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Taking a hike, taking a hike. More like an excuse to forget everything thing that's happened 20 years ago! Peak mountain wasn't the best of choices, but there was a gorgeous scenery at the top, so they continued 'hiking'.  " ugh, stupid rock!"
Becky blasted the thing, with scorching heat . Charlotte smiled while Paige rolled her eyes, the wind hit their faces lightly and they took in the fresh air.
"i really needed this! " Paige said
" enjoy it while it lasts " charlotte breathes, " in a matter of milliseconds, we'll be called back there ", Becky sighs
" well that's our fate, unfortunately " Becky adds. They kept walking, well flying to the top of the hill till they were at the top. The magical and paranormal spirit waterfalls were amazing. This was were the three sisters would go to since they were in their child years, ever since he took everything,

Fire, brimstone, hail, every possible natural disaster flooded the town. Masked monsters ate everything in sight, everyone in reach and the land was in terror.
Up in the clouds, a thunderstorm, a man cackling evilly looking down on his own kind up there.
"Becky!!!!! "
A monster picked an innocent 2-year old Becky who was screaming, Charlotte was forced to stand their and watch her sister get eaten ALIVE! Just 6 years old, too young to use her powers. " Becky, no! " Charlotte cried. She bucked her hands hoping something would come out and blast the stupid monster who wanted to devour her sister.
"no,no,please no " she cried to her hand. She shook it again, nothing. She cried when she realised she could do nothing! " mommy!!!!!!!!" a 4-year old Paige cried. A woman came out of the fire with scratches all over her, eyes glowing red, stretched out her hand. A large blast hit the monster and Becky fell into Charlotte's hands, Charlotte held her protectively and Paige ran to her mother amidst the terror and hugged her
"mommy, everything's on fire, there are skeletons everywhere, dad's nowhere to be found, freaks are eating people, someone's in the sky!! Mommy, I'm scared! " Paige muzzled into her mothers chest and cried
" sweetie, look up, look here, mummy's here, no freak will get you or your sisters, ok sweetie? " her mom said soothingly
" MOMMY!!!!!! " Becky screamed and pointed to her back as a monster stabbed her. Paige screamed as her mother fell down, one of the most powerful beings, daughter to one of the most powerful kings, slumped to the floor dying. There stood a human, not a monster, with long flowing blonde hair, he cackled then saw Charlotte clutching becky protectively, Becky crying on Charlotte's chest, then something shocked him, a black haired girl glaring at him
" YOU!! YOU EVIL MORON! BRING MY MOTHER BACK! DAD'S GONE, I CAN'T LOSE HER! BRING HER BACK, BRING MY MOMMY BACK! NOW!!! "  Paige screamed crying. The man just smiled evilly" now little girls shouldn't have such courage " he said walking closer to her, then harshly grabbed her by the jaw
" you need to take a rest......a very long one " he added menacingly and brought out the same dagger he used to kill their mother. He raised it up
' no no no no,work!'
Paige spat in his face, that made him even more angry as he brought the dagger down to stab her. A big swirl of fire hit him and it ran him through over 20 sheds.
Paige gasped and looked behind her seeing her sister with her hand stuck out and also gasping for air.  " whoa!"  Becky said in awe. Charlotte smiled, her powers are finally working. A swarm of monsters were headed that way, they had to leave, Paige and Charlotte were ready, but not Becky
"mommy " she whispered sadly. Paige started crying, this hurt Charlotte, a lot! " guys, mommy's gone, we have to leave, or else we die! " charlotte said
" I'm not leaving her, i wanna die with her." Becky cried.  "Becky, we have to go, please!"  Paige begged sniffling.  "no!"
"Becky please! "
" i can't go, i won't go! Never! " she hugged her moms carcass
" we have to leave " Paige said
" no! I'll die with her, I'll be here in case she wakes up! "
" Becky, she's dead, she's never coming back! " Paige told her.
" stop lying!!!!!! " they paused when she screamed, then she sat on the ground sobbing. Paige came and hugged her, crying too.
" we * sniffle* have..to *sniffle * go. " Charlotte said and her sisters nodded and followed. They ran into the woods hoping there were no monsters there, but of course, there were! The three hid inside a crate, shaking in fear as groups of monsters passed them. Becky poked her head out a little and saw a monster eating someone alive! She squeaked in terror and put her head back in and muzzled into Charlotte's chest crying, Paige joined her. Charlotte hated seeing her little sisters like this
"calm down, once they all pass, we'll leave this crate and find something to eat, ok? " Charlotte whispered, Paige and Becky nodded slowly and laid on her laps crying themselves to sleep. Charlotte felt so bad, but she and her sisters had to survive, she vowed to herself to always be there for her sisters and to protect them at all costs. She stayed awake being on the lookout for any monsters coming near the crate and stifling paiges snores whenever some were very very close.
