𝕿𝖜𝖔- 𝕻𝖊𝖔𝖕𝖑𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖔𝖓𝖘

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The autumn rain was falling outside as Will walked back to his car.

He clambered into the drivers seat, placing his hands on the outermost part of the steering wheel and resting his forehead against his hands. The pattering of the rain was almost as therapeutic as listening to Hannibal Lecter's voice, but it was beginning to slow down and eventually stop entirely.

There was so much more he could've said to Hannibal, but he always had a sinking feeling whenever he went to broach the subject of whether or not he was counted as one of Hannibal's patients, or if he were more than that, if he was classified as a friend of Hannibal's.

Will raised his head off of the steering wheel and started up his car, preparing himself for the 52 minute trip back home. Something about driving through the city at night, which melted away into the scenery of the country was oddly comforting to Will. It may have been down to the fact that he lived out in the middle of nowhere, and once he got back home he wouldn't have to interact with anyone or anything until the next day.

After all, he still had work the next day, which was obviously taxing for an empath such as himself. jack always wanted so much out of him, and even when he declined a workload it would still be given to him.

God, sometimes he wished that he could run away with someone and leave all of it behind, he just didn't know who would do it with him.

He did have some people in mind though.

As Will parked his car into the driveway, and got out of the car, he hard his dogs barking as they eagerly tried to see who was coming up of the little shack's stairs.

"Hey guys, yes, I know, I'm back." He cooed to the overexcited dogs as he unlocked the front door and let them outside for a little while. They bolted out of the door like a pack of wolves on the hunt, which gave Will a chance to get inside his house after a long day.

He hung his khaki coat onto the stand by the door and kicked off his shoes, leaving him to roam his house in socks before sighing and falling onto his bed as he blankly gazed up at the ceiling. It really felt as though he was looking at one part of the ceiling, but he couldn't tell which part, as if he was somehow watching the air in front of his face.

The first dog to wander back into the security of the house was Winston, who bumped his wet nose into Will's hand that was hanging off the side of the bed with a whimper. Will sat up to look at the mutt.

He gently cupped the sides of the dog's face, stroked his velvety ears and smiled.

The rest of his little pack of strays were close behind, all making various sounds as they entered the room as their little claws scraped along the living room floor. 

Will decided to get ready for bed, even though he had a sneaking suspicion that he wouldn't be getting much sleep, as the dogs all found their assorted beds and curled up besides the fireplace.

A scene played behind his eyes as he encased the room in darkness. He was outside a house, with Hannibal, drenched in blood with a corpse on ground before the pair. They could hear sirens in the distance and Hannibal loaded a gun, and pointed it to his own head and pulled the trigger as the police cars finally arrived on the scene. Things went in slow motion for Will before he bolted upright in his bed, doused in his own sweat and shaking like a leaf.

He glanced at the clock at it had just hit 4 in the morning. 

Why was he imagining this now? Why hadn't this happened before?

He rubbed the right side of his face and took in an uneven breath before getting up and having a drink of water, taking some in his hands and letting it run down his face. He hadn't had nightmares for a while now, and he couldn't help but wonder what the significance was of them recurring now.

Maybe it was because he was seeing Hannibal frequently, or maybe it was just his brain creating disturbing images all over again. He just didn't know, and he really didn't want to know for now 

He would searchfor answers when he was mentally capable for them.

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