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Nothing but pure silence.

The earth started to shake, everyone felt it. The demon smiled and shakily stood up to his feet, his work was done.
He had suffered a lot of damage though , but it was all worth it.

"It's tearing apart" Eva shrieks, trying to stabilize herself as cracks suddenly appeared all over the floor, "What's happening?"
"It's Roman,Seth and Dean"
The warriors on the battle field turned around and saw a bleeding, damaged and wounded Becky being lifted by her spirit guardian, Jakelin.

"BECKY!" Nia cried and ran to her friends side, helping her to rest on the floor,
"What happened to her?" Miz questions, looking up as the sky got darker by the minute .

"That is nothing to worry about now" Jake says, patting his master's hair, "We are all in grave danger, the universe is in grave danger"
More cracks appeared all over the ground and the pack held themselves tightly so as to not fall over,
Everything was cracking and soon, the cracks had seeped up to the sky.

"Well you don't see that everyday" AJ mumbled, very troubled by why the sky was cracking,
"It's their divine energy" Jake says, catching their attention, "It's building up so much that with anymore push, it'll destroy life as we know it"
"Wait, so the more Roman,Seth and Dean fight Omnisious ...." Miz trailed off, staring up at the deteorate sky,

"The less time we have to save the universe" Becky completes, stumbling up on her feet, "We have to calm them down, or we're doomed"


"Charlotte, move back!"

The blonde adhered to the warning and jumped back, avoiding a deadly blast.

"Oh, I was really close this time" A silver haired male shrugs and charges at her, raising his weapon towards her .
Charlotte simply kicked him in the stomach and threw him over her shoulder and into the ground before raising him back up,
"Nice fight though" She smiled and punches a hole right through his head before removing her hand and letting his body fall to the floor .

Thunder struck precisely where she stood and she quickly blocked it with a spell, looking up and seeing another of his lackeys flying around, bunch of shits.
But her eyes widened in disbelief as she caught a look of the sky,
It was cracking?
"What the....?" She gasped, frozen at the sight.

"You see it too huh?" Paige says,knocking the other lady into the ground before landing where her sister was, "It's all coming from Roman, Seth and Dean"

"What?" She replied shocked before worry kicked in, "How?"

"It's their energy" She said, brushing her hair out of her bloody and torn eye, "Omnisious keeps on triggering them to get more provoked and their energy builds up at a very high and dangerous rate, if we can't calm them down they'll definitely make the universe explode!"

"I hate that guy" Charlotte mumbles before shooting from the ground towards the sky. Paige follows suit, following her and at the same time looking for her little sister, she hadn't seen Becky for a while now.

"I see them!" Charlotte shouts, making Paige focus on the cracking sky again.
There stood Omnisious, enslaver of souls and destroyer of dimensions , bloody and beat.

And of course , the three Leo's surrounding him.
But they all looked very different.
It seemed they had acquired their god mode.

"You look so different Ro" Becky chimes in, staring at him.
"What up with your hair?" Truth blurts making everyone glare at him.
Roman smiles, annoyed and pats his head, "It's a mode for a reason Truth , I changed"

"Ohhhhhh, that explains nothing"
"Oh for Aphrodite's sake" Paige mumbles, smacking him in the head.

The sky shook again as the atmosphere was dense with battle blood. Omnisious regained his aerial position and glared at the three gods in front of him,
"Why have you stopped? Wouldn't you like to finish me off? End this at once?"

"We are not as cold as you are, Forgiveness is reciprocal" Roman mumbled, his voice really sounding like a deity.
The demon gave a crooked smile,
"I knew creating you wouldn't be a mistake dear"

"Being created by you is the worst mistake I could ever bear" Roman growled , glaring at him and clenching his fists.
"Give up " Dean speaks up monotonely, his red fiery hair flowing everywhere, "All the life crystals are in place, you are weak. You will die a painful death like this "

The demon smiled staring at the three, "You shouldn't count the chickens before they hatch dear"

Seth, Dean and Roman looked at themselves confusedly before their eyes widened. It was too late then.

A large blast went through Charlotte and Paige and they both clutched their stomachs in pain before coughing out blood.

It was painful.

And that was it.
Omnisious smiled as blood filled Roman's eyes, "Yes dear, bring out that anger. Let it all out"

"You bastard " Dean whispered.


The universe twisted around in a reactive circle and exploded.


The large crystal faded away and everyone was speechless.
The three boys looked up at their future selves in shock before looking back at the three Geminis.

They blew up the universe.

"It's a very degrading past to look at, I know" Roman sighed, before looking back up at them, "but that doesn't mean you guys can't change it"

"But Roman" Renee gulps, regaining herself, "You know the consequences of disturbing the space-time continuum, it's too risky"
"This is one of those risks we have to take Renee" Future Dean speaks up , staring down at Renee with his fiery red eyes.
Becky felt very weak in the knees, Dean was a sight to behold.

"We don't have much of a choice, we can't let history repeat itself " Future Seth says, crossing his arms which left everyone marveled.
Seth wasn't always this serious, but he looked pretty cool.
"But wait" Charlotte spoke up making everyone stare at her, "If the universe exploded, how are you guys still alive?"

The three looked at each other and smiled,
"That's my sister" Seth smiles, "Always so inquisitive"
Charlotte blushed a little and both Romans smiled at that,
"Our divine energy was enough to keep us from getting hurt by the explosion, but sadly it wasn't enough to save everyone" Roman explained, his dark grey eyes dilating sadly.
"But why didn't we have enough divine energy?" Paige asks, pointing at her sisters and herself,

"You three didn't enter your god mode yet" Seth says, running his hands through his hair, "So you couldn't handle the blast"

Everyone's face immediately sank, not liking what they had witnessed.

"But that's why we're here to change it" Seth smiles, making most of the girls blush,
"This is the whole stinking reason why I learnt the time travel spell"

"We'll help you guys" Future Roman smiled, patting Roman's back,
"First things first though, we're going to get those crystals"

"And I know exactly how to get them much quicker"Future Seth smiles, his eyes suddenly glowing yellow.

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