Everything was on legit fire, houses, sheds, hay stacks,  all were burning to ashes! Roman was throwing fire balls to any monster he sees.
" ROMAN!!!!! " a 4-year old seth shouts pointing behind his 6-year old older brother. Roman turns only to see a monster over shadowing him. He's to scared to move an inch so the monster tries to grab him, until a 2-year old Dean jumps in the middle and spits fire out of his mouth right into the monsters eyes. It screams and staggers back
"SETH NOW! " dean screams
Seth stomps his foot on the ground and it opens and swallows the monster
" yes! " roman says and looks over to see his cousins shooting crystal daggers to every monster in sight. Dean joins them, blasting fire everywhere. " UCE! FIREBALL! " jimmy yells to roman. Roman sees a gargantuan monster running towards them. He clamps his hands together and forms a fire ball the size of a planet!
"SETH! " he says and seth cracks a huge layer of rock and the two shoot it at the monster, everywhere explodes. The 5 fly and hit their heads, badly!
" seth, dean, jimmy, jey, you OK? " roman asks concerned
" yeah, uce, we good" jey speaks
The twins were five years old and were able to find their cousins. They hear screams only to turn around and see their mothers being burnt alive!
"mommy! " they all scream. They run to meet their mothers until two blonde grown up girls step in front of them, over shadowing them
" give up, your mamas are dead! " one growls. Roman growls back
" oh, you got guts ain't you kid? " the other snarls." they're gone, so run before your pathetic, parent less lives do! "
All of them whine sadly but roman looks down, not facing any of them." awwwww, give up yet? " one says to roman and they cackle Romans head is still down
" awwwww, stupid just like his mum! " roman starts twitching, and suddenly, that spot is hot.
The blondes are sweating, so are his brothers and cousins. His head pops up, and his eyes are as red as fire, the blonde twins look up and see his eyes" never will you speak of my mom" he growls and with that, he punches them hard and they fly high. Romans eyes slowly go back to normal. They run to their mothers
"no no no no!  Oh mom! " seth cries looking at his moms burnt body. Dean is no different
The twins are a mess! Before they know it, a swarm of monsters are coming towards them
" we gotta go, now! " roman says
" but...but mum! " seth cries. A tear drops from romans eyes
" there's nothing we can do seth. She's gone! " he tells him holding tears
" mom" dean whispers
"alright uce" jimmy sniffles "bye mom"  he says and kisses her dead body
"mom" jey sniffles and presses his forehead to hers "I'll miss you."  he whispers. Dean cries and stands up running and hugs roman, Seth does the same
" sssh, sssh, it's OK " roman coos once he hears them crying
" i found a hiding spot" jimmy says pointing to a crate in the woods
"let's go" they climb in and hide as the large group of monsters pass by. Seth, dean, jimmy and jeys heads are on romans lap as they cry themselves to sleep. Roman feels so bad, his moms dead, his dad probably is alive, his brothers and cousins are miserable, and they are so hungry, they need to survive, roman strokes their hairs, he tells himself that he vows to keep the 4 safe, he will protect them at all costs, he loves them all. He stays up, being on the lookout for any monsters that look here, then amidst looking, he sees another crate, then light blue eyes perk up, and meets his stare. He stares at these eyes a few metres away from him. They are so illuminating, he can't stop looking at them. He then sees blonde hair, and immediately reasons a girl. Charlotte is in the other crate, looking at these mysterious grey eyes. She just can't stop looking at them, they're so pretty. She sees dark hair and immediately reasons a boy. The grey eyes blink, she blinks back. Jimmy catches roman staring at something, then looks that way and sees sharp blue eyes. 'what is that?!'  he thinks,  he sees roman blink, then the eyes blink in response.
"uce, What's up with the eyes? " jimmy whispers. Roman shrugs and keeps staring, the eyes look away and roman frowns a bit, the eyes have carried something bright, then it turns into a face. Roman and jimmy then see a blonde. Roman looks around and sees a flashlight and points it to his face, Charlotte is surprised to see this extremely cute boy and another one that kinda looks like him. She waves and they wave
Becky wakes up only to see Charlotte locking eyes with somebody, then sees two boys, surprising. Paige wakes up and sees the same thing, same for jey, seth and dean. The 5 look at the 3.
Becky pokes her eyes out, so does Dean, they lock eyes. Becky blinks dean blinks. She smiles, he smiles. She tilts her head to the side, he tilts his head to the side. She sticks her tongue out, he sticks his tongue out. They both go back in their crates. Then fire balls blast both crates open.
The children fly and all land on each other
"ouchiwawa! " seth says, the boys turn to see girls staring at them
" hello? " Paige asks, seth, jimmy and jey wave. Suddenly, monsters surround them. They stand up
" ah geez! " Paige says. The monsters start running towards them. Seth flips a boulder and kicks it at one, sending it flying.
