Chapter 1: Belong To The City

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Chapter 1

Belong To The City


"You should come out tonight Cyn!" Keyshia tried.

I got up from my spot behind my desk, and headed for my room to grab one of my folders that I had left in there.

"I can't Key I'm working on some ideas tonight." I explained sighing.

Believe me if I could go out tonight I would. It's just that I had to put the finishing touches on B.o.B's new house with Sevyn Streeter. I had been working on their house for a wopping two months, which has been one of my shortest designs ever, but they were pretty simple, and didn't want to go all out considering they're bringing a child into the world, and didn't want anything that could hurt Him or her.

"Girl you've been working on their house day, and night, you can come out just for a little bit, it won't slow nothing down, because knowing you you're probably already done with the designs, and is just going over them with you perfectionist ass." she retorted.

I laughed at her, and kept shuffling things around to find the folder, and once I caught sight of it under a few magazines I grabbed it, and headed back over to my office, taking a seat back behind my computer screen.

" That in fact is true, but come on Key, I just want to get their house finished."

"And I don't care, if they wanted it done any faster they would have paid you more. Now get your butt up,and come open your door, because me, and Bambi are here." She stated.

I attempted to say something else, but of course Keyshia had hung up on me. It was typical Key, her way or the high way, and that's just been her since I could remember. Even in elementary school she was runnin' thangs on the play ground, but I deeply admired her for her back bone, and 'ain't gone have it' attitude.

Once I got to the door, she and Bambi were standing there with wide smiles, and dressed to impress. I could only shake my head at the two, and step to the side to let them in. The both strutted right on in, and helped themselves to some Alfredo I had chillin' on the stove.

"Oh so y'all think y'all can just walk on in here with your booty's poked out, and get to eatin' my food huh?" I questioned closing the door,and walking over to the bar stool, and taking a seat.

"Absolutely. You done made all this food for just yo self, and think we can't have none? You real stingy Cyn." Bambi pointed out, before taking a bite out of a piece of garlic bread.

"First of all I made that to last me a few days so I won't have to cook since I'll probably be getting home late this week. And second of all I could have very well had a man coming over here to enjoy that with me."

Keyshia began choking on some of the pasta 'causing me to roll my eyes, because I already knew she was just trynna make fun of me.

"Girl, you need to let me know when you about to make a joke while I'm eating." She joked.

Bambi laughed along with her, but I just rolled my eyes heading back into my office knowing that I ain't have no type of time to be their punching bag for all of their jokes tonight, especially when I had as much work as I had to do tonight. I sat behind my computer,and began scrolling through some of my files, when both of them walked in,and took a seat on one of my white couches in the room.

"Y'all better not spill nothin' in here." I stated shaking my head before typing something into the computer.

"Girl boo. Who even gets an all white office in their house, that's stupid." Bambi commented looking around.

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