𝕭𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍 𝕭𝖔𝖞 𝕯𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝕾𝖈𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖘

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The silenced gunfire only broke the silence of the night for a split second or two.

It wasn't apparent where the bullets landed until Will collapsed to the ground with a heavy thud. Impulsively, Hannibal fell to the ground with him. Their violent followers seemed to have stop tailing them and Will couldn't help but groan in pain. He was really trying to be quiet in case they returned.

"Where did you get shot?" Hannibal whispers. He can clearly see the pained glint in Will's eyes in the moonlight through the grapevines.

"M-my lower back. I don't think I can walk."

Hannibal took the jacket from his own back and held it to Will's bleeding abdomen. "Could you try and move your leg for me, Will?"

Nothing moved and the sickly sweat of anxiety created an almost-bursting bubble in Hannibal's chest. He tried not to show the jolt of panic off to Will.

As Hannibal began trying to assess the extent of Will's damage, he felt a hand push him away.

"There's no point really."

"If it's a life worth saving, there's always a point."

"Even if I don't bleed out here, there's no point of me living anymore. You wouldn't be able to show me the beautiful places you wanted to show me. I couldn't walk down the aisle. I couldn't walk with you through the immaculate gardens you so desperately wanted me to visit. I couldn't go with you to the Uffizi Gallery and stroll through, looking at the artwork with interlaced hands. You couldn't teach me harpsichord, as I couldn't sit on the same stool as you. We could hardly even sleep in the same bed, let alone with each other. You'd find someone better than me in a heartbeat."

Hannibal sighed, and felt his lower lip quiver ever-so-slightly.

"I wouldn't want anyone better, I would only be able to think of you."

He shuffled Will into his lap and put his arms around him, making sure not to disturb the bleeding wound. He pressed his head gently to Will's hair and inhaled through his nose, closing his eyes. 

Besides the heavy, metallic stench of blood, this was his lover's smell, and it could be the last time he felt this way and held him like this. Tears threatened to fall from Hannibal's eyes.

Will felt Hannibal's arms slightly falter. He sighed with a faint smile and tears in his eyes that slowly made their way down his face.

"We've been together for three years now Hannibal. You should be able to cry in front of me by now."

"I usually wait for you to fall asleep. I don't want to be a burden." 

Hannibal's voice was shaky and he felt a tear roll down his cheek. It was followed by others in quick succession as the pair reminisced of their times together while Will bled out sitting among the grapes in the vineyard. 

It was apparent that Will would take a while to bleed out, so he uttered a phrase he never thought he ever would to Hannibal.

"Could you please end my life?"

"Will, I-"

"I've lost enough blood already Hannibal, I can feel the accompanying shakes and sweat come over me in waves. I'm not going to live, so maybe you could help to ..speed the process up."

A strange sensation went through Hannibal at that moment. It was almost dejavu. He was thinking about Mischa, who he often thought that he'd killed by proxy. He thought back to her small, white teeth being discarded after she was taken out "to play". He should've know she wasn't coming back.

Hannibal knew that Will wanted to be killed right here, but it felt wrong.

Will wasn't rude or deserving of death. He was gentle, he was kind and he was loving. He was everything that he brought out in Hannibal. There were only two people in Hannibal's life that made him feel truly loved, and he was about to lose the last one left alive.

Will didn't know how much blood he was losing, but Hannibal sure did.

The shudders and clammy sweat sticking to his forehead made it obvious that he was going to be gone in the next couple of minutes or so. Hannibal had a plan to placebo kill his lover.

He had a paracetamol packet in his pocket, and under the cover of darkness, Will wouldn't be able to distinguish it from anything. It might've eased the pain everso slightly as well.

"I'm going to give you some Fentanyl, just enough to kill you. You shouldn't feel anything."

He popped four of the pills from the packet and gave them to Will, who swallowed them without any water (which he was accustomed to doing) and smiled to himself.

"Thank you Hannibal. You've made these past three years the best years of my life. You'll never know how much I love you."

"I think I understand, Will,"

He could feel Will begin to slip away.

"I do have one more thing I have to ask of you, my love."

"What is it?"

"Look after Mischa for me up there."

"Of course I will."

In Love and Murder// Hannigram Fanfiction✔Where stories live. Discover now