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Location: Realm of the zodiac spirits

Status:...... Endangered

Roman didn't know if Becky was intentionally doing this to piss him off or it's just her naive nature prickling at him,
But once he immediately felt that presence, that shift in the air that made his gut wrench and his senses come alive, he knew they were not alone,

"Becky, MOVE.."
The orange haired woman was too slow to respond to his call and a swift wave clocked her right on her nose and sent her flying into the wall behind them.
Roman watched in utter fear as Becky got hurled into a sharp corner. Anger slowly slipped into his eyes as he looked up and then surfaced pure shock,
Right there in front of him, in the vague vastness of the blue cave surrounding them, A tall being stood.
It was beautiful, something out of a child's fantasy, completely ethereal.
Roman's eyes simmered in adoration as the blue fur of the most majestic tiger he had seen burned with light,
To compliment it's blue fur, the woodland animal possessed numerous white swirls and markings all over it's body, its paws bore no claws but still looked lethal, its eyes held a deep monotone gaze, lacking emotion but filled with a blur hue.
Two large white ears rested on its head like crowns, like it was royalty.

Which it was.

Roman gulped at the dominance that radiated from this being. He quickly thought about Becky and thought to turn to help her. But then he realised,
He couldn't look away.
The black haired tried his best to pry his gaze away from the animal, but it was all in vain as the deep gaze drew him closer, as if sucking his soul in.
He was stuck.

Becky arose from the ground, a small dent seen behind her. Her back ached from the collision and she shook her head, trying to get rid of the dizziness she felt.
The same aura hit her and she looked up, eyes glimmering at the beautiful wood land creature in front of her. Her pupils expanded in wonder as she continued to stare at it,

The yell snapped Becky out of her daze as she noticed Roman.
Unable to move, "R-roman..."
"If you stare" Roman said with his gaze still locked with the wonderful creature, "You can't look away, SO HIT IT WITH EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT!"
On hearing this, the creature narrowed its eyes, basically glaring at Roman before turning its attention to Becky. Luckily, before it could really focus on her, A large rock snapped at its face, twisting and deforming it.
The tiger was sent flying backwards a bit, stopping itself by pressing all nine of its tails on the cave ground.
(A/N: Naruto please forgive me for stealing Matatabi 😯)
Roman gained control of himself and quickly jumped backwards, standing right next to Becky, "Nice shot Becky, are you ok?"

Becky nodded with a grin, "Back pain but I've never felt better, you said I'm not supposed to look at this thing?"
Roman gave his attention back to the creature that honestly looked a little angry, "Exactly. It's like it has some control over the body when it looks straight at you "
Becky nodded but still pouted, "But it's so adorable Roman, can we keep it?"

Roman's right eye twitched as he couldn't tell if Becky was being serious or just trying to pull his leg.
"This is the nine tailed tiger of the deep blue sea...."
Roman continued to look at the tall being, trying to wonder if words could help this creature understand their purpose for disturbing its peace,
He also wondered how its past holders got through to it, and how they controlled its power.

After a long,deep pause, Roman saw its eyes glow blue and immediately placed his hands together,
The same strong water wave that originated from nowhere came back with full force only to be deflected by a large,spiral sphere of air that encircled them. The winds force blew multiple debris of rock backwards to the tiger and the cave floor started cracking under the sheer force,
The sphere disappeared the moment Roman released his grip and Becky quickly jumped out, punching the creature straight through its face. The exerted pressure from the punch pushed the creature backwards and Becky returned, squaring another harsh punch right on it's snout. The tiger immediately shielded itself by flicking its tails at Becky which she tried to dodge but failed, getting hit in the stomach and being smacked into the cave walls once again.

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