𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕿𝖜𝖔- 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕴𝖒𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊

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Will was half expecting to wake up with the sounds of a bustling city ringing in his ears, and was pleasantly surprised when he heard nothing but wind in the trees.

He could hear footsteps downstairs, and he knew it was Hannibal, a smile crept across his face as he heard the stairs creak.

They were both so blissfully happy here, and Will felt as though he didn't truthfully deserve to be in this near-heaven landscape with his lover.

All he really did was agree to run away with him. He never planned and he never really came up with ideas on his own. But now wasn't the time to beat himself up, he should be enjoying the time he has in the vineyards.

He rolled over to face the wall.

The footsteps from the steps got closer, and before long, they'd stopped. Will had expected there to be a weight on the other side of the bed, but it never came.

A clammy feeling encapsulated Will when he realised it wasn't Hannibal at the door of his room.

It was another man, dressed in an almost Gothic attire with a delicately thin veil that obscured his face.

It almost seemed as though he wasn't breathing at all.


Hannibal wasn't even sure what had happened.

He'd gone downstairs and made a start on some coffee, when out of the blue everything went dark. 

When he woke up though, it was a totally different story.

He was tied to a chair, three men in hoods surrounding him. One of them had a gun in their hand, and watched him intently. They spoke not a word as they waited for their colleague to make a return.

Hannibal stayed silent, in the hopes that he didn't get shot. His mind began to race, what happened to Will? Was he okay? Was he hurt?

He would play along, until they let him go.

They had to let him go, right?

The group's fourth member joined them and they finally began to speak.

"Are you entertained, Dr. Lecter?" One of the taller ones uttered in a raspy manner.

"Quite. You did an excellent job at finding us both. I do have a grievance though, you never told me who you were."

"We are the Caedes." The one that appeared late uttered in a deep voice, which was filled with grandeur, like this little gathering was his pride and joy.

"That's Latin, isn't it? What's it for again... ah, that's right, murder and carnage."

He felt a pit in his stomach as the realisation hit. Maybe Will wasn't okay.

"Exactly, Dr. Lecter."

"Why have you gentlemen hunted me and my partner down on this fine April morning?"

"We want to drink from the fountain of your knowledge, Doctor."

"We want you to show us how to.. become something less than human, and find art in the death and bloodshed."

"I think you've misunderstood me. I only kill those who deserve it." 

"We understand that, we just want to learn how you present them, and how you serve them." 

"Anybody in the world could teach you that. I am a mere mirror of all of the artworks of the world, I am not the visionary, I only replicate." 

"We worship you, we are deeply devoted to you. We want to be reborn into your image." 

"The phoenix must burn before it rises again, still, it prepares to end. If you want to be created in my image, first, you must burn." 

"We will do anything you ask of us." 

Hannibal contemplated asking them to let him see Will, he really did, but he was afraid that it could put them both into a dangerous situation. He did want to see how far these men would go on listening to his instructions though. Maybe he could have fun with this.

"What's going to happen if I don't want to cooperate?" 

"Just wait and see. Maybe you'll be leaving this country with a vacant seat beside you."

"Well then, if you untie me, I'll help you."

He was now only doing this for Will, and Will alone. He needed to see him again.

"Come with us now." The raspy voiced figure said as Hannibal stood up. 

They went up the stairs that led from the wine cellar into the living room, and sitting there was a man and a woman. 

They both looked both tired and distraught as though they had tried to get out of the restraints that  were holding their hands and feet together. The woman looked at Hannibal and became increasingly more concerned. 

"These two have wronged you. They're from the tabloids and have slandered your name. They're filthy, disgusting and rude animals."

Hannibal studied the pair. For a few seconds he weighed up his options. He couldn't let them go now; they'd seen him and knew who he was, but on the other hand, they were tabloid journalists and they did have an over-exaggerated idea on storytelling, so who would believe them even if they escaped? 

"Who shall we start with first?" 

Those words made the pair on the couch grow pale, and a cold band of perspiration formed on their foreheads. 

"The man, doctor, he is both a pig and a sinner."

"In what way is he sinner, aside from working for the tabloids?" 

"He commits infidelity with this woman. She knows his wife, and she knows his children. He is unjust and unclean. A filthy, piss-poor attempt at a man." 

Hannibal moved closer to the man and moved him from the couch to the floor, as he moved him, he could feel him shaking in terror. 

"You wouldn't happen to have a hunting knife on you, would you?" The doctor asked the Caedes, who had formed a circle around him. 

One of them reached into a pocket and pulled out a decently sized knife, and handed it handle-first to the man kneeling over the bound man on the floor. He thanked the veiled man and put it into his pocked for later. 

He snapped the man's neck, much to the horror of the woman on the couch, who heard the snap and saw nothing. He removed the gag, opened the newly-deceased's mouth and meticulously removed his tongue and eyes. 

He used the fabric gag almost as a kidney dish for the organs that he removed. 

By the time he was finished, the man had a crucifix carved into his chest, blood dripping from his eye sockets and was nailed to the cross on the exterior wall of a church in a small town about half an hour's drive from the vineyard. 

Throughout the whole experience the Caedes were in awe as they watched their idol mutilate and display a corpse. One of the members had to stay behind and watch Will, in case he "tried to escape". 

The woman had a different fate, she was still killed, but there was a slightly different tone with how he treated her after death. It seemed as though he was being more gentle with her than he was with the other victim. 

In the incisions to her neck and body, he placed flowers. She was splayed on the altar with closed eyes and a rosary wrapped around her hands, which were pressed together as though she was praying for redemption in her final moments.   

He took her lungs, heart and tongue. He wasn't even sure on what he was going to make with the organs he took. 

Still, he was doing this for Will, and he kept on hoping that he would be fine when he returned.

He needed his lover to be okay. 

In Love and Murder// Hannigram Fanfiction✔Where stories live. Discover now