𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓- 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗

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The next morning when Will awoke, he heard Hannibal moving around the apartment. He was trying to be as quiet as possible because he knew that Will got hardly any sleep last night and he knew that Will would try to replace sleeping with copious amounts of caffeine which wouldn't do anyone any favours. 

Still, he made coffee in the mornings for both Will and himself, because he knew that caffeine withdrawal symptoms would be the last thing Will would need.

He could clearly see that his lover was becoming less stable by the day, and he really didn't know how to weave the subject into a regular conversation. 

Hannibal wanted to be Will's lover, but his inner psychiatrist told him to keep an eye on him. After all he was muttering and sobbing in his sleep last night, and if that didn't warrant concern, the doctor didn't know what would.

In the other room, Will shifted so that he was sitting upright in the dark room as he came to terms with the waking world around him. 

There was a small amount of light seeping under the heavy curtain to the right of the room, illuminating the laminate wood floor surrounding the window ever-so-slightly. 

The apartment was warm, and so were the blankets around the lower half of his body. He honestly could've stayed there forever.

He heard Hannibal's oddly light footsteps coming down the hallway from the kitchen. He somehow knew that he would be checking on him. 

He smiled when he noticed that Will was awake.

"Good morning, Will. There's coffee in the kitchen if you'd like some."

"Thank you, Hannibal."

After Hannibal had ducked away, Will swung his legs out from under the blankets and let his bare feet touch the cold wooden flooring. It took him by surprise, but still he stood up and draped himself in his silk bathrobe before heading to the kitchen.

He heard the sliding door close and looked outside.

Hannibal was sitting on the balcony, looking out at the small green park surrounded by other apartment complexes and concrete, with a cigarette. The smoke enveloped him and he was practically dressed for the day and he had a little bit of  hair tucked behind his left ear. 

The sliding door was closed to keep the inside of the apartment, and Will, warm. The wind was bitter and harsh, but it would've been perfect on a hot summer's day, Hannibal thought to himself as he stubbed out the cigarette in a glass ashtray before heading inside.

He found Will sitting at the dining room table with a cup of coffee in his hands, who looked up when he heard the sliding door open and close again. It squeaked just loud enough for someone to notice it over the rumbling sound of the rollers.

Hannibal took a cup of coffee from off of the bench and sat across the table from Will. He was just thinking about the fact that he hadn't made breakfast yet, and as he thought about it, he didn't even know what to prepare.

Will, on the other hand, completely forgot about breakfast and his only thought was on this surprise that Hannibal had brought up briefly. He thought that they were going somewhere because of the suitcase that Hannibal attempted to hide under his side of the table.

"So Hannibal, I've been meaning to ask you, where are we going for this so-called surprise that you've planned?"

"All good things take time, Will."

A thought raced through Will's mind and flew out of his mouth before he could water down what he was saying.

"Have you planned to ...kill me?"

Hannibal looked taken aback.

"I would never try and do that to you, I love you too much,"

Will was relieved, and he could tell that Hannibal was sincere because there was a strange softness in his maroon eyes.

"That does beg the question of whether or not you would attempt to kill me."

"I wouldn't dream of it. It would seem to be more a nightmare of mine to kill the one I love."

Hannibal studied Will's expression, which held an uneasy feeling.

"Riddle me this then, Will. If you were ever to kill me, how would you do so?"

"For starters, I would only kill you if I had to, as in quality of life over quantity,"

"Are you avoiding my question?"

"No, I was about to say that I would make your death ...comforting."

"How so?"

"I'm not sure. I would make sure that you knew I meant well as I did it."

Hannibal knew where Will was coming from and that he meant well. Deep down he knew that he would do ghe same if he was suffering, but he didn't know of he could bring himself to ever do something of that enormity. 

He had obviously killed people, but he only killed those who deserved it.

Will didn't deserve to die, in Hannibal's eyes at least.


After their interesting conversation in the morning, Hannibal told Will to pack his bag with about 3 days worth of clothing.

Still, Will had no clue where he and Hannibal were headed.

The departure time for the bullet train loomed over Hannibal as Will packed his bag. They weren't far from the station, but Hannibal liked being perfectly on time.

When they finally arrived at the train station, Hannibal parked their car in the long-term parking lot before getting out and taking both his and Will's bags onto the train.

They took a seat by the window in a booth, despite the fact there wasn't much to see out of the speeding train's window anyways. It would take them a couple hours at least to get to Hannibal's preplanned destination.

"So, you're still keeping it a secret?"

"Of course. All good things come to those who wait."

"Really now? Can I at least guess where we're headed?"

"I never stopped you before."

Will sat and thought, listening to the steady hum of the train as it hurtled away from Zürich. He knew they wouldn't be going to Italy, they were going the wrong direction.

He thought about Hannibal as a person, and after a couple minutes silence, Will gazed up at Hannibal with a smile slowly spreading across his face.

"... Are we headed to France?"

After being found out, Hannibal sighed.

"I was wondering how long it was going to take you to figure it out. Just because you know where we're going doesn't mean you know the itinerary."

Will sighed, a look of content on his face.

After being on the bullet train for an hour, Hannibal and Will ended up at their hotel. The reception room was small, with an elevator that could only fit two people at the maximum plastered on the far wall.

They took their keys off of the receptionist and headed to their room. It overlooked Paris with a view of the Eiffel Tower as the sun began to slink away, turning light into darkness. Hannibal turned on the light and there was a king-sized bed in the center of the room; it all felt very homely.

Will placed his bag down with a sigh and looked over at Hannibal with a pleased smile, which Hannibal returned.

"Did I do a good job at choosing a hotel for us, Will?"

"I was honestly questioning your judgment when we walked in here," he uttered with a chuckle before throwing himself backward onto the bed. "But it is pretty nice up here."

"I knew you'd like it."

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