Chapter 18: Flashbacks

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                                                                                  Chapter 18


(Dedicated to my sister for being my favorite little critic all day!) 


"Why you lookin' so nervous Yung?" T questioned while I was up in the lil studio place pickin' out suits an shit foe tonight. Your man's was real last minute.

"Ion't no man. It's jus' a big night foe me y'know. This the album that gotta top the las' one an I'm jus' hopin' errybody see all theheart I put inta this shit, y'know?" I said turnin' 'round in the mirror afta ole stylist chick put my suit jacket on.

I usually ain't nervous 'bout shit like this, but I really wanted all the fans, and my family ta see wea' I'm comin' from an really feel this shit. The last album got errybody rockin' wit' me 'cause I was tellin' relate able stories, but nah I was trynna really get inta all the emotion durin' those stories an hard times an I wasn't sho' how errybody was gone feel 'bout that.

"Man Yung you ain't got shit ta worry 'bout. The tracks you played me was fire an you know yo fans rockin' wit' you day and night. Don't worry 'bout shit." T assured.

"Yea, guess you right. Aye ma, lemme see that otha suit jacket an tie wit' this." I pointed ova ta the lil rack of clothes.

She walked ova an got ta lookin' foe the stuff while I looked at myself in the mirror. Nigga was lookin' dapper an shit. When ole girl came back wit' my stuff she started puttin' it on me befoe my phone went off next ta T.

"Aye man, who that is?" I asked trynna see.

"Uh, Quinton!"

"Oh. Throw me my phone." T threw me the phone an I caught it befoe answerin'.

"Wazzam Q?"

"Aye Yung, I got some moe information on ole girl." He spoke.

I immediately got confused. While back home I tol' Q ta jus' forget 'bout it. I was jus' gone trust Cyn on this, but nah Q got my attention.

"Information? Man Q this ain't even a good time bruh. I got the lil album release shit ta night so maybe I can hit you up tomorrow so we can talk 'bout it. "

"Yea that's straight. I'll jus' hit you tomorrow then. Oh and congrats bro."

"Thanks man. I'a get witcha lata." I hung up an threw my phone back ta T.

"What's that about boss?" He questioned.

"Nothin' jus' gone have some shit ta handle tomorrow. "


"Man I'm jealous of y'all ugly asses." Keyshia pouted as we all walked through some little boutique down town.

I of course had been busy and didn't wait until last minute to get a nice dress for the event. August didn't exactly ask me to be his date, but Kyle has called earlier to say that August and I in fact needed to be there together. I was excited about that because we're going to be officially together to the public tonight. Management wanted to expose us at the beginning of the week, but decided on pushing it to tonight, so everyone would have even more reason to talk about August. It was a good idea and I didn't care about us going public because tonight was all about Aug and I wanted to make sure it stayed like that.

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