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"Oh come on Sunshine, not my bed!" Liv cries, getting the tiny bunny off her bunk bed.
"LIV! WHERE ARE YOU??!! " Sarah shouts.
" Hush, I'll be out in a second!! " Liv shouts and grabs Sonia with her walking out of the girls quarters.
She walked away from the big building to the wide field at the back of it where everyone was.

Carmella and Truth were playing 'bite butt tag', basically they turn into dogs and bite each others butts,
Nia, Tamina, Eva and The New Day were all trying to make a fire,
Sarah, AJ,the other AJ, Asuka, Kairi,Maryse, Ruby and Liv were teaching Jasmine and Sonia how to shake hands,
The rest where all with Stephanie talking about something.
Up in a tree was where Araine,Naomi, Jimmy and Jey were.
"Where do you think they are? "
Naomi says, staring at the moon. It was around 8 o'clock.
" I have no idea " Jimmy mumbles, it had three full days since the four had seen them and they were getting worried.
Plus, it was getting really hard to cover for them, Truth, as dumb as he was, was on to them.

" I swear on my ancestors war robes, if those bunnies come back, I will roast them for dinner" Araine huffs.
"Well way to plan murder" Jey smirks and she sticks out her tongue at him .
"I really miss them" Naomi says and Jimmy smiles and lays her head on his shoulder.
"We all do, but don't worry, I'm sure they'll be back before you know it " He says and kisses her head.
Naomi smiles and leans into his touch. " love birds "
Naomi glares at a giggling Araine.
" Jey, make her flustered "
Araine immediately glares at him.
" Sorry Nae, I only do that when she doesn't see it coming " He says and she slaps his arm
" Fair enough " Naomi smiles
" Jey! I will cut you in darn half! I swear! "
" Are you sure you wanna cut me in half, or do you want me to eat you in half? " Jey smirks and Araine turns red.

" Wooooo! That's my dude! " Naomi cheers and Jey chuckles
" Hey! " Jimmy whines.
" Oh relax, you'll always be my number one " She says and kisses his cheek.
" Awwwwwwwwwwwwww " Jey and Araine coo.
" I will literally make you flustered again " Jey says
" Try it and I'll make you eat your words" Araine says, coming face to face with him.

Jey just smiles and kisses her nose.
"Oh my goshness!!! " Naomi squeals
" Shut up " Araine mumbles and looks away, blushing.

" Oh my God, my shorts" They hear Sheamus shout and they hear laughing.
"Ha! Beautiful work Saphi" Randy chuckles.

"And Sapphire just pooped on Sheamus's shorts"  Araine says and they laugh.
"Nice" Jey chuckles.

They continue to look at the moon until something catches Naomi's eye.
In a bush behind the girls' quarters was something shining  brightly.
Naomi stared at it and it seemed to glow more when her interest grew stronger.
"Hmm? " They answer
Naomi points towards the light behind the girls quarters, Araine cocked her head in confusion.

" Should we check it? " Jey asks and they nod.
They climb down from the tree and Jey looks back seeing everyone is still distracted and walked away with them.
They reached the back of girls quarters and saw the light getting brighter and brighter the
closer they got to it.
" What the? " Araine says as they reach the shrub and shift it.

There was a tiny crystal there with bright light shining out of it. The light then bent backwards and they saw Seth.

" Seth? " They chorus
" Guys! This is Seth, look, this is being recorded, I'm not actually talking to you face to face ok?
Look, there's not much time. I want you to take all the others out of that mosque now! There are loads of thousands of monsters heading straight for the mosque, he's found us and you guys have to get the others out of there, fast! "
The light then disappeared into the crystal leaving the four stunned.

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