Jimmy forms  crystal spikes, jey forms crystal arrows and a bow, they start shooting. Roman sets his fists clenched and they catch fire, he disappears and punches one hard in the face, he disappears again and punches another one. Charlotte flies to go help. She blasts one and it flies into the woods. Roman looks at her and smiles, 'thanks' he mouths. She smiles and nods her head. Becky jumps on one and spits fire right in its ear, Dean spits fire in ones eyes and it falls. They smile at each other and continue. Seth flips two boulders and starts flying while shooting heavy rocks that crush some, paige blasts some with ice and they freeze, she forms a slide and jumps on it, fists clenched all covered in ice. She jumps and punches one, punches another one and shoots a third one, one tries to attack from behind , so Seth blasts a rock right in its face. Paige smiles at him and he smiles back. Then a blast, sends all different ways, roman and his relatives slide into the left part of the woods and the girls slide into the right, both hitting hard. All roman can see is a blurry woman carrying him and his siblings in ice. Charlotte and her sisters didn't get lucky, they landed deep in the woods.
6 years later
Charlotte, Paige and Becky had managed to survive for 6 years in the woods, and their powers had fully developed. One fateful day, they found themselves on Peak mountain, looking for food. They were at the center of the mountain around 6 o'clock. They were looking around until Becky saw a deer.  "psst, i found something"  Becky whispered pointing to the deer. Paige smiled
"finally! " she whisper-shouted.
The three slowly crept behind the peaceful thing, hiding behind bushes." OK, Paige, you go to that side, Becky you go to that side and I'll go in front so we can corner it" Charlotte instructed. The three went to different nooks and cornered the animal, Charlotte raised three fingers and started counting.  3.......2.......1!
Becky started chasing it from the left and Paige chased it from the right, they were chasing it right into Charlotte's fire web. Everything was going according to plan, that is until Becky kept on chasing it so it jumped OVER the web. "Becky!!"  Paige shouted.
"sorry, I just love running " Becky half grinned. " well your love for running made our breakfast run away. " Paige stated sarcastically
" it was a mistake, I'm sorry " Becky pouted
" Becky, we're not mad at you, ok? Everyone makes mistakes" Charlotte coos
"well, I'm still mad! " Paige said
" I'm sorry " she pouted at Paige
" awwwww, come here! " Paige smiled and Becky ran and hugged her. " but next time, keep your hyper activeness in check, k? " paige smiled and Becky nodded and muzzled into her chest. The deer that jumped over the fire web ran into a large tree stalk, still thinking Becky was chasing it. It stumbled, blood rushing out of its leg. Becky saw it even if it was miles away, that was another power Becky had developed, paranormal vision.
"guys, we can still catch it! " Becky said
" um hello, it's gone! " Paige said pointing around
" no! I saw it, with my vision! " Becky replied. Charlotte stopped, that's one of the powers their mom had
" you sure? " Charlotte asked and Becky nodded " ok, where is it? "
" follow me", they followed her upper to the mountain. Paige and Charlotte saw it bleeding, then a huge blast!
Roman, Seth and Dean were saved 6 years ago by a woman, she took them to a Chinese mosque, along with other children who hid during that time of terror. She and her brother were just 17 and 18 when that terror happened, they found children whose parents died and brought them there. But Charlotte , Paige and Becky were not found because they were blasted deep into the woods.
The three wanted to hunt for food, the woman told them to as part of their training. So they were at the center of Peak mountain, looking
" after we find animals, can we go to those magic waterfalls at the top of the mountain? " Dean asked
" as long as we find a kill, we can go" roman replied
"ooo, found one" seth said pointing to a deer with a wounded leg.  "awesome" roman said and blasted a fire ball at it. Everywhere exploded
"It's dead, let's go carry it " roman said and the three brothers ran to where it was.
" what was that???? " Paige said, standing up and dusting herself.
" well, whatever it was made our job a whole lot easier! " Becky said pointing at the deer metres away from them. " let's go" Charlotte said and the three ran to where it was. The 6 were there and they bent down and grabbed it with their mouths. Then they looked up. The girls were confused to see three eyes with the same confusion as them. They let go slowly. Paige is so confused but then realises they are after she and her sisters kill.
