𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊- 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖆

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Packed and ready to leave, the couple gazed over the vineyard. Will had pushed everything from these past few days out of his brain, and tried to create a new meaning for the vineyard in his jumbled mess of a brain.

Only time would tell him the way in which he thought back to these past few days, and the landscape as a whole.

Once in the car, Hannibal closed the door and smiled softly at Will.

"I take it you're ready to leave with me now, Will."

"Of course, I trust you'll look after me no matter where we end up."

Hannibal smiled at his fiance and his fiance smiled back. 

"I do have one last surprise for you though."

"Is it back in Switzerland?"

"You'll soon see, my love."

When the police went to question Bedelia Du Maurier, they found an abandoned apartment with no note and a clear disturbance in her belongings, indicating that she'd packed up and gone somewhere.

The authorities hoped that they were wrong with their estimate on where she ended up, especially with a high profile pair of killers lurking around in the darkness.

They contacted Jack Crawford on their findings and he decided that he would create a plan. 

A plan to capture both of the runaway, murderous cannibals and lock them away forever, and also find the AWOL psychiatrist in one piece.

To think of Hannibal and Will in an almost demented way hurt Crawford, but he wasn't quite sure why. 

Yes, he obviously knew they were criminals, but he felt as though at some stage he was close to both of the now internationally wanted criminals. Will always fascinated him though. He was so timid and meek during his time with the FBI, and now he's murdering people in cold blood. 

But thinking back to times when the world was whole only made him think of Bella, and now was no time for grief.

Death's dull ache of misplaced love can wait for a little longer.


Another hotel, this one was larger, but seemed cheaper when Will mentally compared the exterior to the rather cramped Parisian one.

He must've fallen asleep in the car as Hannibal drove, but neither of them minded.

It was nice for Hannibal to listen to Will's gentle sleep mumbling and watch the sun set over the horizon as it was replaced with the stars and beautifully full moon. In the morning they still had a lot more driving to do, but Hannibal knew that he couldn't just stop the car on the side of the road and park up for the night. He reserved the room after he'd cleaned the vineyard place,  using his fake alias and perfectly fluent french over the phone. 

Still, despite his well-constructed disguise, he hoped that nobody knew who he actually was or saw through the cleverly constructed human veil he'd created. The one flaw in his whole almost fantasy world was Will, and he meant that in the most endearing way possible.

Something about him made his heart flutter, even now. 

He'd seen him in almost every state that Hannibal had seen himself in.

The one state he never did see Will in was the all too well known, nausea inducing suit of grief. Will obviously missed people, but the expression must've stayed his mind and never appeared physically over their years of being together.

Hell, the brunet had even seen his partner cry more than once and never once had the doctor seen a scrap of misplaced love pass over his perfectly-defined angel face.

In Love and Murder// Hannigram Fanfiction✔Where stories live. Discover now