Chapter 33: Put An End To It

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Chapter 33

Put An End To It

"Yuh there yet baybeh?" August questioned over the phone. I kept walking down the long hallway until I came upon Dr.Gonzalez's door.

"Yea, I'm actually at her door right now . I'll call you when I'm on my way to your house."

"Iight. I luh yuh." He spoke. A light smile came on my face and the butterflies in my stomach went crazy, this seems to happen every time he tells me.

"I love you more."

"Not possible."

I laughed at him before responding. "Your so corny. I'll call you later August."

I hung up the phone and shoved it into my back pocket before walking into the room. Dr.Gonzalez sat behind her desk reading over a piece of paper until she heard me walking in. Her head snapped up to me and she smiled wide before getting up from her desk and walking over to me with an extended arm. Dr.Gonzalez was a beautiful woman, she had medium length brown hair with slight high lights, gorgeous brown eyes, and a nice shape for a woman her age.

"Hi Cyntheia, its nice to actually meet you." She smiled as we shook hands.

"Hi, likewise." I smiled back. She nodded and motioned to the couch behind me that I gladly took a seat on.

Her office wasn't just some bland room with gray walls like I assumed it would be, but it was more like a a nice living room in someone's home. It was gorgeous and made me feel better about being here. I had originally felt kind of weird about coming here. Therapist offices were for people who needed help because there was something wrong with them. I don't enjoy the idea of something being wrong with me, it made me feel... Less of myself.

The two of us got comfortable on seperare couches before she wrote something quickly on her notepad, then looked back to me. For some reason, her not being at her desk and rather sitting right in front of me made me feel better about this as well. She clearly wanted to make me more comfortable and it was working.

"How are you today Cyntheia?" She finally questioned. I shrugged and folded my legs under myself on the couch.

"Fine I guess. I've been a little... Weird feeling today." I explained. She nodded and sat forward in her chair keeping her eyes on me.

"Okay, what do you mean when you say weird feeling?"

"Well, this morning when I was getting ready to get my day started, it was like I just didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't want to do anything, but I went ahead and got ready. After that my boyfriend had to leave for rehearsals and while he was leaving he was trying to talk to me, but I was just spacing out a lot. After that I had this really bad panic attack that caused me to throw up. Its just been really off." I rambled. So much was just me floating around this morning that I could barely relay anything from it.

Ms.Gonzalez nodded and wrote some more things down before looking back to me .

"Okay everything that you just told me is so perfectly normal for women who have been in sexual abuse situations. The whole not wanting to get out of bed, and not being receptive, and panic attacks is all so normal. These symptoms are often times associated with PTSD which Dr.Peters has told me he has diagnosed you with, am I correct?"


"He also told me he gave you a prescription for a medication that would help you with all of those symptoms. So my questions is, have you taken those yet?" She questioned eyeing me like she already knew the answer.

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