"who are you idiots? " Paige asks
" i could say the same for you " seth says
" this is our kill, back off" dean speaks
"OK, how do i put this nicely, we found this kill, i chased it into a stalk, so it ours" Becky said not so nicely
"woah woah, hold up cute face. Our territory, our kill " dean growled
" and which dumb rule is that? " Paige says
" the one that sends you outta here " seth says
" not happening dust ball! " Paige insults
" hey, you can't speak to my brother like that! " dean says
" she'll speak to him however she wants to" Becky answers. They kept on bickering and Charlotte had locked eyes with roman a long time ago. She blinks, he blinks.  'these eyes, i-I've seen them somewhere'  Charlotte thinks. Roman then remembers, those were the same eyes that he was lost in 6 years ago. This was that blonde and those must be her sisters. Charlotte memories then flood back.  "leave and nothing happens, you little rascals!"  Paige snarls
"that will be the day" dean speaks
"oh shut up! " Becky snaps
" i think I'm older than you, little pest! " seth insults, " that's it! " Paige says and forms an ice ball in her hands
" oh, two can play it that game" seth says and rocks rise from the ground. Dean and Becky are ready to spit fire into any ones face right now just as the war was about to start
"STOP!!!!!!!! " everything drops and Charlotte and roman look at each other then their siblings
" there will be no killing anyone. " Charlotte says to her sisters.
" don't you guys remember them?" roman asks his brothers
"oh oh oh, i remember us telling them to LEAVE! " dean said
" why you little" Paige growls
" guys, remember those girls who helped us fight those monsters "
" be more specific, we've fought lots of monsters! " dean says
" like you idiots? " Paige asked
Charlotte eyes her sister.
" those eyes" Charlotte and roman say, then the others remember
"oh! Wait, that's them? " dean said getting sober
Roman nodded and the three look at them, then the dead deer." take it"  seth says. Paige shakes her head "you guys needed it"  she replied. "only to pass a test we can still pass"  roman speaks " take it, you need it more than us"  Dean adds. Becky shakes her head.
"hey, let's take them to the mosque with us, she won't mind" Dean says
" yeah, you're right for once " seth mumbles and Dean glares at him why the girls stifle their laughter.
" real funny! " dean says and the three turn their attention to the girls." so will you come with us? " dean smiles. The girls stay quiet for a while, then nod." yes! " the boys say. Then they lock eyes, all of them. " let's go! " dean says leading them from the mountain.
" we wanna show you guys something " dean says as he, his brothers and the girls sit down facing the moon.
" but it's like 9 in the night" Becky says.  "that's when it shines the most"  seth smiles. "okey dokey, let's go!"  Paige says. Seth cracks the earth and it swallows them. They go up Peak mountain through the earth, and seth opens the ground when they reach the top. Paige gags "i swallowed an earth worm seth!"  "sorry. And look"  the girls look up and their jaws drop. A long line of nature in the form of water is glistening in the dark, the falls are high and rushing, everything looks so peaceful.  "woah" they saw in awe
"told you" seth smirks. The girls walk closer to the water fall and look around,  "this is so pretty"  Becky smiles and walks around .
" um, this is awesome! " Paige says and jumps in the river making a very big splash. Charlotte chuckles and turns to the three" you come here everyday? "
" only to cool our heads when we remember....everything " roman speaks after his lengthy pause.
" It's like our secret garden " dean says" no one knows about this place, only us" seth concludes
"then why tell us? " Paige asks coming out of the water
" well we trust you guys " dean says" and judging by what happened six years ago, you guys need this place " seth says
" well, better late than never " Paige says
" thanks guys, for everything actually " Charlotte says
" well, it's like aunt says, treat others as though they were yourself " seth smiles
" oh, you would punch yourself? " Paige asks
" no! " seth shouts
" sorry about her, she's kind of the sassy one. " Charlotte says glaring at her." eh, I'm fine " roman shrugs." no, you're not fine, this is! " Paige says pointing at the magical fall." ooo, are there mermaids? " Becky asks
Roman shakes his head and Becky frowns" buuuut, there is this" he says and squats down behind Becky raising his hands and swaying his hands side to side, the water kicked up, following his hand movement, swaying side to side.  "woah"  Paige and Becky say in awe,  "he's my new friend"  Becky said and hugged roman.
They all sit down and watch roman control the water
" ah, i always loved the view" Paige said lying on the grass next to the waterfall. They were at their secret garden on the top of Peak mountain, well they don't completely own it.
Charlotte lay next to the river while Becky laid on paiges tummy. They sneaked out of the mosque, and came here to relax.
"see i knew they were here " a voice said then three people were up in the sky looking at them. The girls looked up only to see grey, brown and blue with a hint of grey eyes glow in the dark and land where they were
" we were worried sick and you three are here? "
" It's just 10 in the night " Paige said boringly
" just 10? JUST 10?! Everyone's looking for you three! "
" can't we enjoy the view again?" Becky asked
"just tell us if you're going somewhere in the night, k? "
" sure, come sit  and relax your minds" Charlotte urged.
***** * ****************** ******
Hello guys
Sorry for the long chapter, it's my first book, first impressions matter so, just wanted to say, happy new month!!!!
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Peace ✌

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