Chapter 14: Still Just Business

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                                                                                          Chapter 14

                                                                                   Still Just Business

{Dedicated to ShasmeckaSretep for always commenting, and commenting a lot! Lol Thanks girl}



After Aug, and I's last date, all my social media stuff had been blowing up. People were tweeting me all sorts of stuff pertaining to Aug and I's relationship. I found it weird how interested everyone was in me, I mean I knew my privacy would be compromised, but they really wanted to know everything. When Kyle called some time after the date he had praised August and I on how well we did on looking like an actual couple, but still keeping it friend like. I guess we were doing a good job, but that was only because that was just how our friendship truly was, honestly we didn't act any different Saturday than we do any other day, outside of the more touching. Well on my part, Aug's that touchy feely all the time.

"Girl, niggas is already in my DM's asking me on dates and shit! Got Chris ass mad and what not." Bambi laughed into the phone.

I was at the office answering some clients emails about some questions on property and just eating lunch, when Bam had called to gush about all her newly obtained followers as well. I was in here cracking up at her, because she was truly excited about this. Her ass had even agreed to some niggas date offers just to mess wit' 'em.

"You need to stop! Chris gone get you if you keep playin'." I laughed, making her suck her teeth.

"Ain't nobody thinkin' 'bout his yellow ass."

"Oh don't play him now! You is way past sprung on his so called yellow ass."

"Whatever ho! Rather be sprung than in denial." She remarked.

Although I couldn't see her I'm sure she was smirking. Her and Keyshia were pressed, believing that Aug and I had some real feelings for one and other. Sure our friendship left a friendly level every now and again, but I really just don't believe that Aug wants more than to smash. Yea he had moments where I think maybe  we could have something, but he was August Alsina at the end of the day, and that scared me. Not to mention that I have an ugly past that I didn't want him to be exposed to and end up not wanting to speak to me.

"Whatever Bam, I'm not in denial." I retorted.

"Yea whateva, keep tellin' yo self whatever makes you feel better boo. I got to go though, I got a meeting with my managers."

"Alright. I'll come and drop off your shirt later tonight." I replied making a mental reminder to actually do that.

"Okay. Thanks girl. Love you, bye."

"Love you too, bye." I replied before ending the call and turning towards my computer. 

I had just started on replying to an email when my office door flew open. When I looked up my eyes damn near bugged out of my head. What the hell was he doing here? Soon after he barged in, Courtney cane running in behind him looking nervous.

"Oh my god, Ms. Rivera, I told him he couldn't come in without me asking you, but he barged back here anyways." She stated all in one breath.

I rolled my eyes looking back at him. It was of course like him.

"You're fine Court. You can take your lunch break now." I muttered not taking my eyes off of him as he frowned and sat in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

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