Chapter 10: Start It Off Right

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                                                                                     Chapter 10

                                                                                  Start It Off Right


"You did what? Little girl are you out yo damn mind?" Mama asked as she turned from her pot of food to look at me as I sat at the kitchen table watching her.

I had just told her about the deal I had made with August's manager, and now she was lookin' at me like I done grew two heads. I understood her shock 'cause she knew how I felt about being in the public eye, and didn't want to compromise my privacy because of my job, but something about this situation with August, made me feel like I would be straight if I went through with it.

"I know mama, but I kind of had too, and besides I'm getting paid for this so that's just another pay check in my pocket and another Chanel bag in your closet. " I smiled.

She looked at me with a stale face still not budgin' even with my little offer, but that was mama for you, if she felt some type of ways she was finna stand by it.

"No body cares 'bout no bag Cyntheia. I swear you told me that you ain't want to be in no media, and now you dead smack in the middle of everything. With that thug ass boy on top of that." She stated turning aggressively to finish stirring whatever was in the pot.

"He ain't no thug ass boy mama," I started.

I know if August was here he'd agree with her with some words along the lines of 'nah she right. But I'm jus' a real nigga yuh heard me.'. With that thought in mind I got to laughin' a little bit causing mama to turn back around with a serious look on her face.

"Oh so now you think this funny? " She questioned with an eyebrow raised.

I knew that look too well, it was the same look that she gave me and Lamont when was little and just a few minutes away from gettin' toe up.

"No mama." I huffed.

"Yea mhm, you must think runnin' 'round with this little boy is cute or something."

"Its not like he's a bad guy though ma! And if I can have an excuse for this little video, and a couple extra dollars in my pocket then so be it. This deal isn't that bad."

"Okay Ms.I got the answers for everything, what you gone do if he finds a girl he really want to be with? You gone be cool with that?" She questioned pointing a long manicured finger at me.

I hated that my mom always has to go in on me when there was a situation she ain't like, but I know it was just another one of her ways to show that she was just looking out for me so I never really got that heated, but it was still annoying that she was even doing me like this at twenty-one years old. I understand her doing it if I was still seventeen or something, but I was now old enough to make me own decisions, and smart enough to make the right ones.

"Then he can get with that chick! We stage a fake breakup and he gets with ole girl." I shrugged grabbing the fork that she had placed into my bowl that lay in front of me.

"Mm mm Cyntheia, I thought you would know better than to do something like this. That boy has trouble followin' him everywhere, so what makes you think it won't came after you?" She questioned sitting across from me with her bowl.

"Because I got this ma."


I was in a nice peaceful sleep. I was so tired because after I left my mama's for dinner, I headed to the office and worked on a few designs for some clubs and houses that I had to send to my workers outta state. My company extended all across the country. I had a couple of workers in about seven different states that put the houses together while I just made the designs. It was a tough decision to go nation wide for my first year of business, but I knew If I was going into this shit, I'd have to go in strong to ensure success. It took a lot of loans from the bank to get things up and runnin' but once it did I was able to pay back the bank and have a little somethin' somethin' for myself.

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