𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓- 𝕴𝖓 𝕬𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊

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Hannibal had a strange habit of waking up before Will, but he liked it that way.

He liked being able to see Will completely undisturbed by intrusive thoughts and he liked to watch the gentle rising and falling of his chest that was hidden beneath the sheets.

 It was somewhat poetic that he had finally found the man he loved more than anything else in the world. Hannibal gazed lovingly at the sleeping figure beside him and smiled. 

He would lay down his life for his lover if he had to.

It seemed as though everything in his life had lead up to this moment. All the hardships, all the blood and all the death had ended up with Hannibal and Will sharing a bed in a light and airy Paris morning.

He never felt like he fell into love; it was more of a walk. 

An almost calculated direction that he wished to go into, the only uncertainty was the question of whether or not Will would walk with him into the vast space classified as love. But he held his hand, and, excuse the pun, took a leap of faith with him. 

It was obvious that the pair loved each other well before Will openly admitted how he felt. Hannibal knew that even if Will never said anything they would still end up together, one way or another. 

Hannibal felt as though when Will finally noticed that they had begun to blur, he would say something. He would say something about the hunger of separation he experienced and the thoughts that he was experiencing that normally only Hannibal would think of. 

Well, that's what would've happened in Hannibal's mind anyway. 

As he looked upon Will's sleeping figure, he 'traced' the scar on his cheek with his eyes. It was fading, and was nowhere near as plump with scar tissue as it used to be. He did a good job with the sutures if he could say so himself. 

He often thought back to the night that they made their first kill together. Will was obviously a little shaken, which was understandable considering the fact he'd killed someone, but he told Hannibal about the strange adrenaline rush that he'd had. 

He told him that it felt oddly freeing, and that was all that Hannibal wanted to show Will. 

He felt as though there were a few new rooms in his ever-expanding memory palace. The boat they used to get to Cuba, their quaint little house in Cuba, their Swiss apartment, and finally, this small little hotel room. It was a nice place to just sit and reminisce about things past.

None of these places would hold the value that they did if Will wasn't there with him.


Bedelia Du Maurier had been in Paris for the past two years after her escape from Baltimore.

She had what could only be described as an artists flat that overlooked the Paris skyline, it always smelt slightly of paint but she wasn't picky. 

It was a couple streets away from the hotel where Hannibal and Will were staying for a few nights.

She knew Hannibal all too well, and he wouldn't deny himself, so it only made sense that they would turn up here sooner or later. 

Her plan wasn't originally to stalk Hannibal and Will, telling Jack Crawford of the pairs whereabouts, but when an opportunity to have 15 minutes of fame pops up like this, its alluring and attracting to someone like Dr. Du Maurier.

She was content here in her high and mighty artists flat with a small feeling of power over the fact she knew where the two cannibals were spending their time. 

She didn't know where they'd come from though, and she was still trying to work that out.

Watching the sunset with a glass of wine in hand, the doctor looked out at the Eiffel Tower and smiled. Dhe was rather pleased with herself for no apparent reason. Everything that was happening just felt right.

There was only one problem she faced that she intended to drink away, and that was the thought of Hannibal or Will finding out about her little phone call to Jack Crawford.

She honestly feared for her life if she thought about it for too long.

She knew all too well that Hannibal could eat her liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti and not bat an eyelid.

 She wondered if Will would mindlessly comply though.


Back in Hannibal and Will's hotel, the sun was also sinking lower into the sky and they had just had dinner.

"Have you forgotten about your surprise for me, or are you holding me in suspense for a little longer."

"It's the latter, Will. Now, would you like to take a walk with me?"

A smile formed on Will's face. He couldn't ask any questions because Hannibal wouldn't answer them properly, he would just shrug them off.

"Of course I do Hannibal."

"Great! Now grab a coat, because it may get a little chilly."

Through all of this, Will couldn't help but wonder what his lover had in store for him. He wasn't worried though because he knew that Hannibal wouldn't intentionally hurt him, let alone kill him. He had a strong amount of trust in Hannibal.

The couple headed out the door, which Hannibal locked behind them before heading into the 'cozy' elevator at the end of the hallway. They didn't hold hands until they were out of the building.

Walking down the Parisian streets during the night made the city feel oddly nostalgic, like walking back into a place you never thought you'd see again, or finding something you'd lost and never realized hoe much it meant to you until you found it again.

They reached the Eiffel tower and Hannibal looked up at the grand display of engineering and smiled. "I take it you've never been at the very top, have you?"

"I haven't."

"Would you like to? It is a little bit of a trek I do have to admit."

"Of course, its a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Okay then, lets go."

It took them about 25 minutes to get to the top and they both seemed as though the 1665 steps didn't bother them in the slightest.

Will was looking around in awe. It was just so beautiful up here watching all the lights twinkle and the cars bustle around the streets underneath the lights.

After letting Will gaze over the city for a few minutes, Hannibal took in a deep breath and called Will over to him.

"I have a question to ask you now, Will. I would preferably like your honest answer to this as well."

"I can't give you a precise answer if you don't ask me, Hannibal."

Getting down on one knee and pulling a small, elegant box from his pocket, Hannibal's hands shook ever-so-slightly.

"Will you marry me?"

The brunette felt like he was on the verge of exploding with happiness. He would never have imagined that this is the way their trip would've played out.

He helped Hannibal to his feet, a smile spread across his face. He tucked some hair behind his partner's ear and pulled him in for a kiss.

"I wouldn't have stuck around with you if I didn't see a future. Things are looking a lot brighter now, and I'm happy to say that I'd love to spend the rest of my days with you, and only you,  Hannibal Lecter."

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