𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗- 𝕾𝖆𝖑𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕾𝖎𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖘

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Hannibal walked up the stairs, his heart pounded in his chest as he ever-so-gently pushed the bedroom door open. The moonlight made a small difference in the brightness of the room. The milky light from the open window highlighted the breathing blanketed body in the bed.


He heard Will shift and mumble something. Hannibal was elated that Will was still alive.

Moving closer to the bed, he discovered the sedative-filled I.V. and a small metal table with arranged surgical instruments on it and Hannibal had the feeling that if the Caedes were alive for any longer, Will would've been one of their botched murder victims and potentially end up as a "lamb's leg" roast. 

Hannibal soon got to work on getting Will off of the I.V. after he found a plaster he could use after he took the needle out. He hoped nothing long term had happened to his lover. 

After a couple of minutes he became present to the world again, his eyes not used to the dark. He seemed to remember things being a lot brighter before the Caedes injected him. A familiar figure sat in a chair in the moonlight, looking out of the window.

"Hannibal?" He called to the man basking in the moonlight. Hannibal immediately turned his head around to face Will, a dazed and groggy expression on his face, which was obviously to be expected. 

He was back though and that's all that mattered.

"Nice to see you've joined me again." 

"Where's the man in the mask?" 

"Downstairs. His little cult and him are all dead now."


"Doctor Du Maurier even decided to pay us a visit, but I don't think her intentions were the best." 

"Is she dead as well?" 

"I believe so." 

"What.. happened?" 

"How much do you remember?" 

Will had to think for a moment. He remembered the man in the mask, he remembered the yelling from downstairs from a man and a woman and he remembered the car starting up which sounded as though it headed away from the vineyard. 

He remembered smelling something cooking, which was obviously coming from downstairs, and the remembered the man in the mask coming back and sedating him.

He hadn't eaten for a while now that he thought of it. 

"Was it light or dark when you were sedated?" 

"Light, it seemed like it was relatively early in the day. It seemed to be around lunchtime or something, I remember something cooking." 

That would mean he was sedated for roughly eight or nine hours, so he wouldn't have heard Bedelia get in through the clearly open window or the fight break out downstairs. He wouldn't have heard the Caedes die either by jugular stabbing or strangulation, so moving him from the room to the living room would require some warning before he stepped into the bloodbath of a  scene. 

"You've been sedated for at least eight to nine hours, Will," Hannibal uttered. "So, how are you feeling?" 

"Slightly sick, I don't know whether or not I can stand." 

His speech was slightly slurred too, so maybe it wasn't a wise idea to move him just yet. 

The last thing he would want to be doing is cleaning up both blood and vomit from the carpet. He was also aware that the duration of their stay here was limited too, and by 1.30 tomorrow, they had to be out of here, which meant not much time to do a whole lot of body-dumping and bleach soaking. 

"You stay in bed, and I'll make a start on cleaning downstairs." 

"Hannibal, I haven't seen you in nearly three days. All I want from you right now is for you to hold me because I want to know that you still care." 

"I'll stay with you for tonight then." 

Will and Hannibal couldn't help but feel a warmth creep over them as they held each other once more. The doctor lay beside his lover, holding him close and breathing in his scent once again as he kissed the back of his head once, softly. 

He missed him dreadfully, and he was just happy that he was back in his arms in one piece. Will thought he was honestly never going to see his fiance ever again, so it was nice to bask in the moonlight as he was held by him. 

Will felt his eyelids grow heavy, and a yawn escaped his lips as he hadn't slept much over the past few days, and sedation hardly counts as sleeping anyway. Hannibal felt torn; he wanted to stay here with Will, but that risked the pair of them getting found out with blood on their hands. 

He decided to wait until the smaller man fell asleep before he moved to clean the living room, after all, they hadn't seen one another in three days and it was the least he could do. 


The brunette awoke beside his lover the next morning, the curtain subtly flowing in the breeze as the warmth of the morning light streamed in. He felt safe again. 

Usually the doctor would've been up well before his partner, but that wasn't the case today. He was up until around 2.30 meticulously scrubbing the carpet and disposing of bodies. (Obviously he kept some organs for his pantry too.) Will thought that Hannibal was rather cute in his sleep. 

Sure, he had seen the things he was capable of, but he seemed so quiet and peaceful as though he hadn't watched him tear people to shreds and then eat their organs. He was adorable in the same way that a wild animal was. They're cute until something disturbs them, then it's pretty much claws out. 

He smiled to himself as he gazed out upon the vineyard, leaning against his arm and sitting in a slouched position. These were his last few hours here, potentially forever, but c'est la vie. 

Hannibal stirred and sighed in his sleep before rolling over to face the window and opening his eyes. He watched a piece of dust carefully glide through the sunlit patch of the room and his breath disturbed it and moved it from its original path. He would have to add this place to his memory palace, but he wasn't sure where. 

Would it go into the dark underbelly of a basement, or did it become a part of the ever expanding rooms? 

He shuddered at the thought of the basement, before rolling over once more to face Will. 

"How long have you been awake for?" 

"Not long, probably only fifteen minutes." 

"You're up before me, which is certainly a surprise." 

"It is," The pair locked eyes before Will changed his viewpoint. "I take it you were up late last night cleaning." 

"Obviously, it took me quite a while." 

"I bet it would've." 

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