Chapter 31: Gettin' It Together

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  Chapter 31

Gettin' It Together


Afta the peramedic at Cyn's house tol' me what happened I lost my shit. I ran through the house lookin' foe Pop's ass an when I finally found him I beat the fuck out that nigga. I don't give a fuck if he was bein' treated foe bullet wounds, his bitch ass needed that shit. Afta drillin his face in a few good times the cops came in an put me inta hand cuffs an took me out ta the lil squad car. I was still pissed off in the backseat the whole time that we drove down ta the station, but I knew betta than ta be wildin' in the cop car, they would love ta hall my ass off ta jail, foe real, in a heart beat.

Lucky foe my ass they let me go wit' out a problem an I was released foe anyone ta come get me so I had Rita come swoop me up so I could get ta the hospital ta check on Cyn. They said they had ta take her there to get a rape kit done an check up on her. Ion't care what they had ta do as long as my girl is alright when I get there.

"August what the hell is going on?" Rita yelled as soon as a nigga stepped foot inna car.

"Man so much shit done popped off tonight Ri." I sighed. She took off down the street towards the hospital an I'm glad she was gone take the back roads 'cause fuckin' 'round wit' New York traffic at this time a night won't have us there foe hours.

"Like what? You need to let me know what's going on. You're lucky those hounds, that people call paparazzi, didn't get your ass on camera."

"Ion't give a fuck 'bout them. But the whole situation really, is that some nigga from Cyn's past brought his ass up hea' wildin' trynna get her ta come back wit' him. Long story short the nigga end up rapin' C, but her brother and lil homie from down south came through an shot ole dude up. C in the hospital gettin' a rape kit done an the nigga that did the shit bein' treated up there an shit too."

We pulled up ta a stop light an Rita looked ova at me all shocked an shit.

"For real? All of that happened just tonight?" She shrieked befoe pullin' off again.

"Yup. I'm pissed cause if I hadn't flipped out onna ass she wouldn't have left the trip an wouldn't have had ta be at that damn house by herself!" I was all the way pissed off jus' thankin' 'bout the shit.

This really is all my fault. I shoulda tol' her that I went ta meet Pop, an what the nigga had said, this mornin'. I'm always tellin' her ta not be keepin' no secrets an tell me straight up, but I done did the same shit an now some pussy nigga done came an hurt her. Ion't thank imma be able ta forgive myself on this one.

When we finally pulled up ta the hospital I hopped out, pushin' past all the muhfuckin' paparazzi that was trynna get ta me, an ran inside afta security cleared me. I ran up ta the desk an dinged on the bell a bail of times 'til the lady stopped me.

"How can I help you sir?" She asked nicely.

"Look, I'm lookin' foe my girlfriend Cyntheia Rivera's room. Can you tell me what the room numba is?"

She nodded an typed on her lil computa befoe lookin' up at me again an smilin'. I'a neva undastand how niggas could be smilin' up Inna place like the damn hospital. Seem like only bad shit eva happens hea'.

"She's in room 228. That's upstairs. You'll go down the first hall you'll see on your right and its should be the fourth door down on the left side. "

"Thank you." I tol' her. I took off ta the elevata's an got on by myself headin' foe the second floe.

Once them doe's was open I walked down the hall way she tol' me ta go ta an saw two of my tour body guards standin' outside Cyn's doe. When they saw me they nodded at me an let opened the doe foe me ta walk in. As soon as I get inside the room Cyn was layin' onna bed in one of those stupid hospital gowns, an Ms. Carta was in a chair next ta her lookin' all the way pissed off. Both of 'em looked up at me as I walked ova ta the otha side of Cyn's bed. Cyn looked like she had been through some shit an I felt bad knowin' it was my fault.

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