous. "
Ryan says

" That there is the red crystal, made straight out of the pits of the G'novvi Empire. Although we weren't actually there, my other sister was" Renee says
"Whaaaaaaaaaaa?????? " They chorus.
" You have another sister? " Seth asks in awe
Renee nods, "  She was our sister until she decided to turn against us. She followed him into the depths of evil and tried to kill I and Renee the day he took over the Guvastillian Empire, I wish for the day to come where I can see her again" Rose cries
"Awwwww " Becky coos cutely

" To shred her into tiny little pieces and watch her die right in front of me " She finishes and they stare at her.

" I was wrong to awwww, she's a mad bunny " Becky whispers to Dean who nods to that.

" That's why we need you 6" Renee suddenly says
"To save your sister? " Seth asks and Renee face palms.
" No, well partially yes, but the universe needs you six, to protect it from the dangers that threaten it. "
" We already got a load of that, and you have our word. Don't worry " Charlotte says and the other five nod.

Renee smiles and hugs Charlotte and Charlotte hugs her back tight. " Thanks " She whispers
" You're welcome " Charlotte replies. Renee lets her go and they turn and see Jake... Crying?????

" Holy butt" Paige says totally in awe,
"Jake? Are you, are you... "
" Crying????  " Dean completes Roman's sentence.
Jake sniffles," What? I'm not crying, who's crying? I just got some dust in my eye okay? "

The others nod quickly and Renee shakes her head chuckling.
" Let's get started on the training, shall we? " Renee says and leads them deeper in the cave.
" Woah" The say in unison when they get in. This particular part of the cavern has oval shaped and coloured crystals everywhere. The ground was so smooth you could skate on it.

"What is this? " Becky says as she reaches one and taps it.
The surface slowly starts forming an image and she sees the time she and Dean were at the campfire.
" What the? " She says and then joins the others.
" Welcome to the reminiscing part of the cave , and Paige before you ask anything, no this is not sorcery " Ryan says
Paige huffs," I wasn't gonna say it "
" Lies! " Seth whispers to her and she rolls her eyes, laughing a bit.

" You guys wanna re-live memories? " Rose smirks and jumps on a plain that had one of the crystals on it.
" Depends, what type of memories? " Roman asks and Rose just chuckles.
" Important ones, heart Warming ones. Possibly outrageous ones" She says.
"But first " Ryan says and the other bunnies nod.

Rose closes her eyes and slowly her skin starts cracking, it starts giving off a white colour and she fully cracks out of it.
Into a beautiful, white, glowing..

" Spirit?!!?!" The six chorus.
They look to Ryan, he was a spirit, they looked at Jake, he was a spirit too.
Then they looked at Renee,guess what?

She was a spirit too!
" Oh my.. . " Dean says before his head explodes and another one pops up.
" Should we just ignore the fact that dean's head exploded and popped right up again? " Becky asks and everyone nods still staring at the four spirits.

Rose chuckles, " We won't eat you, ya dummies"
"Yeah, but I'm still scared " Charlotte says
" Relax guys, we're just in our spirit forms" Jake says

Dean looks up at him,
"You don't think we know that by know???? "
" Someone's cranky" He says
"Well my head just exploded, what do you expect? " He says, crossing his arms

" Relax Dean " Ryan says
" Easy for you to say Jake, you're a darn ghost for Aphrodite's sake!!"Paige huffs loudly

"Calm down, and now that we're spirits I'm actually Jakelin"

"I'm now to be called Roseline"

"Reneelina "

"Ryandeole " Ryan says

" Typical " Roman mumbles

" Care for a trip down memory lane? " Reneelina asks and they couldn't provide an answer.

" I'll take that as I yes "
She says and the crystal starts forming an image

*** ****************  **********
Hey ma peeps,
Sorry for the short chapter,
It's two forty one in the morning and I have exams that day so here, more updates coming soon 💙💙💙💙💙

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