Chapter 3: Lookin' Out

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Chapter 3

Lookin' Out


"Hey mama!" I yelled walking into the house.

She appeared from around a corner that lead to the kitchen.

"Oh hey baby. You here early." She smiled pulling me into a hug.

I rested my chin on her shoulder and inhaled the scent of fried chicken and red beans.

"Yea the house I went to see finished up early today."

"Oh really who's it for?" She questioned walking into the kitchen.

I followed behind her and took my normal spot next to her and the stove. I leaned over her shoulder to see a few pieces of chicken still frying, and some rice boiling.

"August Alsina." I stated simply.

She dropped her tongs on the counter and turned to me with her hand on her hip and a smirk on her face.

"Oh really now. That little rap boy you like oh so much huh?"

"I don't like him 'oh so much' and yes that one." I retorted crossing my arms over my chest.

My mom raised her eyebrow at me and looked me up and down before turning back to her chicken and taking it out placing it on the plate beside her.

"Yea okay Cyntheia don't let that little rap boy influence you. " She muttered.

"Mama what are you talking about? How is he going to influence me?"

"I don't know, but what I do know is that, that boy is trouble so don't let him get you in any either."

"Mama he is not as bad as the media makes him out to be! Plus I've worked with worse, like Chris Brown." I responded grabbing the plate of chicken out of her hand and placing it on the table.

"Don't talk about my baby breezy now Chile. He's an angel."

I rolled my eyes at her knowing she'd defend Chris. After one time of meeting him because he came to my house to personally deliver my check, she done fell in love with the man. I couldn't blame her because Chris was actually a good guy, but she's just a mess when it comes to him.

"Mmhm okay." I mumbled before taking a seat at the table.

Right on time my brother Lamont walked in going straight to my mom to give her a hug, and then to me doing the same before placing a kiss on my forehead and taking his seat at the head of the table.

"What was y'all women up in here talking about?" He cheesed rubbing his hands together as mama set his plate of red beans and rice in front of him.

My brother was a pretty big guy. He worked out just as much as me, probably more and you can definitely tell. He was also light skin, but a few shades darker than me, but that was only because we had different Fathers. Lamont's daddy looked exactly like Lamont, size and all.

"Nothin' just your sisters new client." Mama responded eyeing me as she set my plate in front of me, and then took her seat across from me.

She looked over at Lamont who had already bit into his chicken, and popped him on the back of his neck. I tried to hold in my laugh but it was no use, I busted out laughing causing Lamont to mug me, but I just laughed harder.

"Boy now you know better than to eat before we say grace. Now gimme yo hand, and Cyn you betta shut it up. Gimmie yo hand too." She directed grabbing both of our hands.

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