𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊- 𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖙 𝕭𝖊 𝖀𝖓𝖘𝖊𝖊𝖓

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The word of Hannibal and Will's night together was spread around like confetti through the FBI offices. Some people thought it was nothing more than a rumour, but others believed it fully.

It didn't help that Freddie Lounds had gotten a hold of the hot gossip.

Either way, it didn't stop people watching Will as he walked through the corridors to get to his next lecture. The strangest thing about it was that Will didn't even feel bad about it.

Later in the day, Jack called Will into his office.

"Close the door." Jack said as Will entered the room. He gently closed the frosted-glass door, walked further into the office and sat down in a chair. 

"I wasn't going to tell you anything, but we're currently doing an investigation on Hannibal."

"Well you made that violently obvious when you showed up at his house at 9.35 in the morning."

"I do have a queston for you though, Will and I think I already know the answer,"

Will held his hands together under the table, still avoiding eye contact with Jack.

"Did you sleep with Hannibal?"

"Before I answer your question Jack, I would like to know what it is that you're investigating Hannibal for."

"That's confidential, even for you Will."

"Well I guess you won't know the answer to your original question then."


After his meeting with Jack Crawford, Will made his way to his lecture hall. It was empty except for the petite-bodied Beverly Katz standing in the centre of the room with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Did Jack tell you why we're investigating Hannibal?"

"He just told me that it was confidential, but only for me."

"Probably because you two are ...close."

Will sighs and sits at his desk, opening his computer and logging in. Beverly leans against his desk, peeking just over the top of his laptop as she speaks again.

"Look, you didn't hear this from me, but Hannibal is being investigated for murder, well quite a few murders. Jack seems to have a hunch that he's the Ripper." 

"Bit of a bombshell to drop onto someone, isn't it?"

"Yea, but I guess it's better that you knew. I wouldn't want to see your body in the morgue."

Will didn't know how to react to that last comment of hers, so he just didn't say anything until she walked away. He did feel a pang of guilt though, as she was only looking out for him.

While Will worked, he remembered that he remembered he still had his appointment with Bedelia booked in for later on today. For some reason his mind told him that he was seeing Hannibal later on today, but it wasn't the case.

Unless he went to see him after he saw Bedelia.


"Please tell me that the Tattler is wrong Will." Bedelia pleaded as she sat on her chair, looking up at him with her blue eyes sparkling.

"It is, but may I ask why you assumed it was correct?"

Hopefully she didn't see through this obvious lie.

"Well, on your last visit you had asked whether or not Hannibal was in love with you. Now, you wouldn't ask that question unless you were thinking of Hannibal in an affectionate way as well."

"Maybe I was just curious."

"Curious enough to sleep with him?"

"I didn't sleep with him, I wouldn't even think of it."

Bedelia smirked. "I know when you're lying Will."

"You don't know me at all."

"The dilation of your pupils suggests otherwise."


Hannibal and Will's next interaction wasn't awkward. It was rather polite. They were alone in Hannibal's house on the couch together. Nothing too interesting, just sitting beside each other not sure what to do with themselves.

Will put his head into the crook of Hannibal's neck and let out a small sigh. This was comforting for the both of them.

Neither of them were quite sure how or why they both suddenly decided they were together after confessing and expressing their love to each other, they just were.

Hannibal couldn't help but smile and rest his head atop of Will's. He closed his eyes and took two steady breaths, he was content. The majority of the scent in the room that he could smell was his partner's awful aftershave and the slight smell of dog that Will carried around with him.

He would love to meet all of Will's dogs properly, instead of hearing Will gush over how good they are, he loved to watch his eyes light up as he talked of them.

"I have a feeling you were the centre of attention at work today Will."

"Don't remind me."

"Did Jack Crawford leave you alone about it?"

"No. He said you're being investigated though."

"Do you know what for?"


"Would you like to know now or much later?"

"Now please."

"The FBI seem to think that I'm the Chesapeake Ripper."

"Are you though?"

Hannibal had to seriously think about what he said next. Did he tell Will his secret, or did he hold it inside? He knew that if Will knew, he wouldn't tell Jack. But he felt as though Jack would find out, one way or another.

He really didn't want to lose Will though. He didn't want to lose Will as a lover or even an acquaintance, still he threw caution to the wind and sighed.

"Yes, I am."

In Love and Murder// Hannigram Fanfiction✔Where stories live. Discover now