Chapter 7: The Policy

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Chapter 7

The Policy


When I pulled up to August's house there was a man standing in the watch box next to the gate this time. I hadn't seen him before, but he looked official so I wonder what was going on for him to be here.

"Hello!" I smiled pulling my shades off my eyes so I could get a good look at the man as he approached my car window.

The guy was buff. You could tell he stayed in the gym often, and he kept a few tattoos on his arm, and knuckles. Plus he was tall as hell so he seemed awfully intimidating, but when he got to smilin' it proved otherwise.

"Hi. Are you one of Mr.Alsina's friends?" He questioned peeking in my car to check for what I assume is some extra people or whatever else could harm August.

"No. I'm his Interior Designer, Cyntheia Rivera."

"Okay let me call up to the house to make sure he's expecting you." He stated walking back into the watch box, and dialin' August on the phone inside.

Once he was off the phone he jogged back over to my car leaning on the window.

"So August didn't answer. I see all your supplies in the back so I'm just gonna need some identification, and I can let you up. Also after a pat down so could you step out the car?" I was caught off guard by him wanting to pat me down, and almost wanted to tell him hell nah 'cause he wasn't the police, but I had a job to do so I got out grabbing my I.D. on the way.

He grabbed my I.D. lookin' it over before givin' it back to me. Soon after he told me to spread my legs and got to patting me down. I was a little uncomfortable when he got to patting down my butt and boobs, but let it slide because it was his job. Once he was finished, and let me go up, I drove up the driveway and parked at the top of the hill. After getting all of my crap out of the trunk and backseat into the house, I closed the door behind me and headed for the living room. I didn't hear anything from upstairs or anywhere else in the huge house so I assumed August was still sleep recovering from the hangover I'm sure he had, since he was takin' back drinks last night. So I opted on trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake him. It shouldn't be hard since the construction guys weren't due to come in until five. In the meantime I would just setup to finish off the fireplace.

As soon as I put down the second tile I heard footsteps coming from the stairwell, and someone talking. I had stopped what I was doin' to listen in.

"So are you going to call me?" I heard a chick ask.

"Yea I gotchu baybeh. " I heard August say.

Now I had peeked my head around the living room wall, and walked some ways into the hallway to see better. Sure enough August was at the front door wit' some broad standing in front of him. I rolled my eyes realizing he had smashed her, but continued to listen.

"You better. I'll see you later." She smiled leaning in to kiss him, but he quickly turned his head making her catch his cheek.

He laughed it off, and then closed the door in her face. As soon as I saw him about to turn around I took off back into the living room, and picked up a tile tryin' to look like I was busy, but at the same time keep quiet so he don't walk in, but of course my dumb ass dropped the tile making it shatter all over the tarp that was laid down under me.

"Shit." I mumbled setting down my scraper, and picking up the little pieces.

"Cyn?" I heard August call.

I looked up at the entry way to see him steppin' in. He was wearing just some sweatpants, and Nike socks. He was lookin' right with all his tattoos showing, but I couldn't be thinking about that, I had work to do.

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