Chapter 12: Payin'

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                                                                                            Chapter 12



It was a drag gettin' myself up. It was five in the morning and I was dead tired. When I got back home from Aug's house I called my mom and we had a long ass argument before she finally admitted she was wrong. I thanked her for her apology but I don't care to speak to her any time soon, because I'm a little upset with her still.

After I was dressed and headed out the door, I stopped by a Tim Horton's to grab a coffee. In the drive through two of the workers had noticed me and asked for pictures, I denied because I ain't have any makeup on and looked a mess and just really wanted to get my coffee and get out. The two girls were a little upset but I could careless, I had a tight schedule to stick to, and didn't care to get into anything with them.

"Thank you." I smiled lightly grabbing my cup.

"Yea whatever." She retorted.

I rolled my eyes and pulled off towards August's house. I hadn't told him how early I was going to be, just that I was going to be early so I was going to try my best to be quiet while I was there. After a while I finally pulled up and got all my necessary supplies out before heading inside. The whole house was quiet and dark indicating that August must have in fact still been sleep so I quietly scooted everything upstairs to the master bedroom. Once everything was setup I walked down to August's guest room that he had been staying in.

When I peaked into the room Aug was spread out all over his bed knocked out. I giggled a little bit at his awkward position before going to close the door, but of course it creaked loudly, this was the door that August wanted us to fix, but I guess one of the guys didn't get around to it.

"Who the-- Cyn that you?" August mumbled leaning up off the bed.

I nodded but realized that he probably couldn't see me in the lightly lit house.

"Yea. Its me. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, you can go back to sleep." I whispered trying to scoot away from the door.

"No. Come hea'." He mumbled with half his face still in the pillow.

I pushed the door open making it squeak louder before walking over to his bed side where he was still laying sprawled out. He didn't even get up, he just wrapped his arm around my thighs and pulled me closer before tilting his head to look up at me.

"What you doin' hea' ma?" He questioned letting out a deep breath.

"I had to work on the house. I'll be busy for the rest of the day so I had to come now. I'll be quiet I promise."

"Mmhm. You ain't gotta work taday. Come on get in bed." August mumbled grabbing my waist and pulling me even closer to the bed.

I would love to take the day off and go back to bed, but I needed to be workin' so I can get this house done. I didn't need to prolong any of my task especially when so many other people wanted me to work on their stuff.

"No Aug. Go back to sleep. I'll see you later." I whispered turning to walk away, but of course he pulled me back by my belt loop.

He's persistent but I was on a mission, and it was not the time for his persistence and he needed his sleep because he had a meeting at ten.

"No Cyn, get in this bed. It's too early." He sighed finally just completely bringing me down into the bed.

First I was on top of him, but then I scooted so I was next to him. When I looked up at him his eyes were closed but he tightened his arm around my neck so that my head was laying on top of his chest.

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