𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓- 𝕸𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝕻𝖆𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖊

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Jack Crawford felt as though Chilton was withholding a large  and important bank of information from the FBI. So, the next day, he decided to use some force to drill it out of him. He really didn't want to, but he would rather see Chilton look a little less nervous around everyone.

Dr. Frederick Chilton felt a pit in his stomach as he lay in his bed in the Baltimore State Hospital For The Criminally Insane. He couldn't help but feel that his fall from grace was inevitable, but he never would have imagined that his downfall would end him up incarcerated in the very hospital he used to run.

He also wouldn't have considered that Hannibal Lecter would be a part of his downfall either.

The disgraced doctor sighed as he was lead out to the interview room by an orderly. He watched through the plexiglass at the other patients that jeered at him. They all knew who Chilton was, and were beaming that he was no longer in charge of them.

This was the lowest point in his life and he knew it all too well.

He met with Jack in the interview room, locked down via handcuffs to the table. He thought that this was hardly civil and wondered why Jack was back. He thought he'd done quite a good job of keeping suspicions at bay.

"Is there anything you require from me, Agent Crawford?"

"Yes, there is actually. I require all of the information that you're withholding from me right now Dr. Chilton because you really wouldn't want to be charged with obstruction of justice and murder, now would you?"

"No, no I wouldn't."

"Good. The floor is yours."

Chilton sighed. Did he spill everything out for Jack and risk being killed by Hannibal later?

Yes, yes he would.


Alana had called Will earlier on in the morning. When he never answered, she assumed that he was just sleeping late and she wouldn't have to worry, as he would give her a call when he woke up.

But as it got later in the day, she began to worry.

Jack let her off to go and find Will, so she started her journey from the mental hospital to the humble abode of her friend, Will Graham.

When she arrived at the shack, the dogs were still inside, so she found the spare key and let them out. She walked a little further into the house before looking for him.

"Will?" She asked into the seemingly empty house. There was no sign that anybody was here in the first place, besides the books and furnishings. His bed was neatly made and everything was where it should be. 

On further inspection some of Will's clothes were missing.

Walking back through the house, she spotted a note taped to the front door which she had casually walked past before.

As she read it, she became increasingly concerned.

Will and Hannibal had run away together, just as Chilton had told Jack of Hannibal's own involvement in the case at hand. 

She needed to get within the reach of cell service and call Jack Crawford as soon as she possibly could.

Alana pulled over as soon as she saw that she had reception and dialed Jack's number. Before he could speak, she was frantically telling him about what she found out during her trip to Will's house.

"Will and Hannibal have run away together, that's why he wasn't answering his phone and that's why he isn't here."

Jack didn't know what to say. For all he knew, Will could be dead and Hannibal could be eating his liver as they spoke.

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