Chapter 8: Plans

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                                                                                      Chapter 8



"So then you tol' him what?" August chuckled as he popped a grape in his mouth.

"I told him that you were my date." I stated looking over at him.

After last night I told August that I'd tell him the full story when I came over today to work on the house, about the whole Berg thing, and so far he was taking it lightly.

"Okay." He laughed standing up and walking to the kitchen.

I set my paint roll back in the bucket and followed him into the kitchen where he was pouring his self some juice.

"Wait. Okay? What does that mean?"

"It jus' means okay Cyn. Yoh tol' him ole Aug was yo date, so Aug gone be yo date." He cheesed.

The way he was smilin' I already knew there was some catch to all of this.

"Okay, what do you want?"

"Why a nigga gotta want somethin'?" He chuckled sitting on the counter top.


"Alright. I'a be yo date if you cook a four course meal foe me."

"Excuse me?" I asked laughing.

"Yup. Four courses, and you eat wit' me." He stated folding his arms across his chest.

I looked at him skeptical if I wanted to agree to this, but soon found myself nodding my head.

"Fine. I'll do it." I smiled.

He hopped off of the counter smirking, before grabbing his cup of juice and walking past me to the staircase.

"Pleasure doin' bihness wit' you Ms.Rivera!" He shouted laughing afterwards.

I shook my head and headed back to the living room to finish working.

-Friday; The Club Opening-

"So he goin' as your date, and in return you gotta cook for baby boy?" Bambi asked.

Id been face timing with her as I got ready for the club opening considering she was still out of town for one of her modeling gigs, and I had to catch her up on everything that's been going on.

"Yea pretty much." I stated as I flat ironed another piece of my hair.

She was smirking when I looked down at the phone causing me to laugh at the stupid expression on her face.

"For somebody that graduated from college you real stupid Cyn."

"How am I stupid?" I asked confused before taking down another piece of my hair and straitening it.

"Because you cain't see that he wants some Cyntheia Rivera up in his bed. Like girl, it cain't be no more obvious then this." She stated rolling her eyes.

I sucked my teeth ignoring her little comment. August had a flirty personality sure, but I don't think he wants me in that way. There are a ton of groupie ass chicks willing to bust it wide open for him wit' out him so much as saying Hi to them, so why would he waste his time trying to get with me?

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