𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓- 𝕱𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖊 À 𝕯𝖊𝖚𝖝

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The days passed quickly for Will and Hannibal, the mundane was unbearable and neither of them knew what to do with themselves. A whole week had wasted away. Hannibal was listening to his therapist's advice but something within himself ached for Will. 

He needed to see him again, and he intended to see him later on today. 

Hannibal's plan would only work if Will was actually at home, if his assumption was off he could just feed Will's dogs and breathe in the scent of his awful aftershave.

Little did he know, Will was having the same train of thought as Hannibal.


Will hated the fact that the case he and the FBI were trying to solve ended up being thrown into the 'Chesapeake Ripper's Crimes' folder.

He wanted to bring the families of the dead some closure on what had happened to their loved ones.

He wanted to be able to feel the lingering ball-and-chain of guilt suddenly smash into thousands of pieces and never bother him again. 

Will somehow always felt moderately connected to the Ripper, as though he'd met him before or passed him on the road. The thought of interacting with this harsh killer made his skin crawl.

The connection could also be due to his strange empathy condition.

This was his time of wondering, just after "solving" a case and sitting back in his lecture hall trying to review evidence until he eventually lost time staring at the screen blankly.

Jack Crawford would often worry about Will as he watched him in the wings of the lecture theater. He noticed that Will would often go blank for periods of time before seemingly picking up where he left off. It was as though he didn't realise that he left the current world.

As Jack approached, Will found himself slightly panicking. He didn't remember what he was doing and he really hopef as though he looked like he was busy.

"Late night tonight Will?"

"Just preparing for tomorrow's lecture."

It was 11.35 at night, Jack thought to himself. Still, he smiled at the clearly mentally ill man.

"Well, I suggest you go home and get some sleep then."

Will packed his things and headed out to his car.


Hannibal waited.

Hannibal waited for Will to come home for at least two hours.

He thought that Will would've just had a late night at work, but when he didn't come back he felt a small stab in his chest.

The doctor got back into his car and began heading back to Baltimore, he was halfway there when he saw a very familiar car that belonged to the one and only Will Graham.

Will also noticed Hannibal's car too, the pair both slowing to a stop on their respective sides of the narrow road. He felt surprisingly happy to see him again.

The pair got out of their cars and walked towards each other, meeting again, the only thing that was separating them were the faint white road markings which severed the road in half.

"Hello again Will."

"Hello Hannibal."

Will could see a glimmer behind Hannibal's eyes and he couldn't tell if was happiness or if it was another emotion all together.

The seemingly random fact about holding eye contact for more than 6 seconds that reveals a desire for either murder or sexual intimacy flashed into Will's mind briefly as he smiled at Hannibal.

He really couldn't tell which meaning his eye contact with Hannibal portrayed.

"How long has it been since we last interacted?"

Will thought for a minute.

"About a week, give or take."

"Well, this past week has felt odd without your presence Will."


Will almost forgot about his meeting with Bedelia the following day, he showed up about 4 minutes late and was forgiven by her for his tardiness.

Their hour long session was almost over, but Will had one more question to ask of his temporary therapist.

"May I ask one more question Bedelia?"

"Certainely, although it is beginning to feel like I'm the patient here." She added with a laugh.

Will took a deep breath inwards and slowly exhaled.

"Is Hannibal.. in love with me?"

Bedelia was going to quote the motto of 'doctor-patient confidentiality' but she thought that Will deserves an answer to his question.

"Could he daily feel a stab of hunger and find nourishment at the very sight of you? Yes. But do you ache for him?"

Will held his hands together to hide their shaking, but it came through in his voice.

"Of course I do."

In Love and Murder// Hannigram Fanfiction✔Where stories live. Discover now