𝕰𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊- 𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝕬𝖗𝖊 𝕹𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖑𝖑 𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖓𝖙

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Hannibal hardly remembered much else about his final day with Will, who had literally just become his husband. 

The institution workers took his wedding band from him, and his engagement band too. Now he only had his expansive mind palace to remember the charming little brunet by. There was a small indentation on his ring finger from where his engagement ring was, and he smiled at it as though a part of his spouse was still there with him. If it technically counts his scar was a part of Will, as he had given that to him. 

He hated the feeling of sutures, and he hated remembering that in a couple more weeks he would be tied down and they would be cut. The doctor wondered why he didn't just get dis-solvable ones.

He was caught off guard when he heard the familiar click of high heels coming down the hallway. He knew it was Alana coming to taunt him in his new trophy case of a cell.

"Hello, Alana."

"Hello, Hannibal." She looked like there was something going on just behind the outer layers of her well-dressed self.

"You're thinking of something, Dr. Bloom. You're rather easy to read today if I'm being honest."

"Well, are you sure you want to know?"

"I am rather certain. Besides, who am I meant to tell now that my husband is dead and I'm suspended in here indefinitely?"

Alana sighs and looks at her gleaming red shoes, not meeting the cannibal's chilling gaze.  

"Well, Jack Crawford's on an extremely overdue stress leave and I've just been to Will's funeral."

"I imagine his sendoff was a grand one."

"The only people that showed up thought they had to, Hannibal." Looking into his eyes, that sentence hurt Alana to say, despite her reservations to not show any sympathy towards the now-convicted criminal that she'd slept with on the odd occasion. 

"I see. Attending a wanted man's funeral wouldn't seem entertaining to most," Hannibal studied Alana, his lips pursed to spill more words as he looked behind the glass beads she held for eyes. 

You could've heard a pin drop in the silence. 

"May I ask why you went today, Alana?" 

"I'm not even sure why I went, Hannibal. I just thought back to before you poisoned his mind, and I looked back on the man he used to be and thought I could send off that variant of him, rather than the one that committed murder and cannibalism with you." 

"But Alana, you've also committed cannibalism with me. You seem to forget that, don't you? And I never poisoned him, I merely opened his eyes to what he could become if he shed his chains and followed me into the dark abyss of my love. I made him beautiful, Alana. Metamorphosed and transformed." 

Alana looked at the killer unsteadily, feeling a pang at her heart as she somehow managed to sympathize with his ramblings. It's true though, his love did change Will. 

"Well, change isn't always for the better." 

"But that one was, Alana. We saw each other in a light that nobody else could see, he overlooked the monster that I had become and saw me as a bleeding heart. Someone capable of love, and someone who didn't deserve to live out his life in pure isolation. No being can exist in isolation, can they?" 

His perfect facade was crumbling, as he felt tears well up in his eyes. He turned away from the woman outside  of his glass box, and held his hands behind his back. 

"You are a monster though, Dr. Lecter." 

"Am I? Or are you the real monster, Dr. Bloom, for imprisoning a fellow human, a creature of sociable habits that can think in all the same ways as yourself?" 

She sighed, and looked through the glass at the captive man before turning to leave. 

"Before you leave Alana, I advise you to hold Margot close tonight. At least you still have your partner. Don't take that for granted." 

Dr. Bloom paused, as the clicking of her heeled shoes had ceased temporarily. She exhaled heavily before walking out, looking back at the impure man in white who still faced his opaque wall, studying the books on his bookshelf. 

As soon as he knew she had left, he walked over to his bed, sat on the edge and buried his face in his hands. He hadn't cried in a while, so he sat there, and let all the pent up emotions go. 

This was a far cry from how he felt, holding Will's hands as they said their vows about a week ago. If anything, he would love to revoke his insanity plea in the hopes of a death penalty sentence, so he could at least meet Will in the next life. 

All he wanted to do was feel his lover's heartbeat again, and he would give anything to feel his warm hand in his.  

Remaining in this cell would kill him slowly, so why not have a lethal injection to end it quicker? Hannibal never really thought of death, aside from when he thought of Mischa. Maybe Will would look after Mischa if they met in the next life, and maybe he would tell her stories about what he was like? 

The afterlife looked enticing now, with the promise of seeing the two people he cared about most in the world. 

Death is life's end, but from that end, the blossoms of another chapter begin in somebody else's book. Perhaps the world needed Hannibal The Cannibal dead, too. Without Will, he really didn't see a purpose. He couldn't even host his lavish dinner parties, or wear those plaid suits he thoroughly adored. In his eyes, this is worse than anything else, because he cannot die with the dignity or grace that he feels like he deserves. 

Freedom was alluring, and all Hannibal had to do was be declared sane. He knew the ins and outs of the establishment, so it shouldn't be too hard. 

Soon, he would get to see his dearly beloved again, and they could spend all of eternity together. 

Even death couldn't stop the pair from being devoted to one another forever.  

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