Chapter 27: Family Ties

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                                   Chapter 27

                                   Family Ties


"Excuse me?" I remarked. I could have sworn she just said my father wanted to meet me.

"Listen baby, that's who I've been going on these dates with. He called me a while back asking if he could speak to me, we met up and baby he's changed so much!" She smiled like this was just the greatest thing.

This was not great and I found myself getting more and more pissed off as the time rolled by.

"Is that what he told you, that he's changed? Mama how many times did he say that to you in the past? How many times did you think he changed and let him come back, and he screwed us all over!" I yelled. She was crazy if she was really just going off of what this man had said.

"No, I can tell Cyntheia, he's different. He's working down at a law firm in the city, he's got his own place somewhere near here and he really wants to be back in you and Lamont's life baby. I'm telling you, that man has changed."

If there was one thing I could say about my father that's good, is that even though Shane and Lamont weren't his kids, he always helped take care of them. When he was around he made sure he taught both of them every thing there was to know about being a man and always made sure that we were all straight. Hats off to him for that, because not very many men will take care of children that aren't their's specially when one of them is the child of their best friend.

Shane's father was a horrible man from what I've heard, but at a point in time that used to be my fathers road dog, but everything went south when he started feelin' mama. My father cut him out of his life for good, but that never stopped Shane's daddy from lusting after mama, it had got so out of hand that he had eventually ended up raping mama. Shane's daddy has been in jail ever since.

I had learned about the situation from over hearing conversations between mama and my father and Lamont would tell me bits and pieces when I had got a little older. For all that mama has gone through , she's the strongest woman I know, and I just don't want my father coming back and ruining her how he did all those years ago. She's come to far to take a thousand steps back.

"Mama why now? Why would he want to see us now? He didn't even come to Shane's funeral! Shane looked up to the man, how could he not even show up! He got to run away from all of the shit that we were all going through and now you think its okay for him to come back and have the pleasure of knowing how amazing his kids turned out? That's bullshit!" I shouted. I was enraged at this point and felt like throwing everything in sight.

August had put his arm around my shoulder trying to comfort me, but it just wasn't working. I have lived my whole life without my father and now he wanted to just appear? Its not right. Its not fair.

"Watch your fucking mouth in my house Cyntheia!" Mama yelled at me with an incruedeous look.

"I'm sorry mama, but that shit isn't fair! Do you understand how hard Shane, Lamont, and I all worked to help you out down there? You were sick and couldn't do anything so we all ran around trying to scrape up any money to keep the lights on in the house and pay for any medicine or treatment you needed! While he got to live his life of leisure we had to struggle! At thirteen and fourteen I shouldn't have had to see some of the shit that I did, my father was suppose to be there to protect me from seeing things like that, but he wasn't there so I was forced into those environments!" I yelled some more. I was getting a headache from yelling at her and now mama was crying.

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