𝕺𝖓𝖊- 𝕳𝖔𝖜 𝕬𝖗𝖊 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝕱𝖊𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌?

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Autumn was a strange time of year. 

Things were cooling down and preparing for the frigid winter months, but the colours of the leaves provided a layer of mental warmth. As they crunched underfoot, it was a stark reminder that nothing lasts forever.

Well, for Will Graham at least.

Will and his six dogs would often take walks on the trails around his house in the warmer months. All the time they spent walking, his mind would often wander away from the backroad trail that he was on, all the way to the clean and sleek abode of Hannibal Lecter.

Everything just seemed so disjointed and unreal when Will spent time with Hannibal, and he considered him a friend, even though technically Hannibal was his therapist.

He often wondered what Hannibal thougth of their relationship, whether or not it was strictly a patient-doctor affair or whether or not it was exchange between two friends. Will sighed as a feeling of nescience filled his mind.

He knew he'd be seeing Hannibal later today, so maybe he would ask him then.

Will stopped walking and looked up through the foliage, the suns rays filtering through orange and red leaves to create an extravagant scene. This was his favourite track to walk, and as he watched his dogs playfully leap through the leaves, he couldn't help but smile. He loved his dogs, more than he loved most people, these bunch of strays felt like his family and his sense of security.

He's seen all of these dogs in various states, and to see them where they are now gave Will a reason to feel needed on this earth. 

Despite all of this, he felt as though something was internally missing, like something that was once there, was no longer there anymore. Will could never fully express his emotions properly to anybody else expect himself, it was always something that was hard for him to do.

Never mind all that, he was still enjoying this moment of his dogs frolicking in the autumn leaves.


The time was 7.15 at night, and Dr. Hannibal Lecter was awaiting a particularly important client of his. He couldn't help but smile when he thought about the scruffy, dog-loving, temporary FBI agent who would be walking through the door in about 15 minutes or so.

He really couldn't put his finger on the emotion that he felt when he thought about Will Graham. It made him feel vulnerable and weak in the knees, but it also made him feel unstoppable, like how  a raging fire engulfs everything in its path.

Hannibal would never fully admit his description of this feeling to any soul, living or dead. He certainly would never express this to Will, in the fear of being cut off from him altogether.

The therapist couldnt help but lean back into the soft leather chair and sigh. This little headspace he was in had only taken 2 minutes off of the wait time for Will Graham. Hannibal really didn't know what to do with himself.

Hannibal paced around the room and he looked at his assortment of books before sitting back in his chair. He even debated whether or not he checked the waiting room for Will, just in case he arrived earlier than he said he would.

He opened the door and, lo and behold, Will Graham was sitting there looking as anxious as Hannibal felt.

"Ah, Will, come in." Hannibal said with a smile as he held open the door.

Hannibal then closed the door behind Will and returned to his chair.

Will took a seat opposite Dr. Lecter's and sighed.

"How are you feeling today, Will?"


"How so?"

"Like I'm living in someone else's life, and the person I see in the mirror is just a stranger. Like I've been taken away from my usual instability. "

"That should be a good thing, shouldn't it?"

Will smiles and makes a weak laugh escape from his mouth.

"You'd imagine it would be, but it makes everything around me feel unstable. For once, it makes me feel like I'm not the one with the problem."

Hannibal smiles and looks at Will.

"Feels nice though, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess it does actually."

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