Chapter 29: Love Like This

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Chapter 29

Love Like This


The girls and I were deep into dress up, with them all wearing some old Halloween costumes and me just playing as their stylist, when Chandra came upstairs to come get us all for dinner.

"Come on y'all, the food is ready." She smiled after poking her head into the room. All of the girls immediately got up and headed for the steps with Chandra right behind them. I slowly stood up and began walking to the door, but my phone had went off in my back pocket causing me to stop and grab it.

When I saw the caller I.D. I rolled my eyes, but answered it anyways because I already knew better than to ignore him.

"What do you want?" I retorted as soon as I picked up.

"Aw Cyn baby, no reason to be like that. I was just calling to let you know you're gonna need to come in soon to pay in advance." Pop spoke.

"Pay in advance? No, we agreed every six months, my six months isn't up yet."

"Yea we may have talked about one thing, but its my money so I'm obligated to make you pay when I feel necessary. "

He spoke so calmly it made me very upset. Its not that I didn't have enough to pay in advance, it was just the principle of us having a certain deal that we need to stick to and I am no longer under his beck and call. Plus with this setup Dante and I had planned, I'd need to pay him on my usual day for everything to go correctly.

"No, we agreed and that's how its going to stay. Ill see you when its time." I responded . He let out a deep chuckle on the other end that had just upset me even more.

"Cyn you real crazy if you think yo lil attitude finna stop me from getting my money. Yo dumb ass wouldn't even be in this predicament if you would have just stayed with me and stopped being so hard headed."

"Hard headed? No Pop, that shit wasn't being on some childish games with you. I left because I had to better myself. This stupid money I owe, now that's childish of you. You're acting like a little bitch just because someone didn't want to be with your ass and now I have to pay. That's fine though Pop, I'll let you whine like a little bitch, and I'm going to get this bill paid off so I won't have anything to do with you." I remarked. He was just about to say something else, but the phone was ripped outta my hand from behind me.

"Aye, you can stop hittin' my girls line. She'll pay yo ass when she see you." August stated before ending the call and shoving my phone in his back pocket. He looked down at me shaking his head and I got nervous for whatever he was about to say.

"Baybeh why you up hea' answerin' ta that nigga?" He questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders once again feeling like a little kid under his stare.

"I don't know. Some times its important."

"Important my ass. You only need ta be talkin' ta him when you go see his ass ta pay this damn bill, otha then that he don't need ta be hittin' you up, and you ain't gotta be responding ta him." He stated seriously. I nodded unsure of what to even say.

He was right. I didn't need to be answering to Pop all the time, that only lets him know that he's still in control. I truthfully only answer out of habit from all those years back.

"What that nigga even have ta say?"

"He wanted me to pay in advance."

"Aw hell naw. Fuck that nigga, you ain't givin' him a dime." He spoke as he shook his head no.

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