𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓- 𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖉

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Hannibal and Will spent their first night in Paris checking out the sights under the cover of darkness, fingers interlocked as they strolled the streets. The Eiffel Tower lit up in a golden light, which gave it an ethereal atmosphere.

The life of murder, death and destruction that Hannibal had lead felt almost dream-like and distant as he watched Will's face light up when he smiled under the street lights.

They went on a cruise down the river Seine, looking at the ancient architecture which was illuminated in dim lights, giving the buildings a rich yet Gothic feel. 

The tourists and their cameras were living for the tales they could tell to their less fortunate acquaintances, but Hannibal and Will were living for each other and their own happiness tonight. They had dinner at the Alain Ducasse Au Plaza Athenée before heading back to their hotel room.

They both lay on the bed facing each other, their noses just centimetres away from touching. 

Will's face was hurting from how much he had been smiling.

"Tonight was amazing Hannibal."

"There may be another surprise for you tomorrow as well. If you're lucky."

Will could tell that Hannibal had enjoyed himself as well. The content gleam in his eyes gave it away and Will was surprised at how easily he could read Hannibal.

"I think you like being equivocal, don't you?"

"Well, it is nice to keep you on your toes every now and again."

Will closed the gap between the two with a passionate kiss.


Worlds away in Baltimore, Jack Crawford and the rest of the FBI officers were busy with paperwork, until a tip came through via a near untraceable phone call. The husky-voiced caller only uttered three words before hanging up.

"They're in Paris."

Listening back, Jack discovered that the caller was Bedelia, but he wasn't even sure where she was. The day after their interview she fled the country and everyone had assumed that she had met up with Hannibal and Will. 

Either way, it still made her a suspect in the case that the FBI were holding against Hannibal. He also thought about the fact that she could be lying like she did when the pair left two years ago. Still, the call remained circulating through his mind.

It never crossed Jack's mind often, but occasionally he remembered that he dined at Hannibal's with his wife before she died. 

He also thought about the potential that he could've been feeding them human meat as well.

No matter how hard he tried he couldn't shake the eerie feeling that washed over him when he had those thoughts. 

Hannibal's civility was almost unhuman when he thought back to those days of being in the cobalt blue dining room with a glass of blood red wine.

He also found himself thinking about how Hannibal could've mentioned the fact he was a cannibal and he could've just brushed it off as a joke.

He often found himself missing Hannibal's friendship in an odd way.

"Jack? Is now a good time?"

It was Beverly Katz, leaning in the doorway to her boss' office.

"Katz, no, it's not. What have you got for me?"

"So the call was from Bedelia Du Maurier, and has been traced back to a payphone outside Hôtel Liberty. The techies seem to think that either Hannibal and Will or Bedelia are staying there."

They probably wouldn't be able to trace either Hannibal, Will or Bedelia to staying in that hotel, as they obviously would've assumed new identities in order to escape their past lives. Stil, he didn't want to seem ungrateful, as Beverly was trying her best to find out new things to help relieve a pang of guilt that had sat on the shoulders of anyone who had ever worked with either Hannibal or Will.

"Well, its the best lead we've had in two years. Thank you Katz."

"No problem, Jack."

As Beverly left and closed the door behind her, Jack held his head in his hands and sighed. 

He honestly didn't think he would ever run into Hannibal or Will ever again, but here he was, on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean beginning what felt to be another wild goose chase with the light at the end of the tunnel being the capture of two highly dangerous men.

One thought remained in his mind as he sat in the quiet office.

Why was Bedelia only speaking up about the murder duo's location now?

Even if she had been following them for two years, she would've had ample opportunities to call in from a payphone.

That is unless, she knew of somebody that was after them, and being sentenced to death would be a better end that whatever this mystery pursuer has in their mind for them.

He burst into the main office to speak to Beverly about his sudden epiphany.

"What if she thinks or knows that something is going to happen to them?"

"Like what?"

"What if they're being chased or sold to someone, and she wants to prevent it from happening?"

"Sounds like a bit of a stretch, Jack, but it doesn't seem that far fetched considering we traced a payphone call to outside a hotel in the middle of Paris."

He watched a spark behind her eyes light up, and he could tell she was motivated to prove Jack's theory right or wrong. All Katz really needed sometimes was a gentle nudge in the right direction, and then she was well on her way to find out anything she could to help and solve a case.

It's the little things that reminded Jack why he loved his co workers. The jokes, the sympathy they showed, and above all else, their motivation and professionalism that kicked in when it was needed the most.

He really couldn't have asked for a better team.

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