𝕱𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓- 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕺𝖈𝖊𝖆𝖓

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Falling was a strange feeling for Will, which he soon forgot about as he hit the freezing water at the bottom of the cliff.

He didn't notice until later, but Hannibal had positioned himself to take most of the damage from the fall.

His various wounds stung from the salt water as they both used each other as a flotation device as the water around them turned a pinkish colour from all of the blood that was coming from their skin and their clothes.

"What now?" Will asked, his cheek in absolute agony as he treaded water. The gash letting in copious amounts of salt water which was bitter and attacked his tastebuds.

"We go to the boat."

"What boat?"

Hannibal briefly pointed to a decently sized sailboat that resembled Will's own, that was a little bit away from where they currently were, Will also noticed that it also had a motor on it. They both began to swim over, Hannibal with excellent form and Will with a decent swimming ability trailing slightly behind.

As Hannibal pulled himself onto the boat, he helped Will in with a smile. They were both shivering like wet chihuahuas from the cold night air and the sea water.

"Think of a positive Will, at least I won't have to disinfect your wounds quite so much."

Entering the below deck area of the ship, Hannibal walked into the bathroom and took off his wet clothes and swapped them for a silk bathrobe after he dried himself off. He instructed Will to do the same before he started work on both of their wounds.

Hannibal tried to be delicate to Will as he gave him sutures in his face and disinfected his wounds, but it was harder than it looked.  Will still hissed in pain, and was profusely comforted by Hannibal who assured him that it wouldn't hurt for much longer. He gave him little forehead kisses in an attempt to soothe him.

In a strange sense, it was comforting to Will that Hannibal would always be there to help him and keep him alive.

When he was bandaged up, Hannibal began working on his own wounds. Will could see that it was obviously hurting him, and he wanted to do something about it, but he didn't know what to do.

Without thinking, he leant over and kissed Hannibal on the cheek.

Hannibal looked up from tending to his wounds, obviously surprised by Will's gesture. He took his free hand and cupped Will's left cheek, making sure to avoid the side with sutures in it.

For a moment, all of the pain he felt became a little less intense.

"Thank you for that Will."

"You're welcome."


Some hikers discovered a body in a clearing by a house in the early hours of the following morning, and Jack Crawford was notified almost instantly.

Since he didn't have his main profiler, he was sort of lost and he missed Will's company at the crime scene. He just hoped that both he and Hannibal were safe, wherever they were right now.

Beverly Katz was assessing the scene,  and she was drawn to the victim in the centre of the crime scene, probably because of the multiple gouges in his flesh and the missing piece of flesh on his neck.

"Jack, come look at this." Beverly called as Jack walked over. "The vic was slashed and part of his flesh was cannibalized. An animal wouldn't leave a bite mark like that."

Zeller appeared from inside the house with two wine glasses, one of which had a small amount of wine in it. "We can fingerprint these obviously."

Jack nodded.

He stepped into the house and looked around for any other clues. There was a pool of blood on the floor and some smaller droplets on the floor. There was a trail of blood leading out of the window, like the person who was bleeding was thrown. 

"Do you think we can test the blood?" 

"Yeah, there's enough here to identify the victim and attacker three times over."


There was a knife laying on the ground, along with a bloodstained axe. This could also be used for fingerprinting purposes to get a better idea of what went down here.

Searching the area, Beverly came across a discovery that she wished she didn't.

"Jack, it's Hannibal's car with Will's bag in the back of it."

Jack came rushing over and he felt a pit in his stomach.

Maybe Will wasn't so safe after all.


Bedelia Du Maurier knew that Will would run back to his beloved Hannibal sooner or later. She didn't count on it being quite so soon though.

She felt as though something was up when he missed appointment after appointment, and she assumed that he had resumed his mentally damning therapy with Dr. Hannibal Lecter.

She also knew something was up when Jack Crawford from the Baltimore branch of the FBI knocked on her front door asking if she knew where Hannibal and Will were.

"Don't you have anybody better to ask?"

"Well, I thought we could start with you. You've been both Hannibal and Will's therapist, isn't that correct?"

"Yes, but alas, the walls of doctor-patient confidentiality shouldn't be broken under any circumstances."

Jack ignored this remark.

"We have reason to believe Hannibal has gone away with Will, do you have any ideas as to where he would take him?"

Bedelia now had a choice. She could lie, and watch an FBI agent chase his tail for a few weeks, she could tell the truth or she could restate the importance of doctor-patient confidentiality.

She weighed up her options before speaking again.

"Hannibal did say that he wanted to show Will Italy once or twice.Something about the Norman Chapel in Palermo kept coming up in his sessions with me, and I knew that if Will ever confessed his love for Hannibal, that's where they'd go together."

The psychiatrist lied through her teeth. Hannibal wanted to show Will Cuba and he made that very clear that some day he was going to take Will somewhere he'd never been before, and potentially live there.

Jack sighed lightly because as far as he could tell, she was telling him the truth, and that's what he went with.

As he headed back to the FBI, he thought about his time in Italy, which was spent walking the streets with Bella. He missed his wife and he knew something was up, he just didn't know how to approach the subject.

Sometimes he wished he saw Dr. Lecter, because he seemed like a good therapist until he ran away with Will and could potentially be a killer. He just didn't know what to think anymore, and the future scared him.

The forensics team at the FBI were anxiously awaiting Jack's arrival with a treasure trove of new information that could set Chilton free, or punish him harder.

Jack walked through the door and had at least three people talking to him at once.

"Everybody calm down!"

The whole group of babbling investigators closed their mouths.

"Beverly, do you want to fill me in on the current findings?"

She nodded before continuing.

"So obviously there were three different people here at the crime scene on the night of the murder. One of which was Lloyd Peterson, who killed three police officers prior to this. He came down from Delaware and found the other two, who at this point are estimated to be Will and Hannibal when a fight broke out. It seems like Hannibal was shot, then Will was stabbed and thrown outside before the victim, Lloyd, met his end at the hands of Hannibal and Will."

"So where did they go?"

"We're not sure, but we did find some of Will's blood by the cliff which could indicate that-" 

"Hannibal threw him off?"


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