Chapter 32: Checking It Off

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   Chapter 32

Checking It Off


After grabbing my prescription and heading to August's house to unload all of my stuff, I started to clean up around the house because I was feeling very anxious and antsy and didn't know what to do with myself. I thought I would be fine once I left the hospital this morning and I was, up until a few minutes ago. Being in this huge house by myself caused me to grow nervous. I know Pop isn't going to be showing his face here and none of his men would probably be able to get as far as the front door, but there's still this fear inside of me. This fear that at any second I could be assaulted again, and I dont like this feeling but it's like I can't shake it.

August has yet to come home and im thankful for that because I need time to get myself and my thoughts together. I know he said he's going to be here for me, but that's not what I want. I want to be able to overcome this on my own. I do appreciate having him there by my side even after what I told him but I just want to do all of this on my own. His love is enough for me right now, and I need to be mentally independent if I'm going to get through this. I got through Malik's death on my own, I'll be able to get through this on my own.

I kept on with the cleaning for a little more until there was nothing to do so I opted on setting my appointment with the Therapist now. The doctor had referred a good friend of his that deal with women that have gone through what I have and he seemed excited about me going to her so I'm kind of excited about going to her. I know I want to go through this independently, but I need someone to guide me in the way I need to go about the self help process and I feel a therapist would do the trick. I dialed the number on the card in front of me and waited for it to pick up.

"Dr. Leah Gonzalez speaking, how can I help you?" She asked sweetly into the phone. I smiled at the softness in her voice, knowing already that she wasn't just some bland shrink.

"Hello Doctor. Uhm my name is Cyntheia Rivera and a friend of yours, Dr.Peters, referred me to you." I began.

"Oh yes he told me you should be calling. He didn't explain your case to me because of the whole doctor patience confidentiality agreement, but considering the girls I work with, I'm sure I have an idea of what you'll be seeing me for, but go ahead an explain to me if you will."

Just after she said that I heard the front door open and then August shout. "Baybeh yuh in hea'?"

I shook my head at how loud he was but went ahead and ignored him allowing him to just find me. It didn't take him long because he soon popped his head in the kitchen smiling at me.

"Can you give me one second Dr.Gonzalez?" I spoke into the phone.

"Of course sweety."

I placed the phone on the counter and looked up at August who was making his way over to me. He leaned down to kiss me, but I scooted some ways away dodging his kiss. I know it was rude, but I just wasn't ready for all of that.

"My bad baybeh. I forgot." He mumbled with a frown on his face. I waved him off letting him know it was okay before speaking.

"Youre fine. But I'm on the phone with the therapist right now. "

"Oh, my bad Bae. I'll be quiet." He stated before walking over to the fridge and getting some stuff out for sloppy joes.

I picked the phone up and pressed it back to my ear to continue on with the conversation. "I'm back. Sorry about that."

"Oh you're fine honey. So now can you just tell me what happened to you and what you would like to work on when you come see me? I realize this is a bit impersonal but I rather formulate how I want to go about speaking with you." She explained. I nodded liking what she had been saying.

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